46 Results for : talbott

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    Lieutenant General Finn Delgado, Oberbefehlshaber der Schattenlegionen, wird vermisst. Aufgebrochen zu einer Inspektionstour durch verschiedene Stützpunkte entlang der Randzone, bricht der Kontakt zum System ab, auf dem er zuletzt gemeldet wurde. In der Terranisch-Republikanischen Liga herrscht höchste Alarmstufe. Als schließlich unbekannte Schiffe über mehreren Welten auftauchen, die der Republik technologisch weit überlegen sind, ruft Präsident Mason Ackland die Generalmobilmachung aus. Hat der unbekannte Gegner etwas mit Delgados Verschwinden zu tun? Colonel Oliver Talbott, Kommandeur der 3. Schattenlegion, rückt mit Sturmkohorte Walkyre aus, das Verschwinden Delgados zu untersuchen. Ihr Auftrag: Den General lebendig zurückbringen oder seinen Tod bestätigen. Denn eines muss unter allen Umständen verhindert werden. Delgado sind sämtliche Einzelheiten der republikanischen Verteidigungspläne bekannt und er darf aus diesem Grund nicht lebendig in Feindeshand fallen. Noch während Sturmkohorte Walkyre aufbricht, reißt der Kontakt zu weiteren Welten ab. Die Republik ist noch damit beschäftigt, sich zum unvermeidlichen Kampf zu rüsten, als auch schon eine Katastrophe gleichermaßen über Menschen wie auch Drizil hereinbricht ...
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 14.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    L'avvocata Sasha McCandless torna in Irrimediabilmente rovinato! Il venerabile studio legale Prescott & Talbott è sconvolto dall'omicidio della socia Ellen Mortenson - presumibilmente per mano del marito separato - quando arriva una fotografia della donna uccisa, con il viso cancellato da una X e "FUORI UNA" scribacchiato sul fondo. Nel giro di qualche giorno, una seconda socia viene assassinata e anche suo marito viene accusato. Sasha non si occupa di diritto penale, per cui si insospettisce quando il suo vecchio studio le chiede di difendere il marito di Ellen. In debito con la Prescott, Sasha accetta l'incarico e presto si ritrova a rappresentare non uno, ma due dei cosiddetti Lady Lawyer Killers, gli uccisori di avvocate. Il carico di lavoro mette a rischio il rapporto di Sasha con Leo Connelly proprio nel momento in cui lui ha più bisogno di lei. Ma quello è l'ultimo dei problemi di Sasha, perché lei non sa che il vero assassino sta portando avanti una vendetta per un vecchio caso conclusosi ingiustamente. E c'è ancora un'avvocata nel suo elenco.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 4.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Taken from George Armstrong Custer's own writings, An Autobiography of General Custer is the “true story” of one of the most praised, most despised, but surely most remembered American military heroes. Indeed, few figures in our history were - in their own time, as well as in our own - so wildly cheered and so roundly hated. Custer’s narration takes us from just after the Civil War, when, having gained a reputation as a bold and inventive leader of the cavalry, Custer was given command of an expedition to help subjugate the Native Peoples of the Great Plains and to force them onto reservations. His story touches on his own court martial and subsequent reinstatement to command. It ends shortly before he embarks upon the campaign that would eventually lead to the Battle of the Little Bighorn and “Custer’s Last Stand.” As Custer was unable to write about his most famous battle, the Autobiography concludes with an 1880s newspaper account of an interview with Sitting Bull himself after his escape to Canada, in which the great Chief looks back on the battle and offers his own point of view. In the evenings, on post and during his various leaves, Custer would sit at the dining room table with his beloved wife, Libby, and together they would compose the various stories of his exploits that would eventually become the book My Life on the Plains, which was a best-seller in its time, and from which this autobiography is largely taken. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jeff Talbott. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/008972/bk_adbl_008972_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Trading Places with Tank Talbott: ab 15.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 15.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    That might sound like the lament a lot of new brides eventually give, but it proved to be horribly true for Marge Farrell (Gloria Talbott), who slowly learns that the increasingly odd behavior of betrothed Bill (Tom Tryon) stems from an alien incursion that's possessed most of the local menfolk. Surprisingly effective sci-fi shocker co-stars Peter Baldwin, Ty Hardin, John Eldredge, Maxie Rosenbloom. 77 min. Widescreen (Enhanced), Soundtrack: English. Region Free
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 45.75 EUR excl. shipping
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    Percy Talbott (Alison Elliott) has had few choices in her twenty something life, but she'll make the most of this one. She's chosen Gilead, Maine, as her new home. The town's Spitfire Grill has offered her a second chance. It's not just the burnt toast at the diner, owned by feisty Hannah Ferguson (Academy Award winner Ellen Burstyn), that has folks wondering about Percy. It's that she's been in prison the last five years. This 1996 Sundance Film Festival Audience Award winner embraces viewers with it's tender spirit. Moving performances, Lee David Zlotoff's sensitive script and direction, the glowing New England landscape coalesce into a movie of genuine and generous feeling.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 20.60 EUR excl. shipping

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