70 Results for : taskmaster

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    SweetPrecious had an exciting summer break, but in this hot eSb Audio Erotica Selection she is glad to be back to class because her Professor is quite the TaskMaster and will teach her an important lesson in control. Will she be able to make it? Dont miss this one.eSb Audio Erotica is different from our DEV© experiences but just as arousing! For those looking for an erotic story with a little something more, look no further than eSb Audio Erotica. These experiences usually run between 10-30 minutes, and while their intent is to arouse and in many cases bring you to orgasm, the choice is ultimately yours. There is no induction, no commands, and usually no aftercare; they are simply designed to bring you along on an adventure through story and sound. Enjoy a new way to experience desire with these hot new selections.Narrated by Sweet Precious.For adults only: sexually explicit language and audio imagery combined with guided suggestion.Warning: do not drive or operate heavy machinery while listening to this program and for at least half an hour afterwards. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sweet Precious. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/smot/000840/bk_smot_000840_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Prepare to submit, body and soul, to the total immersion BDSM training experience that is The Compound. Craving the truly definitive submissive experience she has yearned for all her adult life, Alexis Stewart marshals her courage to commit to a month of training at The Compound. There she is placed in the hands of Master John, a stern Dominant with a reputation as an uncompromising taskmaster. Despite rigorous 24/7 sexual submission, erotic torture, endurance training, and punishment, Alexis smashes again and again against self-imposed walls of resistance that keep her from attaining her goal. Master Paul Evans is well aware of The Compound rule never to get involved with the trainees, and that's never been a problem - until now. From the moment he sees the lovely Alexis, he feels the powerful allure of her sensual beauty and submissive spirit. Will he risk everything to steal her heart? This smoldering mix of dark, edgy BDSM and hidden desires threatens to combust into a firestorm of forbidden passion, lust, and ultimately love. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Josh Walker. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/marz/000067/bk_marz_000067_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Talon Pack continues with a new twist to the Packs and a revelation no one was prepared for. Mitchell Brentwood is aware that others think he's the harsh taskmaster Beta trying to keep his Pack alive, but they only see what he wants them to know. He'd once thought he had his path laid out before him, but when his future was violently ripped away, he vowed he'd never let anyone close again-especially not a young wolf from a traitorous Pack. Dawn Levin may be younger than the war that destroyed her people, but she knows she must still pay for their sins. She's ready to find her way in this new world where wolves and humans blend as one, but first, she needs to fight her attraction to the dark wolf that stands in her way. While the two struggle with their feelings and burning attraction for each other, they can't ignore the world that shakes beneath their feet. There is a new enemy on the horizon, one with revenge and the unknown on their minds. An adversary that might be closer than they realize. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gregory Salinas. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/096734/bk_acx0_096734_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    It's like the meanest, wildest monkey running around my head, constantly looking for ways to bite me. That was how Kirsten Pagacz described her OCD to her therapist on their first session when she was well into her 30s - she'd been following orders from this mean taskmaster for 20 years, without understanding why. Initially the tapping and counting and cleaning and ordering brought her comfort and structure, two things lacking in her family life. But it never lasted; the loathsome self-talk only intensified, and the rituals she had to perform got more bizarre. By high school she was anorexic and a substance abuser - common "shadow syndromes" of OCD. By adulthood she could barely hide her problems and held on to jobs and friends through sheer grit. Help finally came in the form of a miraculously well-timed public service announcement on NPR about OCD. At last her illness had an identity. Leaving the OCD Circus reveals the story of Pagacz's traumatic childhood and the escalation of her disorder, demonstrating how OCD works to misshape a life from a very young age. It also explains the various tools she used for healing, including meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, exposure therapy, and medication. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sutton-Smith, Greg Tremblay. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/inbl/000173/bk_inbl_000173_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    When a distress call summons the crew of the Anastasia to the burning wilderness of Mercury, they are reunited with their old ally, Sondar. He tells them of the beleaguered Mercurians who are held in thrall to a cruel new taskmaster - the Mekon! The exiled Mekon is rallying his forces, plotting a desperate revenge against his former homeworld of Venus and his hated enemy, Colonel Dan Dare! Audio dramatisation based on the Eagle comic strip 'Dan Dare' created by Rev Marcus Morris and Frank Hampson. Dan Dare: The Audio Adventures © B7 Enterprises Limited 2017. All rights reserved. Dan Dare TM © Dan Dare Corporation Limited 2017. All rights reserved. Dan Dare word mark and logo are trademarks of the Dan Dare Corporation Limited and are used under license. The moral right of the Dan Dare Corporation Limited and B7 Enterprises Limited to be identified as having paternity of this work has been asserted. All characters in this production are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All rights of the manufacturer and owner of the recorded work reserved. Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting and copying of these digital recordings is prohibited. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ed Stoppard, Geoff McGivern, Heida Reed, Michael Cochrane, Raad Rawi. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/entn/000294/bk_entn_000294_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    It is 1946, and the eve of the harshest winter for a hundred years. Servicemen are pouring home from the war to a land beset by stringent food and job shortages and a desperate housing crisis. As anti-Polish refugee propaganda reaches its height, Wladyslaw Malinowski, a young veteran of Monte Cassino, now stranded in a resettlement camp on the Somerset Levels, attempts to start a new life on a withy farm in the middle of the wetlands. His taskmaster is Billy Greer, newly de-mobbed, and itching to escape to a job in London. Stella, the local schoolteacher, has been waiting for the return of Lyndon Hanley, a hero of the Burma Campaign. But Lyndon is troubled, elusive, and ultimately unresponsive. When he goes away again, she finds herself falling for the beguiling and irrepressible Wladyslaw. As the country is brought to its knees by blizzards and coal shortages, people start to go hungry and attitudes harden. Then a death occurs on the wetlands, and it seems Wladyslaw, the outsider, will be held responsible. Homeland is Clare Francis's finest achievement. Atmospheric, rich in description, it depicts with dramatic power the turbulence of a country beggared by war, and the uncertainties of the men returning to it. Language: English. Narrator: Simon Russell Beale. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/macm/000331/bk_macm_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In BLACK WIDOW, dem brandneuen actiongeladenen Spionagethriller der Marvel Studios, muss sich Natasha Romanoff, alias „Black Widow“, mit den dunkleren Kapiteln ihrer Lebensgeschichte auseinandersetzen. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Konfrontation steht eine gefährliche Verschwörung, die mit Natashas Vergangenheit verknüpft ist. Verfolgt von einem mächtigen Gegner, der vor nichts zurückschreckt, um sie zu vernichten, muss sich Natasha ihrer Vergangenheit als Spionin stellen – wie auch den zerbrochenen Beziehungen, die sie hinter sich ließ, lange bevor sie sich den Avengers anschloss.Natasha Romanoff alias "Black Widow" (Scarlett Johansson) ist gezwungen, sich mit den dunklen Kapiteln ihrer Lebensgeschichte auseinanderzusetzen. Ausgangspunkt ist eine Verschwörung, die etwas mit Natashas Vergangenheit zu tun haben muss. Dabei wird sie von einem mächtigen Gegner auf die Probe gestellt, der nichts unversucht lässt, um Black Widow zur Strecke zu bringen: Taskmaster, ein hochgefährlicher Widersacher, der die Kampfstile seiner Gegner nachahmen kann. So bleibt ihr nichts anderes übrig, als sich ihrer Vergangenheit als ehemalige Agentin des KGB zu stellen und auch die zerrütteten Beziehungen aufzuarbeiten, die sie lange vor ihrer Zeit bei den Avengers, hinterließ. Dabei helfen ihr ihre Ersatzeltern Alexei Shostakov (David Harbour) und Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz) sowie ihre Black-Widow-Kollegin Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh)...
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    In BLACK WIDOW, dem brandneuen actiongeladenen Spionagethriller der Marvel Studios, muss sich Natasha Romanoff, alias „Black Widow“, mit den dunkleren Kapiteln ihrer Lebensgeschichte auseinandersetzen. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Konfrontation steht eine gefährliche Verschwörung, die mit Natashas Vergangenheit verknüpft ist. Verfolgt von einem mächtigen Gegner, der vor nichts zurückschreckt, um sie zu vernichten, muss sich Natasha ihrer Vergangenheit als Spionin stellen – wie auch den zerbrochenen Beziehungen, die sie hinter sich ließ, lange bevor sie sich den Avengers anschloss.Natasha Romanoff alias "Black Widow" (Scarlett Johansson) ist gezwungen, sich mit den dunklen Kapiteln ihrer Lebensgeschichte auseinanderzusetzen. Ausgangspunkt ist eine Verschwörung, die etwas mit Natashas Vergangenheit zu tun haben muss. Dabei wird sie von einem mächtigen Gegner auf die Probe gestellt, der nichts unversucht lässt, um Black Widow zur Strecke zu bringen: Taskmaster, ein hochgefährlicher Widersacher, der die Kampfstile seiner Gegner nachahmen kann. So bleibt ihr nichts anderes übrig, als sich ihrer Vergangenheit als ehemalige Agentin des KGB zu stellen und auch die zerrütteten Beziehungen aufzuarbeiten, die sie lange vor ihrer Zeit bei den Avengers, hinterließ. Dabei helfen ihr ihre Ersatzeltern Alexei Shostakov (David Harbour) und Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz) sowie ihre Black-Widow-Kollegin Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh)...
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 23.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Red Skull, Ultron und Taskmaster greifen die Stadt an, jeder mit seinem eigenen bösen Plan zur Zerstörung und Beherrschung Um sie aufzuhalten, schließen sich Superhelden wie Captain America, Iron Man und Captain Marvel zusammen. Werden die gemeinsamen Anstrengungen dieser Helden am Ende ausreichen, um die Welt zu retten?Die Welt ist in Gefahr! Finstere Superschurken stiften Unfrieden, reißen die Macht an sich und unterjochen die Menschheit. Bei Marvel United ist es eure Aufgabe, das zu verhindern! Bei Marvel United schlüpfen 2 bis 4 Spieler in die Rolle von Superhelden, die gemeinsam den Masterplan eines Superschurken durchkreuzen. Ihr erschafft eure eigene Geschichte, indem ihr die Karten des Schurken zieht und eure eigenen Heldenkarten ausspielt, um die finsteren Machenschaften des Schurken zu kontern. Mit euren Karten könnt ihr eure Helden bewegen, Zivilisten retten, Verbrecher besiegen, Bedrohungen beseitigen und die besonderen Superkräfte eurer Helden einsetzen. Überlegt euch gut, was ihr ausspielt, denn eure Helden können ihre Fähigkeiten kombinieren, um als perfektes Team zu agieren. In der Zwischenzeit wird der Schurke die Stadt durchstreifen, fleißig an seinen Plänen feilen, Chaos verbreiten, seine Handlanger entsenden und die Helden angreifen. Erst wenn die notwendigen Missionen abgeschlossen sind, können die Helden den Schurken direkt angreifen und endgültig besiegen!60734900_scre_1.jpg Detailreiche Figuren Familienspiel mit einfachen Regeln Einzigartige Illustrationen
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 38.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    A famous fiddler has been kilt. A magic garden's left to wilt. Does Fiona Knox's father hold the guilt? Will florist Fiona's blood be spilt? World-famous fiddle player Barley McFee arrives in blustery Bellewick, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, for a grand homecoming concert organized by jeweler Bernice Brennan. Fiona Knox, owner of the Climbing Rose Flower Shop, is starting to regret volunteering to help with the concert. Bernice is an exacting taskmaster, and Fiona has enough tension dealing with her parents, who have traveled from Tennessee to visit Fi and her younger sister, Isla, and to reveal a secret about Fi's birth. But when Barley is found dead in his trailer during the concert's intermission, and his death is shockingly tied to Fiona's father, Fiona discovers there are more secrets surrounding her family than she realized.  Much to the chagrin of handsome Neil Craig, Chief Inspector of the County Aberdeen Police, Fiona delves into the case to clear her father's name. To make matters worse, Fiona learns that Duncreigan, the magical garden that she inherited from her godfather, is dying. At some point during the concert, someone broke into the garden and cut the centuries-old climbing rose - the source of the garden's magic - from the standing stone.  The stakes are higher than ever and Fiona could lose all that she's grown unless she's able to dispel this terrible curse and dig up the truth - fast. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Eilidh Beaton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/029819/bk_adbl_029819_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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