56 Results for : walling
Die sozialrechtliche Fallbearbeitung
"Wie löse ich einen Rechtsfall Sozialrecht? Was muss ich beachten, welche Hilfsmittel setze ich ein und welche Rechtsquellen muss ich heranziehen?"- Diese Fragen stellen sich viele, die sich in die komplexe Materie einarbeiten wollen. Hier setzt das praktische Lehr- und Trainingsbuch von Fabian Walling an.Dieses Buch ist sowohl für Studierende an Fach- und Verwaltungsfachhochschulen geeignet als auch für Auszubildende im Bereich der Sozialversicherung und für Beschäftigte von Sozialversicherungsträgern.Der erste Teil führt systematisch in die Methodik der Fallbearbeitung im sozialrechtlichen Verwaltungsverfahren ein. Dabei führt der Autor den Leser an die gutachterliche Denkweise heran und zeigt auf, mit welchen Schritten er sich der Lösung sozialrechtlicher Problemstellungen nähern kann.Im zweiten Teil werden 25 konkrete Fälle mit Ausgangslage, Aufgabenstellung und Lösungsvorschlägen ausführlich dargestellt. Die praxisnahen Fälle sollen die Leserinnen und Leser dazu befähigen, ausgewählte Strategien zur Problemlösung im sozialrechtlichen Verwaltungsverfahren auf konkrete Sachverhalte anzuwenden. Dadurch eignet sich das Buch auch ideal für die Klausurvorbereitung.Darüber hinaus enthält das Buch viele ergänzende Hinweise und Hilfsmittel wie Aufbauschemata und Übersichten.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 39.10 EUR excl. shipping
Dark Harmony: Fairmont Riding Academy, Book 2: A Vivienne Taylor Horse Lover's Mystery , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 553min
As 17-year-old Vivienne Taylor returns to Fairmont Riding Academy for the second semester, she just wants to get past the drama that dominated her first months at the school. Reunited with her beloved horse, Harmony, Vivvie vows to focus on riding, particularly with the announcement that a select group of students will be chosen to compete at a Three Day Event in Kentucky, with access to world-class coaches afterwards. Making the team is exactly what Vivvie needs to get to the next level. Yet she’s hardly back before her talent for reading the animals’ minds gives her a slew of troubling insights, not the least of which is that certain horses seem to be walling themselves off from her. The horses make her increasingly suspicious of everything from new student Joel’s actions to her boyfriend’s troubled past. But it’s not until someone incredibly close to Vivvie goes missing that she realizes she must seek out the truth no matter the risks. As Vivvie trains for the hyper-competitive Three Day Event, she must not only solve the mysteries around her and tune into the horses she loves so much, but she must listen to her own heart, too. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Amy McFadden. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/brll/006093/bk_brll_006093_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Start Small, Stay Small: A Developer's Guide to Launching a Startup , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 272min
Start Small, Stay Small is a step-by-step guide to launching a self-funded start-up. If you're a desktop, mobile, or web developer, this audiobook is your blueprint to getting your start-up off the ground with no outside investment. This audiobook intentionally avoids topics restricted to venture-backed start-ups such as: honing your investment pitch, securing funding, and figuring out how to use the piles of cash investors keep placing in your lap. This audiobook assumes: You don't have six million dollars of investor funds sitting in your bank accountYou're not going to relocate to the handful of start-up hubs in the worldYou're not going to work 70-hour weeks for low pay with the hope of someday making millions from stock optionsThere's nothing wrong with pursuing venture funding and attempting to grow fast like Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Facebook. It just so happens that most people are not in a place to do this. Start Small, Stay Small also focuses on the single most important element of a start-up that most developers avoid: marketing. There are many great resources for learning how to write code, organize source control, or connect to a database. This audiobook does not cover the technical aspects developers already know or can learn elsewhere. It focuses on finding your idea, testing it before you build, and getting it into the hands of your customers. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Rob Walling. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/136036/bk_acx0_136036_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Keeping Your Sh*t Together: How to Run Your Business Without Letting It Run You , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 354min
You run a business. And running a business is hard. The burden of responsibility, the weight of stress, and the loneliness of running your business are a far cry from your friends who work salaried jobs. The path of least resistance is to let the stress and isolation of starting, running, and growing a business infiltrate most aspects of your life. Over and over, we've watched our fellow entrepreneurs succumb to the mental toll and chaos of running a business. We've also experienced it firsthand as we've launched and grown our own businesses. Why do I need this audiobook? You want to invest in yourself (and consequently, your business). You want to learn proven strategies and techniques to overcome the challenges that cause you heartburn. You want to get off the treadmill of stress and isolation that entrepreneurship brings. You want to prevent burnout, depression, isolation, and the emergence of damaging coping strategies and self-sabotaging choices. Every aspect of this audiobook is a pairing of psychological expertise with decades of entrepreneurial experience. Here are just a few takeaways: New ways to deal with the responsibility and anxiety that go along with being an entrepreneur How a single shift in mindset can make a lifelong difference in your success and fulfillment Why knowing yourself and where you came from is crucial to your success How to succeed as an entrepreneur no matter your personality type How to keep stress from ruining your life and relationships Identifying and dealing with anxiety, burnout, and other common psychological burdens How to get more things done - and faster Staying connected with your significant other, friends, and colleagues How to deal with overwhelming success and (seemingly) massive failures How to find personal calm ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sherry Walling. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/110617/bk_acx0_110617_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Narrows: A Harry Bosch Novel, Book 10: Booktrack Edition , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 661min
The Narrows: A Harry Bosch Novel, Book 10: Booktrack Edition adds an immersive musical soundtrack to your audiobook listening experience!*Booktrack editions are essentially a new genre of digital storytelling entertainment. Music and ambient audio are added to complement and enhance the audiobook experience. It is a synchronized movie-style soundtrack that complements the narration of existing audiobooks; the tempo and rhythm of the score harmonize with action, dialogue and the characters' emotional arcs.FBI agent Rachel Walling finally gets the call she's dreaded for years, the one that tells her the Poet has surfaced. She has never forgotten the serial killer who wove lines of poetry in his hideous crimes - and apparently he has not forgotten her.Former LAPD detective Harry Bosch gets a call, too - from the widow of an old friend. Her husband's death seems natural, but his ties to the hunt for the Poet make Bosch dig deep. Arriving at a derelict spot in the California desert where the feds are unearthing bodies, Bosch joins forces with Rachel. Now the two are at odds with the FBI...and squarely in the path of the Poet, who will lead them on a wicked ride out of the heat, through the narrows of evil, and into a darkness all his own...*Booktrack is an immersive format that pairs traditional audiobook narration to complementary music. The tempo and rhythm of the score are in perfect harmony with the action and characters throughout the audiobook. Gently playing in the background, the music never overpowers or distracts from the narration, so listeners can enjoy every minute. When you purchase this Booktrack edition, you receive the exact narration as the traditional audiobook available, with the addition of music throughout. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Len Cariou. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hach/003602/bk_hach_003602_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Contemporaries: Travels in the 21st-Century Art World , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 527min
It's been nearly a century since Marcel Duchamp exhibited a urinal and called it art. Since then painting has been declared dead several times over, and contemporary art has now expanded to include just about any object, action, or event: dance routines, slideshows, functional hair salons, seemingly random accretions of waste. In the meantime being an artist has gone from a join-the-circus fantasy to a plausible vocation for scores of young people in America. But why - and how and by whom - does all this art get made? How is it evaluated? And for what, if anything, will today's artists be remembered? In The Contemporaries, Roger White, himself a young painter, serves as our spirited, skeptical guide through this diffuse, creative world. White takes us into the halls of the RISD graduate program, where students learn critical lessons that go far beyond how to apply paint to canvases. In New York we meet the neophytes who assist established artists - and who walk the fine line between "assistance" and "making the art". In Milwaukee White trails a group of friends trying to create a viable scene where rent is cheap but where the spotlight rarely shines. And he gives us an intimate perspective on three wildly different careers: that of Dana Schutz, an emerging star who is revitalizing painting; that of Mary Walling Blackburn, whose challenging art defies market forces; and that of Stephen Kaltenbach, a '70s wunderkind who is back on the critical radar, perhaps in spite of his own willful obscurity. From young artists trying to elbow their way in to those working hard at dropping out, White's essential audiobook offers a once-in-a-generation glimpse of the inner workings of the American art world at a moment of unparalleled ambition, uncertainty, and creative exuberance. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tom Parks. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/021263/bk_adbl_021263_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Walled States, Waning Sovereignty (eBook, PDF)
Why, just two decades after international celebrations of the fall of the Berlin Wall, are so many nation-states building elaborate walls at or near their borders? Why walls now, given growing global connectedness and given the general imperviousness of late modern powers - from capital to religion to terror - to physical blockading? How do walls shore up an imago of sovereign statehood and to what extent do they fortify reactionary national imaginaries? What do the new walls perform symbolically, materially, psychically?In Walled States, Waning Sovereignty, Wendy Brown reflects on the proliferation of nation-state walls in a time of eroded nation-state sovereignty and intensifying transnational powers unleashed by globalization. A leading theorist of neoliberalism, Brown argues that although the new walls may demarcate existent or aspirational nation-state boundaries, they do not arise as fortresses against invading national armies or even as articulations of sovereign statehood.Rather, in a post-Westphalian context of increasing nonstate transnational actors and powers, the new walls consecrate the very boundary corruption they would contest as well as signify the contemporary limitations of national and global governance by law or political dictate. Even as walls theatrically display nation-state sovereignty, they index with equal force the decline of sovereign state power.In a rare combination of powerful theory and precise historical, political, and economic analysis, Walled States, Waning Sovereignty provides a new - indeed the first - account of nation-state walling as a distinctive contemporary phenomenon. For Brown, the frenzy of wall building today reveals crucial predicaments of political power and desire emerging from the waning of sovereignty, including new political legitimacy deficits, new citizen anxieties, and new fusions of state and non-state violence.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 12.95 EUR excl. shipping
50 Schlüsselideen Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Eine Entdeckungsreise zu den Spielregeln und Kräften von Märkten und SystemenDie unsichtbare Hand - Angebot und Nachfrage - Die Bevölkerungsfalle - Opportunitätskosten - Handlungsanreize - Arbeitsteilung - Komparative Vorteile - Kapitalismus - Keynesianismus - Monetarismus - Kommunismus - Individualismus - Angebotsökonomik - Die Revolution des Marginalismus - Geld - Mikro und Makro - Bruttoinlandsprodukt - Zentralbanken und Zinssätze - Inflation - Schulden und Deflation - Steuern - Arbeitslosigkeit - Währungen und Wechselkurse - Zahlungsbilanz - Vertrauen und Gesetz - Energie und Erdöl - Rentenmärkte - Banken - Aktien - Derivatemärkte - Auf- und Abschwung - Renten und der Wohlfahrtsstaat - Der Geldmarkt - Spekulationsblasen - Kreditklemmen - Schöpferische Zerstörung - Wohneigentum und Immobilienpreise - Haushaltsdefizite - Ungleichheit - Globalisierung - Multilateralismus - Protektionismus - Technische Revolutionen - Entwicklungsökonomie - Umweltökonomie - Verhaltensökonomie - Spieltheorie - Kriminalökonomie - Glücksökonomie - Ökonomie im 21. Jahrhundert_____Was genau ist eine Kreditklemme? Warum verdienen Fußballer und Formel-1-Rennfahrer so viel Geld? Welches Land wird in 10 Jahren die führende Volkswirtschaft sein? Und auf welch vielfältige Weise beeinflusst die Ökonomie unseren Alltag?Edmund Conway beschreibt und erklärt die zentralen Konzepte der Wirtschaftswissenschaft in 50 leicht verständlichen und anregenden Essays. Von den grundlegenden Theorien, wie Adam Smith's "unsichtbarer Hand" und dem Gesetz von Angebot und Nachfrage, bis hin zu den jüngsten Forschungen über die Beziehung zwischen Wohlstand und Glück oder den volkswirtschaftlichen Trends der Zukunft schlägt das Buch einen weiten Bogen und liefert somit das Rüstzeug, um Wirtschaftsbooms und Finanzkrisen, Märkte und Machtverhältnisse, Börsen und Banken besser zu verstehen.Mit seinen zahlreichen aus dem Leben gegriffenen Beispielen und vielen Zitaten einflussreicher Denker veranschaulicht 50 Schlüsselideen Wirtschaftswissenschaft , welchen Einfluss die Wirtschaft auf nahezu jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens hat, sei es der Kauf eines Hauses oder das morgendliche Frühstück. In Zeiten, in denen ökonomische Themen die Schlagzeilen beherrschen, bietet dieses Buch die perfekte Hintergrundlektüre._____Weitere Bände der Reihe:50 Schlüsselideen Mathematik (Tony Crilly) - 50 Schlüsselideen Physik (Joanne Baker) - 50 Schlüsselideen Genetik (Mark Henderson) - 50 Schlüsselideen Philosophie (Ben Dupré) - 50 Schlüsselideen Psychologie (Adrian Furnham) - 50 Schlüsselideen Management (Edward Russell-Walling) - 5 0 Schlüsselideen Religion (Peter Stanford)- Shop: buecher
- Price: 13.99 EUR excl. shipping
50 Schlüsselideen Religion
Eine Entdeckungsreise zu den Religionen der Welt und in die Sphäre von Glauben und SpiritualitätDas gottförmige Vakuum - Heilige Texte - Gut und Böse - Leben und Tod - Die Goldene Regel - Riten und Rituale - Das Leben Jesu - Gott und Mammon - Reformation - Das Papsttum - Schuld und Frauenfeindlichkeit - Der Heilige Geist - Heilige und Sünder - Orthodoxie - Luther und seine Nachfolger - Die Anglikanische Kirche - Die Methodisten - Die Baptisten - Reformierte Kirchen - Sekten und Kultgemeinschaften - Entrückung - Das Jüdischsein - Jüdische Durchgangsriten - Die Kabbala - Antisemitismus - Die Geburt des Islam - Die Säulen des Islam - Sunniten und Schiiten - Das Herz des Islam - Der militante Islam - Die vielen Gesichter des Hinduismus - Anbetung im Hinduismus - Samsara - Der Jainismus - Sikhismus - Buddha und der Bodhi-Baum - Schulen des Buddhismus - Das buddhistische Lebensrad - Konfuzianismus - Konfuzius und die Kommunisten - Der Taoismus - Der Schintoismus - Moderne Glaubensrichtungen - Religion und Naturwissenschaft - Atheismus - Verwalter der Schöpfung - Der gerechte Krieg - Der Missionsdrang - Spiritualität - Die Zukunft der Religion_____Religionen und ihre Rolle in der Welt zu verstehen, erscheint heute - mehr denn je - unverzichtbar. Die Glaubensüberzeugungen von etwa 2 Milliarden Christen, 1,2 Milliarden Muslimen, 800 Millionen Hindus und 700 Millionen Anhängern anderer Religionen beeinflussen den Lauf der Weltgeschichte in vielen Aspekten: Krieg und Frieden, Ethik, Politik, Fortpflanzung, Familie und gesellschaftliche Strukturen über sämtliche Zivilisationen und Kontinente hinweg.50 Schlüsselideen Religion widmet sich den zentralen Fragen der Religion und rückt falsche Vorstellungen über die verschiedenen Glaubenssysteme zurecht.Was ist die "Goldene Regel" und wie verbindet sie gläubige Menschen? - Welche Rolle spielen Riten und Rituale für den Zusammenhalt der Glaubensgemeinschaften? - Wie kam es zur Spaltung zwischen Katholiken und Protestanten, und was bedeutet dies für uns heute? - Was bedeutet Jüdischsein? - Was trennt Sunniten und Schiiten? - Welche Antworten geben verschiedene religiöse Traditionen auf die ewigen Rätsel von Leben und Tod und auf die Frage, wie man leben soll? - Welche Zukunft hat die Religion?Mit solchen und vielen weiteren Fragen befasst sich der preisgekrönte Autor Peter Stanford in dieser verständlich geschriebenen und lehrreichen Einführung. Das Buch setzt sich zunächst mit den heiligen Texten, dem Prinzip des Göttlichen und dem Problem von Gut und Böse auseinander und beleuchtet dann die verschiedenen Traditionen in Christentum, Islam, Judentum und den vielfältigen asiatischen Religionssystemen. Es wird jeden ansprechen, der eine der wirkmächtigsten und dauerhaftesten Kräfte im Zusammenleben der Menschen besser verstehen möchte._____Weitere Bände der Reihe:50 Schlüsselideen Mathematik (Tony Crilly) - 50 Schlüsselideen Physik (Joanne Baker) - 50 Schlüsselideen Genetik (Mark Henderson) - 50 Schlüsselideen Philosophie (Ben Dupré) - 50 Schlüsselideen Psychologie (Adrian Furnham) - 50 Schlüsselideen Management (Edward Russell-Walling) - 50 Schlüsselideen Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Edmund Conway)- Shop: buecher
- Price: 13.99 EUR excl. shipping
Unusual Life of Edna Walling
Unusual Life of Edna Walling: ab 24.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 24.49 EUR excl. shipping