78 Results for : 000267
Ein ganz besonderer Tag: Schlaumeier 6, Hörbuch, Digital, 40min
Das Feuer hat im Wald einigen Schaden angerichtet. Doch bis zum Herbstwaldfest muss alles wieder blitzblank sein! Für alle fleißigen Helfer hat Vater Fuchs eine tolle Überraschung: Der Haustier-Zirkus wird beim Fest eine Vorstellung geben! Unter den Zirkustieren ist auch ein kleiner Clown, das Kätzchen Katinka. Sie erlebt im Königswald den schönsten Tag ihres Lebens. Der aufgeweckte kleine Fuchs Schlaumeier lebt mit dem Frosch Magerquark, dem Reh Bambini, dem Hund Struppi und vielen anderen Tieren im Königswald. Gemeinsam erleben sie spannende und lehrreiche Abenteuer. Praxisnah - pädagogisch wertvoll - persönlichkeitsfördernd: Das ist das Konzept dieser drolligen Hörspielserie. Die Rollen und ihre Sprecher: Schlaumeier: Judith Süßenbach, Hasenfuß: Timo Scharnowski, Bambini: Siri Schütz, Zipp: Hanna Thiesing, Zapp: Jonas Thiesing, Magerquark: Paul Staat, Felix: Tim Aldermann, Katinka: Celina Schütz, Pfarrer Dachs: Patrick Depuhl, Direktor Bassi: Jean-Quentin Reyrat, Kater Willi: Bongo Fiesling, Sprecherin: Martina Staat. deutsch. Martina Staat, Judith Süßenbach. https://samples.audible.de/bk/gert/000267/bk_gert_000267_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Ten Men , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 593min
The Director wants her for his film. The Billionaire wants her to want for nothing. The Lord wants to make her his Lady, while the Actor wants her all to himself. And what the Virgin wants...well...she can give him that only once. But who does she want? And where will she find him?Alexandra Gray's wickedly entertaining novel introduces a heroine for our times and the ten men she meets on her quest for romantic perfection. From the Virgin to the elusive Mr. X, she dares to daly with the men that the rest of us regard with trepidation. But when the Actor has been dumped, and the Lover is left longing, who is it that she really loves?Ten Men lays bare the rules of sex, class, and power in the 21-century dating game. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Nicky Talacko. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/000267/bk_boli_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Getting a Job in Tough Times Without a College Degree , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 94min
Do you lack a four year college degree? Is it hurting your job search? Do you have little or no experience, or find yourself in a large pool of competitors due to corporate layoffs? You'll gain competitive advantage to stand out from other applicants and get a great job sooner, rather than later. In this audio, you will: Learn the huge problem employers are experiencing that you can solve; Use skills and qualities you already possess to give yourself competitive advantage; How to craft a great resume when you don't have much to say; and How you can win a job before you sit down to interview. John Murphy, author of "Success Without a College Degree," went from sweeping floors in a computer lab to Director of Sales and Support for an international software company. He's dedicated his career to helping those who lack a four-year college degree to get jobs, make more money, and achieve success. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: John Murphy. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/made/000267/bk_made_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Shifting Stars , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 677min
In a remote cabin, Skye Macdonald lived in a special world where her mixed blood was a blessing, a loving symbol of the union between her Native American mother and Scottish father. She grew strong and healthy, tall like her grandmother, and she learned the ways of the Highlanders and the Lakota.After a mountain lion took her mother, Skye, who would soon be a woman, was more than her grieving father could handle. So he took her to the summer camp of Turtle Woman's band, where Skye could learn from her grandmother the ways of womanhood. But what Skye learns of love and revenge will be of far greater consequence for her and the Lakota than either expects.Her mother's people believe that her birth under a comet, one of the "Shifting Stars", makes her the "great woman warrior" of prophecy. Skye's strength and skill grow rapidly, and soon she must face this destiny, learning finally that to be a woman warrior has little to do with fighting and everything to do with spirit. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stephanie Brush. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bimo/000267/bk_bimo_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Spanish in a Day, Hörbuch, Digital, 67min
Heading off on holiday or a business trip? Looking for a language safety net to get yourself out of sticky situations? Fed up not knowing how to order a drink or a meal? Join Elisabeth Smith and her student Andy for an in-flight Spanish lesson as they head off abroad. This course is fast, fun and easy. There’s no grammar or writing practice. Instead it focuses on practical spoken Spanish so you can communicate with ease. -Learn the 50 most essential words and phrases; just what you need to be understood and enjoy your trip.-Practical and useful topics - get the language you need for ordering food, asking for directions and more.-Start speaking Spanish quickly; learn all you need in just one day! Elisabeth Smith has sold over one million copies of her Teach Yourself books, CDs, DVDs and apps in 11 different languages. Her entertaining and practical approach has helped people all around the world to learn a language they can use. Now it’s your turn! Language: English. Narrator: Elisabeth Smith. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hodd/000267/bk_hodd_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Rules of Inheritance , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 455min
A powerful and exhilarating story of life and loss. In this astonishing debut, Claire Bidwell Smith, an only child, is just fourteen years old when both of her charismatic parents are diagnosed with cancer. What follows is a coming-of-age story that is both heartbreaking and exhilarating. As Claire hurtles towards loss she throws herself at anything she thinks might help her cope with the weight of this harsh reality: boys, alcohol, traveling, and the anonymity of cities like New York and Los Angeles. By the time she is twenty-five years old they are both gone and Claire is very much alone in the world. Claire's story is less of a tragic tale and more of a remarkable lesson on how to overcome some of life's greatest hardships. Written with suspense and style, and bursting with love and adventure, The Rules of Inheritance vividly captures the deep grief and surprising light of a young woman forging ahead on a journey of loss that humbled, strengthened, and ultimately healed her. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Claire Bidwell Smith. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/head/000267/bk_head_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Energy Healing: Kundalini, Angels and Reiki and Super Conciousness, Hörbuch, Digital, 87min
Transformation of Body, Mind, and Soul! An invisible force runs through our human form and connects us with a higher state of awareness. By understanding this energy we can realize our full potential and transcend to a more fulfilled state full of wonder, joy and spiritual enlightenment. By understanding and being at peace within ourselves, we can create a higher quality of life for ourselves thereby positively affecting those we love and care for. Join the world renowned experts on Kundalini, Alchemy, Light Energy, and more. Discover what our ancestors knew in ancient times and their sacred connection to nature and Gaia, the heartbeat of mother earth. We are all made of light and have the power to transcend above our sometimes mundane daily struggles and problems. As we connect with our higher selves we are able to heal ourselves, and thus become better husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, and friends. Realize the divine within yourself! Empower yourself to overcome fear and other obstacles that are delaying your Happiness! All you have to do is begin. Language: English. Narrator: Reality Entertainment. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/real/000267/bk_real_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Daniel Deronda: Penguin English Library, Hörbuch, Digital, 335min
Penguin Classics presents George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda, adapted for audio and available as a digital download as part of the Penguin English Library series. Read by the actress Eleanor Bron. "What can I do.... I must get up in the morning and do what everyone else does. It is all like a dance set beforehand. I seem to see all that can be - and I am tired and sick of it. And the world is all confusion to me." George Eliot’s last, most controversial novel opens as the spoiled Gwendolen Harleth, poised at a roulette table about to throw away a small fortune, captivates Daniel Deronda. As their lives become intertwined, they are also transformed by suffering, misfortune, revelations and Daniel’s fascination with the Jewish singer Mirah. Daniel Deronda shocked Victorian readers with its portrayal of the Jewish experience in British society, and remains a moving and epic portrayal of human passions. Part of a series of vintage recordings taken from the Penguin Archives. Affordable, collectable, quality productions - perfect for on-the-go listening. Language: English. Narrator: Eleanor Bron. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/pauk/000267/bk_pauk_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Spotlight Audio - Classic Florida. 5/2015: Englisch lernen Audio - Florida, Hörbuch, Digital, 58min
In der Mai-Ausgabe von Spotlight Audio folgen Sie der Sonne bis ins schöne Florida und erforschen die Westküste des "Sonnenschein-Staates". Im Sprachenteil bekommen Sie Tipps zu erprobten Hörtechniken, damit Sie lernen, die Informationen, die für Sie wichtig sind, herauszufiltern. Und Sie lernen, wie Sie am besten auf Missverständnisse reagieren. Englisch lernen mit "Spotlight Audio"! Inhalt: Audio-Download inkl. 28-seitigem Booklet mit allen gesprochenen Texten zum Nachlesen und zweisprachigem Glossar (PDF-Format), Sprache: Englisch, Erscheinungsweise: Monatlich. Hören und Verstehen ist der beste Weg zum perfekten Englisch. Das englische Sprachtraining bietet Ihnen in ca. 60 Minuten interessante Beiträge, Interviews und Hintergrundberichte aus der gesamten englischsprachigen Welt. Die Texte werden von Muttersprachlern vorgetragen. Ob British English, American English, verschiedene Dialekte und Ausdrucksweisen - mit Spotlight Audio lernen Sie ganz leicht die verschiedenen Facetten der englischen Sprache kennen. Neben O-Ton-Interviews und Kultur-Tipps enthält jeder Audio-Download eine umfangreiche journalistische Reportage und einen sprachlichen Schwerpunkt zu englischer Grammatik und englischem Wortschatz. In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material. deutsch. div.. https://samples.audible.de/bk/spot/000267/bk_spot_000267_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Grayson , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 164min
An early-morning workout becomes an enchanting adventure when a record-holding swimmer reunites a baby whale and its mother. An inspiring, irresistible story for all ages, from the beloved author of Swimming to Antarctica. It's five o'clock in the morning and still dark. Swimming outside the wave break off the Catalina coast, training for her next long-distance swim (she has already crossed the English Channel twice), 17-year-old Lynne Cox senses that something is following her. She worries that it might be a great white shark. Instead, it's a baby gray whale, separated from its mother on their journey to the Bering Sea 8,000 miles away. Lynne needs to leave the water to rest, but she knows that if she does, the calf will follow her onto shore and die. To save its life, she must reunite mother and calf in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. Miracles happen now and then. Sometimes we recognize them when they occur; sometimes it takes years of experience to understand. Looking back on that chilly morning, a beloved author and inspirational speaker shares her personal story of love, hope, loss, and faith. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Lynne Cox. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/high/000267/bk_high_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping