100 Results for : brandeis
Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898-1944) geboren als Jüdin in Wien, zählt zu den bedeutendsten Schülerinnen des Weimarer Bauhauses. 1934 wird Friedl, die im illegalen Widerstand tätig ist, inhaftiert. Danach emigriert sie nach Prag, wo sie sich der realistischen Malerei zuwendet, Emigrantenkinder in Kunst unterrichtet und ihren Cousin Pavel Brandeis heiratet. Ein Visum nach Palästina, nur für sie allein, schlägt sie aus. Nach Jahren der Erniedrigungen und Schikanen durch die antijüdischen Gesetze werden beide im Dezember 1942 ins Ghetto Theresienstadt deportiert. Dort gibt Friedl den Kindern Zeichenunterricht und setzt sich unermüdlich für sie ein. Am 9. Oktober 1944 wird die Künstlerin in Auschwitz-Birkenau vergast.In ihrem biografischen Roman zeichnet Makarova die Epoche zwischen den Weltkriegen aus Sicht der Ich-Erzählerin nach und lässt eine ganze Generation von Künstlerinnen wiedererstehen.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 32.90 EUR excl. shipping
Other Peoples Money and How the Bankers Use It - MP3 CD Audiobook , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 312min
Other People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It is a collection of essays by Louis D. Brandeis that first appeared in Harper’s Weekly between November 22, 1913 and January 17, 1914 and published in book form in 1914. Other People’s Money takes to task the small cadre of investment bankers led by J.P. Morgan & Co. and known as the “Money Trust”, who would treat an ordinary person’s money on deposit as their own to use to control the banks, trusts, life insurance companies, and public service and industrial corporations that dominated American business. Brandeis marshaled an exhaustive amount of detailed research to describe the exact extent of the holdings, the interlocking directorships, the interdependence and the resulting degree of control. In doing so he exposes the principles and practices that stifle competition and lead to self-dealing and excessive enrichment. He explains clearly how they inhibit creativity and progress, foster inefficiency, and go against the grain of fundamental ideas of liberty crucial to America’s identity. His book is a warning and an analysis of the dangers to society when a small percentage of people control the yeoman’s portion of the wealth. The consolidation of production and distribution in too few hands is a recipe for oligarchy, and no republic or democracy can thrive when it allows for such an entitled, favored, exempt and all but immune aristocracy whose bloodlines are bank accounts and whose manners are defined solely by what the markets allow. His warnings reverberate eerily today in light of the practices that so damaged the American economy in 2008. At times one feels that nothing much has changed except the decimal points in the numbers. Viewed in this light, Brandeis’ writing has never been more relevant, more prophetic, or more on-point. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: D S Harvey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/188350/bk_acx0_188350_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Politisch verführt (eBook, ePUB)
Als am Vorabend einer wichtigen Spendenveranstaltung der Senator plötzlich mit seiner aktuellen Geliebten durchbrennt, bleibt es an Christian Chatsworth-Brandeis hängen, das Verschwinden seines Bosses zu verschleiern. Zum Glück sieht Stone, der neue Bodyguard des Senators, diesem einigermaßen ähnlich, sodass er nach einem kleinen Umstyling als Double einspringt. Doch die starke Anziehung zwischen Christian und Stone erschwert es ihnen zunehmend, ihre Scharade aufrechtzuerhalten... Band 12 der BELOVED Romantik-Reihe. Buch ist in sich abgeschlossen.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping
A Clash of Heroes
A Clash of Heroes ab 81.99 € als pdf eBook: Brandeis Weizmann and American Zionism. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Belletristik, Erzählungen,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 81.99 EUR excl. shipping
The Right to Privacy , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 102min
The Right to Privacy is an article that appeared in the Harvard Law Review on December 15, 1890, that is considered the first document that argued for the inherent right to privacy, defining the right as one of the natural rights, the “right to be left alone”.The authorship is credited to both Louis Brandeis and his law partner, Samuel Warren, but the article was apparently written mostly by Brandeis. The article was inspired by the coverage of intimate details of private lives made possible by the use of instantaneous photography and the mass circulation of newspapers.The core argument is an extension of the fundamental right of the individual to full protection in person and property and notes that the principle is continually reconfigured in light of political, social, and economic change, in much the same way that protection against bodily injury came to include fear of injury in addition to actual injury, and that property grew to add intangible property to tangible property.The article examines libel, slander, and intellectual property law as possible protections and finds them inadequate, proceeding to examine case law and attempt to define privacy itself and finally imposes limitations on the protection.While short by contemporary standards, "The Right to Privacy" has been called one of the most influential essays in the history of American law and is especially relevant today as new technologies and business models seek ever more personal data and threats of terror invoke escalating surveillance tactics. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Douglas Harvey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/211926/bk_acx0_211926_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Double Liminality
Double Liminality ab 48.99 € als Taschenbuch: Questioning Religious Identity at Brandeis University. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Theologie,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 48.99 EUR excl. shipping
Beyond Klimt
Die Zeit zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen ist in der Kunst geprägt von internationaler Vernetzung abseits neuer politischer und ideologischer Grenzen. Es findet ein reger künstlerischer Austausch statt, aus dem heraus sich konstruktive, expressionistische und fantastische Tendenzen entwickeln. Eine wichtige Rolle spielen dabei zunehmend Zeitschriften, über die sich neue Positionen verbreiten. Der Ausbruch des II. Weltkriegs setzt diesen kosmopolitischen Künstlernetzwerken ein jähes Ende. Der Band führt durch die faszinierende, künstlerisch fruchtbare Epoche der Zwischenkriegsjahre.Mit Werken von rund 80 Künstler_innen, u.a. Josef Capek, Friedl Dicker-Brandeis, Albin Egger-Lienz, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, Koloman Moser, Antonin Prochaska, Egon Schiele, Lajos Tihanyi u.v.m.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 45.00 EUR excl. shipping
Dissent and the Supreme Court: Its Role in the Court's History and the Nation's Constitutional Dialogue , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1163min
From the admired judicial authority, author of Louis D. Brandeis ("Remarkable" - Anthony Lewis, The New York Review of Books; "Monumental" - Alan M. Dershowitz, The New York Times Book Review), Division and Discord, and Supreme Decisions - Melvin Urofsky's major new audiobook looks at the role of dissent in the Supreme Court and the meaning of the Constitution through the greatest and longest lasting public-policy debate in the country's history, among members of the Supreme Court, between the Court and the other branches of government, and between the Court and the people of the United States. Urofsky writes of the necessity of constitutional dialogue as one of the ways in which we as a people reinvent and reinvigorate our democratic society. In Dissent and the Supreme Court, he explores the great dissents throughout the Court's 225-year history. He discusses in detail the role the Supreme Court has played in helping to define what the Constitution means, how the Court's majority opinions have not always been right, and how the dissenters, by positing alternative interpretations, have initiated a critical dialogue about what a particular decision should mean. This dialogue is sometimes resolved quickly; other times it may take decades before the Court adjusts its position. Louis Brandeis' dissenting opinion about wiretapping became the position of the Court four decades after it was written. The Court took six decades to adopt the dissenting opinion of the first Justice John Harlan in Plessy v. Ferguson - that segregation on the basis of race violated the Constitution - in Brown v. Board of Education. Urofsky shows that the practice of dissent grew slowly but steadily and that in the 19th century dissents became more frequent. In the (in)famous case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, Chief Justice Roger Taney's opinion upheld slavery, declaring that blacks could never be citizens. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dan Woren. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/004370/bk_rand_004370_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mia hat keine normale Familie. Sie lebt mit ihrem Vater, einem verschrobenen Physikprofessor, ihrer treuen Bernhardinerhündin Mimi und der alten Haushälterin Rosa im altmodischen Familiensitz, der Villa Meilenstein. Nach Mias neuntem Geburtstag wirbeln merkwürdige und bedrohliche Vorfälle ihr Leben durcheinander. Die Polizei ermittelt. Haben Mias Mutter Mona, die seit sechs Jahren verschwunden ist, und ihre geheimnisvolle Formel zur Energiegewinnung etwas damit zu tun? Während Mia in ihren Träumen einen Weg zur vermissten Mutter findet, taucht die unangenehme Kriminalkommissarin Brandeis auf. Die Ereignisse überschlagen sich und Mia und ihr Vater geraten in große Gefahr. Gemeinsam mit ihren Freunden, Ali, Emma, Jojo und Leopold stellt Mia sich dramatischen Herausforderungen, um Licht in das Geheimnis ihrer Familie zu bringen.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 13.40 EUR excl. shipping