57 Results for : lookalike
Facebook: Mit Facebook Marketing für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene zu mehr Erfolg: Facebook Werbung als Marketing Kanal
Kennst du das auch? Du hast nur wenige Follower auf Facebook und weißt nicht so Recht, warum es nicht mehr voran geht? Andere auf Facebook überholen dich, obwohl sie eigentlich sogar schlechtere Inhalte als du bieten? In diesem Buch werde ich dir genau zeigen, warum das so ist und was du dagegen machen kannst. Erfahre professionelle Insider Strategien, die große Influencer und Unternehmen auf Facebook für sich nutzen und lerne mit Profi Tipps, wie auch du es in kurzer Zeit sehr weit nach oben schaffen kannst im Facebook-Universum. Im Buch erfährst du Schritt für Schritt, was du beim Aufbau bzw. bei der Verbesserung deiner Facebook Präsenz beachten musst und welche Dinge wirklich zählen, um dir eine Schar an Followern zu bescheren. Über einfache Strategien für Änfänger bis hin zu komplexen Strategien mit Facebook Ads erfährst du alle Geheimnisse, die notwendig sind, um auf Facebook langfristig erfolgreich zu werden. Das erwartet dich... Eine einfache Schritt für Schritt Anleitung, mit der es jeder auf Facebook zum Erfolg schafft Gründe, warum dein Erfolg auf Facebook sich bisher in Grenzen gehalten hat Profi Tipps, die du sofort umsetzen kannst Wie du Marketing auf Facebook richtig verstehen kannst Wie du ein Follower Magnet wirst und große organische Reichweite erzeugst Was Lookalike Audiences sind und wie du damit deinen Umsatz in die Höhe schießen lässt Anleitungen, wie du Facebook Ads richtig planst und erstellst Wie du zusammen mit Facebook eine win-win-Situation schaffen kannst- Shop: Audible
- Price: 4.95 EUR excl. shipping
Facebook Marketing - Das Grundlagen Buch zu Social Media & Online Marketing: Effektiv Werbung schalten, Kunden gewinnen und Reichweite aufbauen. Schri
Facebook Marketing: Mit psychologischen Tricks strategisch erfolgreich auf Social Media Plattformen werden! Sie möchten für Ihre Dienstleistung oder ein Produkt auf Facebook werben? Sie wollen neue Kunden gewinnen und effektiv Ihre Zielgruppe ansprechen? Sie möchten z.B. mit Facebook Analytics oder Pixeln Ihre Verkaufszahlen durch die Decke schießen lassen? Dann lesen Sie dieses Hörbuch!Wie sollte Ihr Geschäft laufen, wenn Sie niemand kennt? Wie sollten Kunden auf Sie zukommen, wenn Sie noch nie von Ihnen gehört haben? Potenzielle Kunden können nicht erraten, dass Sie genau das bereithalten und anbieten, was sie unbedingt benötigen. Genau deshalb sind Sie gefragt aktiv auf Ihre Zielgruppe zuzugehen! Der schnellste, einfachste und zugleich effektivste Weg ist das Social Media Marketing. Wie Sie an dieses Thema konkret und wirklich erfolgreich herangehen, ist in diesem Ratgeber Schritt für Schritt erklärt!Die Erfolgsrezeptur für exzellentes Marketing: Zielgruppe auf Facebook erreichen und vom Kauf Ihres Produktes überzeugen Neukunden gewinnen und langfristig an Sie binden Erfahren Sie, bei welchen Personen weiteres potenzielles Kaufinteresse besteht Eine perfekte Facebook-Seite für Ihr Unternehmen erstellen und auf Facebook werben Eine Lookalike Audience formen, erfolgreiche Kampagnen erstellen und sinnvolles Retargeting lernen. Und vieles mehr...!Erfolgsorientiertes Online Marketing: Mit Facebook Analytics und Pixel Ihre Verkaufsstrategien optimieren Custom Audiences korrekt einrichten, um möglichst viele interessierte Facebook-User anzusprechen Werbung schalten auf Facebook - Finanzierung? Social Media Marketing und passives Einkommen - geht das? Und vieles mehr..! Für Marketing über Apps wie Instagram, Facebook oder Youtube bieten sich tausende von Optionen an - doch hier lernen Sie die unbestritten effizientesten Methoden. Wissenschaftlich fundierte Tipps und Tricks ermöglichen Ihnen mit verhältnismäßig geringem Zeitaufwand den zehnfachen- Shop: Audible
- Price: 12.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Lookalike from Victoria
The Lookalike from Victoria: ab 2.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping
Your Face or Mine - The Adventures of a Professional Tom Cruise Lookalike
Your Face or Mine - The Adventures of a Professional Tom Cruise Lookalike: ab 10.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 10.49 EUR excl. shipping
My Lookalike at the Krishna Temple
My Lookalike at the Krishna Temple - Poems: ab 9.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
Flannel's music is so incomparable they've created their own genre, Genuine Cornfed Cosmic Iowa Roots Music. The song 'It Ain't Iowa', from their first album, 'Cornfed' is so poignant it was nomiated as the new Iowa state song (later declined by the Governor). Artist Bio Flannel is an Iowa City four-piece that plays original Country, Rock and Americana with a distinct Midwestern tilt. They are known for tight melodic harmonies and insightful lyrics. Along with 'traditional' country, they stretch the boundaries of the genre. On their newest CD, "Wrong From Right" is an unexpected blend of country and reggae. Flannel was formed in '05 when Scott was asked if his 'band' could play at a fund raising party for Camp Courageous. When asked what his band's name was, he panicked. He really had no band and hadn't played his guitar seriously for several years. Having often been taunted for wearing flannel shirts from mid-Aug through late May, he blurted out 'FLANNEL' and a band was born. His first and only choice on guitar was his uncle Steve Ellis, absolute master of the Telecaster, two-time Iowa Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee, winner of the '74 Hamm's Bear lookalike contest, 7 time winner of the annual Steve Ellis trophy, and the funniest man on Earth. On percussion/sound/lights is Rich Paterson, who actually went to school to study music. (but they don't hold that against him) Rich was Scott's neighbor for years before he knew Scott played guitar. One day Scott asked him where he could record some songs and Rich said, 'What songs?' He musta liked 'em, because he has stuck with Scott through thick and thin laying down the perfect percussion and arrangements for Scott's song writing. Rounding out the group is the amazing Ryan Bernemann on bass/vocals/guitar/accordion/harmonica One of the finest musicians you'll find anywhere, Ryan joined Flannel in '08 when he and Scott realized they each knew every word to the Flying Burrito Brothers 'Gilded Palace of Sin' record and they liked to sing 'em together. Flannel's first full length CD, CORNFED, came out in January '08. They have opened for such notables as David Allen Coe, Cross Canadian Ragweed, James Otto, Stoney Larue, and others. More About Flannel Scott Cochran - guitar, vocals The illegitimate offspring of Lou Reed and John Denver, Scott is most at home singing and playing guitar. Scott was taught song writing by his grandma Leona while playing cowboys and indians on a linoleum floor in Oxford, Iowa, circa 1969. But he forgot all about that. Then, several years later, he awoke from a dream one winter night and figured he'd better get crackin' on some song writing before life had passed him by. Scott started playing music and smoking cigarettes the same day in 1985. After realizing the destructive powers of each, and despite numerous attempts at quitting both, he has managed only to give up cigarettes. Scott played bass in legendary Iowa City bands 'Koyaanisqatsi' and 'Disciples of Jello' then moved on to guitar when he realized covering Stonewall Jackson was his true musical calling. The rest is mystery. A native of Coralville, Iowa, Scott sites such diverse influences (in addition to his grandma Leona), as Freakies cereal, the Iron Brigade of the West, the hornets' nest on 8th street he passed everyday on his way home in 3rd grade, Thurman Munson, and the planet Venus. Steve Ellis - lead guitar, vocals When Steve first heard The Ventures playing Walk Don't Run on the radio he knew immediately that he wanted to play the guitar. He got his first guitar as a birthday gift at the age of eleven. It was a second hand acoustic guitar from Sears and Roebuck. It has been non-stop guitar playing since then. In junior high and high school, Steve spent most of his weekends playing music at teen dances, fraternity parties and ballrooms. 'I remember the first few times I played music at the DanceMor Ballroom in Swisher. My mom had to take me there and pick me up because I was too young to drive'. In the late 60's and early 70's he played the midwest and western states with blues and soul groups and performed at the Grand Ole Opry in 1984. Steve is a two time inductee into the Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rich Paterson - percussion, sound, lights Rich has been playing drums for 40 years and still thinks he's a teenager. He's played jazz, blues, country and rock and roll as well as symphonic and new-age. If it'll hold still, he'll hit it with a stick. His favorite gigs are backing up strong vocal bands and he even sings (in the shower). Throughout his career he has played an endless list of clubs and dance halls in eastern Iowa, many of which have since burned down, or flooded, for which he claims no responsibility. He has a Bachelor of Music Performance degree from the University of Iowa, but tries not to let it get in the way. Rich doesn't make the music, he makes the music swing! Hit it! Ryan Bernemann - bass, guitar, vocals, harmonica, accordion, eye candy After graduating from the University of Iowa School of Music with a vocal performance degree, Ryan realized that he was just too damn good to be devoting all of his musical talents to the Classical realm of music. Instead, he's decided to rock the worlds of the fans that come to see him and any of the ten or so bands that he's been a part of in the last decade. In all seriousness though, Ryan enjoys playing with anyone and everyone, anytime and anywhere. When he is not making music, he enjoys spending time with wife, child, family and friends. He is also proud to be living his days in the Iowa City area.- Shop: odax
- Price: 23.11 EUR excl. shipping
The Prince and the Pauper
Errol Flynn duels into action in Warner Bros.' spectacular, spirited film of Mark Twain's classic novel. Amid 16th-century England's pomp and poverty, two lookalike lads, one a beggar and one young Edward VI, exchange identities for a lark. But their switch backfires and it's up to soldier of fortune Miles Hendon (Flynn) to turn the tables on a conspirator (Claude Rains) and return the correct lad to the throne. Flynn's rakish persona, William Keighley's brisk direction, Erich Wolfgang Korngold's score and the spry performances of twins Billy and Bobby Mauch helped many a film fan form an enchanted view of old England. That view is just as rousing today. The Prince and the Pauper is regal all-family entertainment.- Shop: odax
- Price: 14.26 EUR excl. shipping