81 Results for : repress

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    Niemand kann ihm entkommen, dem großen Gleichmacher Tod. »Leben ist gefährlich. Wer lebt, stirbt«, schrieb der polnische Aphoristiker Stanislaw Jerzy Lec mit schwarzem Humor. »Tod ist ... je der meine«, pointierte Martin Heidegger diese situative Radikalität. Und für den Literaturnobelpreisträger Elias Canetti war der Tod ähnlich wie für sein Vorbild Johann Wolfgang Goethe nichts als ein Hassobjekt. In auffälligem Kontrast dazu bekennt das Christentum mit dem Apostel Paulus: »Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg. Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Hölle, wo ist dein Sieg?« (1. Korintherbrief 15,55) Das meint mehr als nur die sokratische Unsterblichkeit der Seele, wie Platon sie im Phaidon entfaltet. Nach Christoph Markschies waren es nicht zuletzt die intensive Seelsorge an den trauernden Schwestern und Brüdern und die Erwartung der Auferstehung, die die schmerzhafte Endgültigkeit des irdischen Lebens keineswegs leugneten und doch durch heitere Gelassenheit dem Tod gegenüber den frühen Christengemeinden rasch Anhänger bescherten.Das anregende, auch existenziell spannende Buch fragt danach, wie der »in den Tod verschlungene« Sieg Christi heute theologisch zu interpretieren ist, angesichts eines exzessiven Materialismus, für den der Tod das möglichst zu verdrängende kalte Schlusswort ist.Mit Essays, praktischen Erfahrungsberichten und literarischen Fundstücken von George Alexander Albrecht, Michael Dorsch, Siegmar Faust, Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz, Frank Hiddemann, Sebastian Kleinschmidt, Dieter Koch, Christian Lehnert, Martin Luther, Ulrich Schacht, Christine Schirrmacher, Cornelia Seidel, Thomas A. Seidel , Peter Zimmerlind.[O Death, Where is Your Sting? Fear of Death and Love of Life in Christianity]Nobody can escape him, the great leveller, Death. »Life is dangerous. Who lives, dies«, wrote the Polish aphorist Stanislaw Jerzy Lec with black humour. And for Elias Canetti as for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe death was nothing but an object of hate. But in marked contrast to that, Christianity with Paul confesses: »Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?« (1. Corinthians 15:54-55).This means more than the Socratic immortality as developed by Platon in his Phaidon. According to Christoph Markschies it was not least the intense pastoral care for mourning sisters and brothers and the expectation of the resurrection, denying in no way the painful finality of earthly life, which because of its cheerful serenity contributed to the rapid growth of the early Christian communities.This stimulating book asks how the victory of Christ, swallowing up death, is to be interpreted today in view of an excessive materialism that sees death as the cold final word that it tries to repress if possible.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 24.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    This is a set of all four books in the Seasons series by USA Today Bestseller Jess Michaels! An Affair in Winter Widow Rosalinde Wilde is on her way to her beloved sister's wedding when an unexpected storm waylays her at an overcrowded inn. There she meets a tempting stranger who sweeps her into a night of unforgettable passion.Grayson Danford never expected a night with the irresistible Mrs. Wilde, but she was a welcome distraction from the unpleasant duty of breaking up his brother's impending nuptials. He's shocked when he discovers his passionate lover is none other than the sister of his brother's intended. Now Rosalinde and Gray will butt heads, even as their simmering desire for each other threatens to boil over. Who will win? And who might lose it all?Length: Full Length Novel Sensuality level: Hot and steamy A Spring Deception Miss Celia Fitzgilbert's grandfather has decreed she must marry a man with a title or he'll never reveal her mysterious father's identity. But her engagement to an Earl was already broken, leaving her steeped in scandal. She has all but given up until the reclusive Duke of Clairemont returns to Society and sweeps her off her feet, a potential solution to all her problems.But things are not so simple for the duke. Aiden is not comfortable with his position in Society, perhaps because he is a fraud. In truth, Clairemont died months ago and the man playing him is a spy, bent on uncovering a dangerous secret. A flirtation with Celia, meant to help him fit in, quickly turns very real. But can Celia recover when the lies come out? Ad can Aiden keep them both alive long enough to even consider a future?Length: Full-length novel Sensuality level: Hot and steamy One Summer of Surrender Lucien, the Earl of Stenfax has been engaged twice, but only in love once. That was with his childhood sweetheart, Elise. When she threw him over for a man with more money and a higher ranking title, it broke him. Now she's widowed and he finds himself drawn to her again, like a moth to her flame.Elise had her reasons for walking away from Lucien, reasons he doesn't understand. Back in Society, she's now financially desperate and is even considering becoming someone's mistress. But Lucien keeps appearing at the most inopportune moments and it's only a matter of time before the desire between them explodes.Time will tell if Lucien will be able to see past his lusty drive for revenge. And if Elise can convince him she's worthy of more, despite the past.Length: Full-length novel Sensuality level: Hot and steamy Adored in Autumn Viscountess Felicity Barbridge escaped a violent marriage with her life because she was willing to make desperate choices. Now those choices are back to haunt her, as is the object of her girlhood obsession, Asher Seyton.Asher was never anything more than a servant's son, but he's elevated himself through an education and is now a respected solicitor. He only returns to his childhood home to help with a financial issue, but when he realizes Felicity is being threatened, he's driven to stay and help. Even if he must now face all the feelings for her he tried to repress over the years.Will Felicity be able to trust Asher enough to share more than passion? And will Asher's own secrets unravel all they've built?Length: Full-Length Heat Level: Intensely passionate
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 8.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Last Self-Help Book You'll Ever Need - Repress Your Anger Think Negatively Be a Good Blamer and Throttle Your Inner Child: ab 4.49 €
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    • Price: 4.49 EUR excl. shipping
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