58 Results for : rody

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    V dannom issledowanii raznoobraziq wodoroslej w bassejne reki Purna bylo zaregistrirowano 111 taxonow wodoroslej iz klassow hloroficei, cianoficei i bacillqrioficei. V klasse bacillqrioficei wsego 25 taxonow wodoroslej byli perekodirowany s 15 rodami, w klasse hloroficei 36 taxonow wodoroslej s 15 rodami, w cianoficei 50 taxonow wodoroslej s 22 rodami s sootwetstwuüschih semi uchastkow. Iz klassa cianoficei 50 widow prinadlezhat k 5 porqdkam, 9 semejstwam, w klasse hloroficei 36 widow prinadlezhat k 9 porqdkam, 10 semejstwam. V klasse Bacillariophyceae 25 widow byli raspredeleny w 15 rodah, 13 semejstwah i 9 porqdkah. V dannom issledowanii naibolee dominiruüschie rody byli perekodirowany iz klassa hloroficei, t.e. Spirogyra s 10 widami, za kotorymi sleduüt Cosmarium s 5, Pediastrum s 4, Nitella, Chara, Rhizoclonium s 2 äkzemplqrami i Staurastrum subsaltans, Trachelomonas volvocina, Schroederia Judayi, Bulbochaete hiloensis, Cladophora, Chlorella sp, Hydrodicton s odnim rodom s odnim widom, iz cianoficei rod Oscillatoria pokazywaet bogatoe raznoobrazie wodoroslej, za kotorym sleduüt Microcystis s 4, Aphanocapsa s 4, Spirulina s 3, Lyngbya s 5, Nostoc s 4, Chroococcus s 4, Phormidium s 2 i ostal'nye.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 14.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Healthy Land. Vitamin C and the story of sailors in the sea ab 45.99 € als Taschenbuch: Queen Healthy Rody and Fatty in a meeting with master Vitamin C and a sailor in the sea the part number two. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Pädagogik,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 45.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Unter der Sonne von Miami, Florida, arbeitet Larissa Macriello als Masseurin. Die 43-Jährige ist gerade von einer Marrakesch-Reise zurückgekommen, doch ihr Bruder Rody kann sie tagelang nicht erreichen. Die Familie macht sich Sorgen und schaltet schließlich die Polizei ein. Die Beamten unternehmen zunächst nichts, da kein begründeter Verdacht vorliegt. Doch als sie Larissas Wagen inspizieren, der intensiv nach Reinigungsmitteln und Chemikalien riecht, rufen sie sofort die Spurensicherung. Augenblicklich beginnt die Suche nach Larissa Macriello. Sie führt die Ermittler in ein Labyrinth aus Sex und Lügen zu einer erschütternden Erkenntnis.
    • Shop: Joyn
    • Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Welcome to my site. I am Rody Coronel from the Netherlands. I produce electronic music. Ambient, dance, trance and classical electronica are my favorite genres. Born in 1971 Maassluis, the Netherlands, I grew up listening to all kinds of music (Jarre, Vangelis, Queen, etc.). At elementary school I noticed that I could play and memorize music much easier then the other kids but at that time I was not really interested in music...yet. That all changed when I was about 14 years of age. With my old synthesizer, a Korg Poly Six, I imitated every tune I heard on the radio. One day I heard a classical piece played with synthesizers and a church organ. Wow, that sounded so big, so huge. It was a piece by Widor, the Toccata from Symphony no. 5. It totally overwhelmed me. I wanted to hear more and I started to listen to different classical organ pieces. Not long after that I decided to take organ lessons. A year later I got lessons on a real church organ and I started to study the pieces from Widor, Franck, Bach, Reger, etc. After seven years of organ lessons I had to stop because at that time my science education, going out and getting drunk took up most of my time... and my money, so I sold my instruments. A couple of years later, when I was graduated and working my day job, I played with some synths at my friend's house. I just could not stop playing. I had to buy the equipment myself again and so I did. I started to make songs and decided to put them on the internet (mp3.com). The response was overwhelming and after a year I was actually making money with it. With 2,5 million listens to my music it was getting quite known out there and I started to get some offers for different releases. I did some and declined some, resigned my day job and started composing and producing fulltime. I released my music on several compilation CDs by Water Music Records, two educational NASA DVDs and my first full downtempo album 'Mixed Feelings' on DZOS Records. After that I finished my second full album 'Coffee Moment' and released it in februari 2007. Now stop reading, grab a cup of coffee, sit down put on the music and relax!
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 20.89 EUR excl. shipping
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    Rody Reittier Hüpfpferd Rody, Rot, Alter: 3+
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 47.89 EUR excl. shipping
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    Rody Reittier Hüpfpferd Rody, Gelb, Alter: ab 3 Jahre
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 34.82 EUR excl. shipping
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    Rody Reittier Hüpfpferd Rody, Blau, Alter: 3+
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 47.74 EUR excl. shipping
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    Aus stabilem Kunststoff, Farbe weiß, Länge ca. 67 cm. Mit der Schaukelwanne wird aus dem Hüpftier Rody ein Schaukeltier. Maße: Lx BxT ca. 67x35x10 cm.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 37.38 EUR excl. shipping

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