106 Results for : skimming
The Brethren , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 694min
They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. And the third, for a career-ending drunken joyride. Meeting daily in the prison law library, taking exercise walks in their boxer shorts, these judges-turned-felons can reminisce about old court cases, dispense a little jailhouse justice, and contemplate where their lives went wrong.Or they can use their time in prison to get very rich - very fast. And so they sit, sprawled in the prison library, furiously writing letters, fine-tuning a wickedly brilliant extortion scam - while events outside their prison walls begin to erupt. A bizarre presidential election is holding the nation in its grip - and a powerful government figure is pulling some very hidden strings. For the Brethren, the timing couldn't be better. Because they've just found the perfect victim.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Frank Muller. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bant/000271/bk_bant_000271_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Brethren, Hörbuch, Digital, 359min
They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. And the third, for a career-ending drunken joyride. Meeting daily in the prison law library, taking exercise walks in their boxer shorts, these judges-turned-felons can reminisce about old court cases, dispense a little jailhouse justice, and contemplate where their lives went wrong.Or they can use their time in prison to get very rich - very fast. And so they sit, sprawled in the prison library, furiously writing letters, fine-tuning a wickedly brilliant extortion scam... while events outside their prison walls begin to erupt. A bizarre presidential election is holding the nation in its grips - and a powerful government figure is pulling some very hidden strings. For the Brethren, the timing couldn't be better. Because they've just found the perfect victim... Language: English. Narrator: Michael Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bant/000272/bk_bant_000272_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Around the World in 80 Trains
WINNER OF THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TRAVELLER AWARD FOR BEST TRAVEL BOOKSHORTLISTED FOR THE STANFORD DOLMAN TRAVEL BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD'Monisha Rajesh has chosen one of the best ways of seeing the world. Never too fast, never too slow, her journey does what trains do best. Getting to the heart of things. Prepare for a very fine ride' Michael PalinFrom the cloud-skimming heights of Tibet's Qinghai railway to silk-sheeted splendour on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Around the World in 80 Trains is a celebration of the glory of train travel and a witty and irreverent look at the world.Packing up her rucksack - and her fiancé, Jem - Monisha Rajesh embarks on an unforgettable adventure that takes her from London's St Pancras station to the vast expanses of Russia and Mongolia, North Korea, Canada, Kazakhstan, and beyond. The journey is one of constant movement and mayhem, as the pair strike up friendships and swap stories with the hilarious, irksome and ultimately endearing travellers they meet on board, all while taking in some of the earth's most breathtaking views.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 10.49 EUR excl. shipping
Around the World in 80 Trains (eBook, ePUB)
WINNER OF THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TRAVELLER AWARD FOR BEST TRAVEL BOOKSHORTLISTED FOR THE STANFORD DOLMAN TRAVEL BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD'Monisha Rajesh has chosen one of the best ways of seeing the world. Never too fast, never too slow, her journey does what trains do best. Getting to the heart of things. Prepare for a very fine ride' Michael PalinFrom the cloud-skimming heights of Tibet's Qinghai railway to silk-sheeted splendour on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Around the World in 80 Trains is a celebration of the glory of train travel and a witty and irreverent look at the world. Packing up her rucksack - and her fiancé, Jem - Monisha Rajesh embarks on an unforgettable adventure that takes her from London's St Pancras station to the vast expanses of Russia and Mongolia, North Korea, Canada, Kazakhstan, and beyond. The journey is one of constant movement and mayhem, as the pair strike up friendships and swap stories with the hilarious, irksome and ultimately endearing travellers they meet on board, all while taking in some of the earth's most breathtaking views.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 7.99 EUR excl. shipping
Zum WerkCyberbedrohungen nehmen auch bei Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern eine immer größere Bedeutung ein, wie etwa das Aufkommen von Verschlüsselungstrojanern zeigt. Die Versicherungswirtschaft hat hierauf reagiert und bietet Deckungskonzepte zur Absicherung gegen die verschiedenen Cyberrisiken an. Derartige Risiken sind z.B.:Nicht- oder Falschlieferung bei InternetkäufenNichtzahlung bei InternetverkäufenIdentitätsmissbrauch im Internet (insbes. Pharming, Phishing, Skimming)Missbrauch von Zahlungskarten im InternetUrheberrechtsverstößeSchicksal des digitalen Nachlassesrechtliche Risiken einer privaten HomepageDatenverlustCybermobbingReputationsschäden durch Veröffentlichungen im InternetVeröffentlichung persönlicher Daten im InternetSpiel-, Handy- und OnlinesuchtGeräteschäden.Die Deckungskonzepte sehen nicht nur Ersatzleistungen für erlittene Schäden, sondern auch Serviceleistungen (Assistance) und Kostenübernahmen vor.Zuletzt hat der GDV wenn auch keine Musterbedingungen so doch Musterbausteine für Cyber-Assistanceleistungen veröffentlicht.Das Werk erläutert die am Markt üblichen Deckungen, die Inhalte des Versicherungsschutzes und damit verbundene rechtliche Probleme. Außerdem gibt das Werk einen Überblick über im Ausland verwendete Deckungskonzepte.Aus dem InhaltDeckungskonzepteStand-Alone-Deckungen; Zusatzklauseln zu anderen DeckungenVertragsschlussVersicherte Gefahrenversicherter PersonenkreisVersicherungsleistungenAusschlüsseObliegenheitenKombination mit RechtsschutzversicherungSilent-Cyber-Problematikinternationale BezügeVorteile auf einen Blickerstes Werk zum Themahohe AktualitätBerücksichtigung der am Markt üblichen Policen und der GDV-Musterbausteine.ZielgruppeFür Versicherungsunternehmen, Rechtsanwaltskanzleien, Vertriebsunternehmen, Verbraucherschutzorganisationen, Gerichte, Sachverständigenbüros.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 72.00 EUR excl. shipping
Mission to Argentina (SAS Operation) , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 467min
Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But can the SAS prevent the launch of Exocet missiles at the British Task Force? May 1982: as the British Task Force prepares to retake the Falkland Islands, a lone Sea King helicopter makes an apparently forced landing in the southernmost reaches of Chile. The only threat to the Task Force - and the enemy's only hope of ultimate victory - is Argentina's Super Etendard aircraft and their sea-skimming Exocet missiles. Since radar cannot be relied upon, the British must opt for a less conventional warning system. Before landing in Chile, the 'stray' Sea King drops a team of men into Argentina, where they are tasked with remaining hidden within sight of the airfields and within easy reach of the enemy's security patrols. Getting the men in is easy enough, but staying unobserved is another matter - and eventual escape will be next to impossible.... Mission to Argentina tells the electrifying story of this SAS operation from the inside - a heart-stopping thriller about the regiment equalled by no other: the SAS! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Colin Mace. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/002291/bk_hcuk_002291_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Aufgefrischt-und-wiederholt-Karten Englisch 5-6
Wer kennt das nicht? Durch Krankheiten, Unterrichtsausfall, Corona, Ferien, Ausflüge oder Klassenfahrten ist die Lernzeit oft sehr kurz. Sie hätten gerne mehr Zeit, um wichtige Themen noch einmal aufzufrischen und mit der Klasse zu wiederholen? Und suchen schnell in verschiedenen Büchern und Heften Arbeitsblätter zusammen, kopieren sie und merken dann, dass manche Lernende lieber andere Themengebiete wiederholen sollten und diese Aufgaben teils überflüssig für sie waren ...Mit unseren 55 Karten bieten wir Ihnen die Lösung für Ihr Problem, denn hier werden die wichtigsten Themen aufgefrischt und wiederholt. Die Schülerinnen können dabei ganz individuell an ihren Defiziten arbeiten.Die Karten sind immer gleich aufgebaut: Auf der Vorderseite steht eine knappe und übersichtliche Erklärung, auf der Rückseite gibt es passende Aufgaben. Lösungen zur Selbstkontrolle runden das Angebot ab!Die Karten sind frei im Unterricht einsetzbar: jeden Tag 10 bis 15 Minuten oder innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Lernzeit - so werden Lernrückstände leicht aufgeholt!Das Kartenst enthält:- 55 Karteikarten mit Erklärseite und Aufgabenseite - Motivierende Aufgaben in ansprechendem Layout -Lösungen zur Selbstkontrolle im digitalen ZusatzmaterialDie Themen:- Grammar - Simple Present and Simple Past - Present Progressive and Present Perfect - Will-Future and Going to-Future - Pronouns - Articles - Adjectives - Adverbs - Reading - Pre-Reading activities - Skimming and Scanning - Writing - Vocabulary- Shop: buecher
- Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
Prospector's Gambit , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 522min
A deadly virus, a top-secret government conspiracy, and an alien threat have Earth in the cross-hairs for a scheduled apocalypse. A chance encounter half a galaxy away between a rogue space captain and a mysterious high-tech robot may offer the unwitting people of Earth their only chance at survival. Kyr Syzygy never thought himself a hero. He was content working as a prospector, skimming a little of the profits, and mostly living a happy-go-lucky existence. When his luck finally catches up to him, Kyr finds himself on the run and in a race against time to save his one and only friend — a 16-year old genius navigator nicknamed Wormie. Fortunately for Kyr, a robot called Six is also on the run, and when the two team-up they learn that they make a formidable duo. Now Kyr must find a way to hide from the galaxy’s most dangerous assassins, but Six has a mission of his own. If Six can convince the stubborn human to help, it may offer Kyr a chance to be something he never thought possible...a hero. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stephen Paul. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/202149/bk_acx0_202149_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
50 Things to Know About Online Dating: Meeting Your Perfect Match , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 26min
Do you want to know why you’re not getting responses to messages you send? Have you spent countless hours skimming dating websites to no avail? Are you new to online dating but willing to try it out?If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then this audiobook is for you. 50 Things to Know About Online Dating: Meeting Your Perfect Match, by Erica Brunt, offers an approach to online dating that emphasizes honesty in the online dating world.Most guides on online dating tell you to brag, lie, or exaggerate in order to attract others. Although there's nothing wrong with that, it won’t help you find a lasting, loving relationship - just hookups and flings.Based on knowledge from the world's leading experts, find out how to approach online dating so you meet someone who’s incredible for you. You'll discover what makes profiles and messages awesome - or terrible!This audiobook will help you revitalize your profile and understand what you really want in a match so you find it.By the time you finish this audiobook, you will know exactly how to find that special someone over the Internet.So grab your copy today. You'll be glad you did. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: William Kenny. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/123750/bk_acx0_123750_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
If It Bleeds , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 585min
If It Bleeds, It Leads It's a newspaper mantra - the most gruesome stories always run on the front page to get people's attention. But when Corina Vasquez lands a bloody lead story, she attracts the attention of a killer. Newly promoted as the assistant to Matthew Henderson, California's Valley Voice investigative reporter, Corina wants only to prove to her boss, her coworkers - and herself - that she's the right choice for the job. When the body of the city's first woman mayor is discovered in a dusty vineyard - and her boss is nowhere to be found - Corina gets her chance. Then a second brutal murder connects to the first. As she unearths the details around both killings, Corina begins to suspect that she's merely skimming the surfance of a very deep conspiracy. And only one person can help her - acting mayor Wes Shaw, the man who broke her heart. Wes wants her back. Henderson wants her off the story. And as her reporting of the case thrusts her into the limelight, Corina realizes she's become a target for an unpredictable - and desperate - enemy. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Marisol Ramirez. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/007293/bk_adbl_007293_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping