113 Results for : viagra

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    Susie's guest this week is Carol Queen - an old friend of Susie's from Good Vibrations in San Francisco. Carol is currently the Staff Sexologist at Good Vibrations, the editor of five books of erotica, and the author of Exhibitionism for the Shy and Real Life Nude Girl. Susie and Carol talk about the anatomy of an orgasm, including the elusive g-spot and what Viagra does for women. Carol then reads a steamy excerpt from her soon-to-be reissued cult-classic erotic novel, The Leather Daddy and the Femme. Also, in her Try this at Home mailbag, Susie proves that she'll talk about sex - warts and all - when she lays bare the facts about living with herpes. Don't forget, you can send your confidential sex questions and feedback to susie@audible.com. For Adults Only: Explicit language. Must be 18 years of age or older to purchase. Language: English. Narrator: Susie Bright. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/pf/suzy/020528/pf_suzy_020528_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Susie starts off reviewing a survey from Archives of Sexual Behavior that compiled some 237 reasons that college students listed for why they have sex. Next, in part one of another New York City interview, Susie speaks with Leonore Tiefer, a sex therapist you'll never forget. Tiefer initiated the Campaign for a New View of Women's Sexual Problems to challenge the medicalization of dealing with women's sexual issues. Susie and Leonore talk about performance apprehension, sex education, and why Viagra is not the magic pill. Then, in the "Try This at Home" mailbag, Susie gives advice to a listener about how to date when you're still living with your ex. Don't forget, you can send your confidential questions, feedback about the show, and requests for girly cards to susie@audible.com. (Episode 308, September 7, 2007) Explicit Language Warning: You must be 18 years or older to purchase this program. Language: English. Narrator: Susie Bright. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/pf/suzy/070907/pf_suzy_070907_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In response to the multiple political scandals involving restrooms, Susie creates a survey for all to have fun with: "The Bathroom Sex Survey". Have you ever had sex or sexual fantasies involving toilets? Next, part 2 of another New York City interview with sexual theorist and therapist Dr. Leonore Tiefer. Her feminist work has challenged the standard medical practice of using Viagra to deal with women's sexual issues. Susie and Leonore discuss the differences between sexual addiction, compulsion, and obsession. Then, in the "Try This at Home" mailbag, Susie answers a listener's question about Larry Craig: is he bisexual or gay? Don't forget, you can send your confidential questions, feedback about the show, and requests for girly cards to susie@audible.com. (Episode 309, September 14, 2007) Explicit Language Warning: You must be 18 years or older to purchase this program. Language: English. Narrator: Susie Bright. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/pf/suzy/070914/pf_suzy_070914_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ein Zettel an der Tür eines Bordells verändert alles: "Bardame gesucht", steht drauf und Fanny, Mitte 20 und chronisch pleite, nimmt den Job an. Eigentlich will sie Starreporterin bei der Münchner Morgenpost werden, der Chef schickt sie aber nur zu Terminen der Modellbahnfreunde Pfaffenwinkel. Der neue Job im "Lollipop" ist deutlich aufregender: Fanny freundet sich mit Bordell-Chefin Rosi und der schönen wie mutigen Prostituierten Palina an. Sie erfindet einen Viagra-Cocktail und tauft ihn Cosmoblowitan, rettet einen übergewichtigen Schlagersänger aus der zusammengekrachten Liebesschaukel und lernt in den langen Nächten hinter der Bar eine Menge über Männer, Sehnsucht und Sexarbeit. Irgendwann fasst Fanny einen Plan: Sie will ihr chaotisches Liebesleben in den Griff kriegen, Rosi mit dem besten Mann der Welt verkuppeln und nie wieder pleite sein. Der Plan ist gut - aber natürlich kommt alles anders als gedacht. Diese ungekürzte Hörbuch-Fassung genießt du exklusiv nur bei Audible. ungekürzt. deutsch. Corinna Dorenkamp. https://samples.audible.de/bk/adko/003572/bk_adko_003572_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Behind every landmark drug is a story. It could be an oddball researcher’s genius insight, a catalyzing moment in geopolitical history, a new breakthrough technology, or an unexpected but welcome side effect discovered during clinical trials. Piece together these stories, as Thomas Hager does in this remarkable, century-spanning history, and you can trace the evolution of our culture and the practice of medicine.   Beginning with opium, the “joy plant,” which has been used for 10,000 years, Hager tells a captivating story of medicine. His subjects include the largely forgotten female pioneer who introduced smallpox inoculation to Britain, the infamous knockout drops, the first antibiotic, which saved countless lives, the first antipsychotic, which helped empty public mental hospitals, Viagra, statins, and the new frontier of monoclonal antibodies. This is a deep, wide-ranging, and wildly entertaining book. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Angelo Di Loreto. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/051222/bk_adbl_051222_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    I haven't taken my pills for two days. I put them under my tongue and only pretend to swallow.""Two days? But aren't you-""Dangerously oversexed?" she says. "You bet!" A dominatrix with a discipline problem. A nervous virgin tempted by an unearthly sacrifice. Lust-crazed Viagra addicts. A sexual psychic who can foresee other people's erotic adventures. And a street cop hooked on alien ecstasyâ�Š The sensual men and women in this sizzling collection are all in search of the ultimate sexual high. No plain old vanilla sex here; driven by insatiable desires, they push their bodies and souls to the limits, exploring the outer limits of eroticism. From arcane sexual rituals to the heights of Hollywood decadence, Deep Inside breaks every taboo as it takes you inside the throbbing flesh and twisted urges of the kinky, the depraved, and the supernatural. Turn down the lights and enter a new realm of exotic and forbidden pleasures. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Allison Frasier, Maggie Hoffman, Brian Mendes. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/aren/000751/bk_aren_000751_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The search to find medicines is as old as disease, which is to say as old as the human race. Through serendipity - by chewing, brewing, and snorting - some Neolithic souls discovered opium, alcohol, snakeroot, juniper, frankincense, and other helpful substances. Ötzi the Iceman, the 5,000-year-old hunter frozen in the Italian Alps, was found to have whipworms in his intestines and Bronze Age medicine, a worm-killing birch fungus, knotted to his leggings. Nowadays Big Pharma conglomerates spend billions of dollars on state-of-the art laboratories staffed by PhDs to discover blockbuster drugs. Yet despite our best efforts to engineer cures, luck, trial and error, risk, and ingenuity are still fundamental to medical discovery. The Drug Hunters is a colorful, fact-filled narrative history of the search for new medicines from our Neolithic forebears to the professionals of today and from quinine and aspirin to Viagra, Prozac, and Lipitor. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: James Foster. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/tant/006957/bk_tant_006957_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A sexual history of the 1990s, when the baby boomers took over Washington, Hollywood, and Madison Avenue. A definitive look at the captains of the culture wars - and an indispensable road map for understanding how we got to the Trump Teens. The Naughty Nineties: The Triumph of the American Libido examines the scandal-strafed decade when our public and private lives began to blur due to the rise of the web, reality television, and the wholesale tabloidization of pop culture. In this comprehensive and often hilarious time capsule, David Friend combines detailed reporting with first-person accounts from many of the decade's singular personalities, from Anita Hill to Monica Lewinsky, Lorena Bobbitt to Heidi Fleiss, Alan Cumming to Joan Rivers, Jesse Jackson to key members of the Clinton, Dole, and Bush teams. The Naughty Nineties also uncovers unsung sexual pioneers, from the enterprising sisters who dreamed up the Brazilian bikini wax to the scientists who, quite by accident, discovered Viagra. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Friend. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hach/003458/bk_hach_003458_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Susie's back! In her first show of 2006, Susie has a lot to celebrate. Best American Erotica 2006 is officially out and it features many well-know authors, from David Sedaris to John Updike. Get your copy today and, even better, the audio version will be available on Audible in the coming months. Then, Susie shares a news item about a deaf couple who really got in trouble for being too loud in bed. And, after years of steady growth, sales of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs have leveled off. Susie explains why such a popular drug would go limp. In the Try This at Home mailbag, Susie offers some advice to a woman who says her boyfriend just won't open his mouth for anything - literally or figuratively. Don't forget, you can send your confidential questions and feedback about the show to susie@audible.com. (Episode 232, January 13, 2006). Explicit Language Warning: You must be 18 years or older to purchase this program. Language: English. Narrator: Susie Bright. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/pf/suzy/060113/pf_suzy_060113_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Happy New Year! Susie hopes that your new year will be filled with love, joy, and plenty of sex. But before we embrace 2010, Susie says goodbye to '09 with her list of last year's top sex stories. And looking back, she finds all sorts of juicy, bizarre, and scandalous tales of libidos gone crazy. Susie's list includes porn star Marilyn Chambers, David Letterman, and Tiger Woods. And some of the hottest topics from the last year were abstinence education, Viagra for women, and sex trafficking. The number-one story on Susie's top 10 sex stories list? You'll just have to listen to find out! Have a question? You can call Susie's hotline at 831-480-5110. And you can send your confidential questions - plus requests for free samples and blog banners! - to susie@susiebright.com. (Episode 415, January 1, 2010) Explicit Language Warning: You must be 18 years or older to purchase this program. Language: English. Narrator: Susie Bright. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/pf/suzy/100101/pf_suzy_100101_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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