55 Results for : viseu
Wandkalender Waldbahnen in Rumänien - Die letzten Mocanitas [9783672008925]
Sprache: Deutsch, Titel: Waldbahnen in Rumänien A5 quer, Titelzusatz: Dass Rumänien ein Eldorado für Waldbahnen ist, zeigen diese herrlichen Bilder der Fotografin Anneli Hegerfeld-Reckert (Monatskalender, 14 Seiten ), Autor: Anneli Hegerfeld-Reckert, Größe: DIN A5, Gewicht: 130 gr, Auflage: 5. Édition 2020, Kalenderjahr: 2021, Seiten: 14, Genre: Mobilitaet, Hersteller: CALVENDO, Schlagworte: Waldbahn // Mocanita // Oberwischau // Viseu // de // Sus // Wassertal // Dampflok // Lok // Triebwagen // Lastwagen // Draisine // Transsilvanien // Sovata // Moldovita // Moldau // Moldova // Bucegi // Schiene, Marke: Calvendo, Medium: Kalender, Verkäufer: averdo- Shop: averdo
- Price: 21.59 EUR excl. shipping
Dieses Songbuch suchte ich 8
A CAMINHO DE VISEU|A LIFE ON THE OCEAN WAVE|Backwater Blues|Bamboleo|Bohemian rhapsody / Queen|CARMELA|COIMBRA|Come back to Sorrento|COMING OUT OF THE DARK|Don't know much|Down by the old mill stream|EAST VIRGINIA BLUES|EVERY NIGHT WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN|Funiculi funicula / Denza Luigi|Goodbye my lady love|HELENE|I WISH I WERE SINGLE AGAIN|JUANITA|LAUGHTER IN THE RAIN|LE TEMPS DES CERISES|LET HIM GO LET HIM TARRY|Lily was here|MALAGUENA SALEROSA|Mango walk|Nah neh nah|NEW RIVER TRAIN|Nothing compares 2 U / O'Connor Sinead|Oh Marie|One|PRETTY PEGGY O|SACRAMENTO GALS|Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss|Senza Una Donna|SHAME SHAME SHAME|Frühling (aus 4 Jahreszeiten) / Vivaldi Antonio|STAND UP|Steal away|THE MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE|The water is wide|To be with you|Unchain my heart / Cocker Joe|Under the bridge|Wade in the water|WALK ON THE WILD SIDE / Reed Lou|When you tell me that you love me|WHILE STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK ONE DAY|Your song / John Elton- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 12.70 EUR excl. shipping
Maramures County geography Introduction
Maramures County geography Introduction ab 19.99 € als Taschenbuch: Lapus River Viseu River Iza River Sasar River Firiza River Bistra Maramures Suciu River Cavnic Mara River Râoaia River Vaser River Ruscova River Cosau River Ungureni River Strâmbu-Baiut River Tâsla River Chiuzbaia River. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Naturwissenschaft,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 19.99 EUR excl. shipping
Auf 88 Tasten um die Welt | Mehr Songs für Klavier
DONDE VAS ALFONSO 12|A LA CLAIRE FONTAINE|A la nanita nana|Abendlied|Ach bitt'rer Winter|AH LES CROCODILES|Ah vous dirai je maman KV 265 / Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|AL LADO DE MI CABANA|AL MENDILI|ALL AROUND MY HAT|All through the night|AM UN LEU SI VREAU SA L BEU|Amen|ANAMBEKE|Andachtsjodler|Ännchen von Tharau|ARIRANG|AYELEVI NO KU|BAFTA HINDI|Bajuschki baju|Banks of the Ohio|Barbara Allen|Beautiful brown eyes|Bella bimba|Bella Ciao|BERCEUSE D'AUVERGNE|Blow the man down|BOBOWARO FERO SATODEH|Bona nox|BOUND FOR THE RIO GRANDE|Buffalo girls|Camptown Races|Careless love|Chevaliers de la table ronde|Cookles and mussels|COME BACK LIZA|Come follow me|CON EL VITO|DA PACEM DOMINE|DAGLAR GIBI DALGALARI|DANS LES JARDINS D'MON PERE|Das klinget so herrlich (aus der Zauberflöte) / Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|De colores|DER BLANKENSTEINHUSAR|DER HARUNG|DER HAT VERGEBEN|Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja (aus Die Zauberflöte) / Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Die güldene Sonne bringt Leben und Wonne|DIN DON DEINE|DOBRU NOC MA MILA|Dona nobis pacem|Down by the riverside|Down in the valley|EARLY TO BED|Easy Rider Blues|EIN FESTE BURG IST UNSER GOTT|Ej Janik Janik|EJ UCHNJEM - DIE WOLGASCHLAPPER|EKMEK BULDUM|EL CAFETAL|EL CARBONERO|El condor pasa|EL RIO|EPO I TAI TAI|Es lebt der Eisbär in Sibirien|Es war ein König in Thule|Ev'ry time I feel the spirit|FAREWELL AND ADIEU|Freedom is coming|Freight train|FROGGIE WENT A COURTIN'|Gefangenenchor (aus Nabucco) / Verdi Giuseppe|Geh aus mein Herz und suche Freud|Gentil Coquelicot|GIOVANOTTINA|GIT ALONG LITTLE DOGGIES|Give me that old time religion|Go down Moses|Go tell it on the mountain|HAMBANI KAHLE|Head and shoulders|HERR HADUBRAND|Hine ma tov|Horch was kommt von draussen rein|House of the rising sun|HOY ES DOMINGO ZAGALA|HURIHURI|I AM A POOR WAYFARING STRANGER|I like the flowers|I SKOVENS DYBE STILLE RO|IDZIE MACIEK|I'm going to leave old Texas now|I'm gonna sing|I'm on my way|INDO EU A CAMINHO DE VISEU|JA KUJAWIAK|J'AI DU BON TABAC|Jesse James|John Brown's body (Glory glory hallelujah)|JOHNNY I HARDLY KNEW YOU|JOMI JOMI SCHPIL MIR A LIDELE|Joshua fit the battle of Jericho|Kaiserhymne / Haydn Joseph|KAS TIE TADI|Kein Feuer keine Kohle|KEIN SCHERZ|Kol dodi|KOMT VRIENDEN IN HET RONDE|KOOKABURRA|Korobuschka|Kraut und Rueben|KUME KUM GESELLE MIN|La Donna e mobile (aus Rigoletto) / Verdi Giuseppe|LA JESUSITA|LAEKSIN MINAE KESAEYOENAE KAEYMAEAEN|LAS MANANITAS|L'inverno e passato|Lobe den Herren|LOCH LOMOND|Long long ago|MAKE IT FLAT|MANANA POR LA MANANA|MEGFOGTAM EGY SZUNYOGOT|MICHAEL FINNIGAN|Midnight special|MINUN KULTANI KAUNIS ON (JA MEIN SCHATZ IST WUNDERSCHOEN)|My Bonnie is over the ocean|Nun danket alle Gott|Oj ne chodi Hrizju|Old black Joe|ON THE BANKS OF SACRAMENTO|On top of old smokey|OTSCHI TSCHORNYJE|PAL SINE HONER|PAPIR IS DOCH WAJSS|PERA STUS PERA KAMBUS|Pick A Bale Of Cotton|PIPING TIM OF GALWAY|Plaisir d'amour|POKAREKARE ANA|POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON|PRIDI TY SUHAJKO|RHYTHM AND SYNCOPATION|Rolling home|ROSELIL' OG HENDES MODER|Rossinyol|ROW YOUR BOAT|SAKURA|Samba lele|SCHLOF MAJN KIND|SCHOENE MINKA|SCOTLAND THE BRAVE|She'll be coming round the mountain|Shenandoah|SI LE ROI M'AVAIT DONNE|SIEBEN ACHTEL|SING TOGETHER|Siyahamba|Skye boat song|Sloop John B|SOITTAJAPAIMEN|Somebody's knockin' at your door|Sometimes I feel like a motherless child|St James infirmary|STANDING IN THE NEED OF PRAYER|Steal away to Jesus|STEHN ZWEI STERN AM HOHEN HIMMEL|Stenka Rasin|STO MI E MILO|Sweet Betsy from pike|Swing low sweet chariot|Teacher's Blues|TENGO UNA MUNECA|THA MI SGITH|The foggy dew|The gospel train|The railroad corral|THE STREETS OF LAREDO|THE TAILOR AND THE MOUSE|The wabash cannon ball|The wild rover|The yellow rose of Texas|This little light of mine|This old man|TIC E TIC E TOC|Tiritomba|Toreador en garde / Bizet Georges|TRES HOJITAS|TROIS JEUNES TAMBOURS|Tumbalalaika|TOULL' ON MUN KULTANI|Turkey in the straw|Twinkle twinkle little star|UN AS DER REBE ZINGT|UTI VAR HAGE|Vaermlandsvisan|VO POLE BERJOZON'KA STOJALA|Wade in the water|Waltzing Matilda|Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten|Were you there|Whiskey in the jar|Will the circle be unbroken|Wlazl kotek na plotek|Worried man blues|WUESTLING|XEKINA MJA PSAROPULA|ZEG MOEDER WAAR IS JAN- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 24.95 EUR excl. shipping
VN Son/Kreutzer Son
FIAMMETTA FACCHINI Pianist - Harpsicordist If you watched the movie "The English Patient", you have heard Fiammetta Facchini perform. Anm accomplished pianist and harpsicordist, Ms. Facchini's work has been used in several movie soundtracks. Fiammetta Facchini received her diploma in piano performance in 1988, completing ten-year course of study at the Conservatorio "G. Rossini" in Pesaro, Italy. After earning the "Diplome de Virtuosité" in Switzerland, in 1990, with Professor Eduardo Vercelli, Ms. Facchini did further post-graduate work at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, the Accademia Mozarteum in Salzburg, and the Accademia "F. Liszt" in Budapest. As a member of the chamber music ensemble, Ms. facchini completed year-long programs at the prestigious music schools in Fiesole and Saluzzo. She studied under prominent musicians such as Sirbu, Gheorghiu, Trio di Trieste..., graduating with distinction. In 1998 she also earned a degree in harpsicord performance at the Conservatorio "A. Casella" in Aquila. Ms. Facchini has toured France, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Austria and U.S.A. either as a soloist as a member of a chamber music ensemble. Currently, she is professor and pianist accompanist at the Professional School in Espinho, pianist accompanist at the University of Porto (Portugal) and professor of piano at the Superior Institute Piaget of Viseu .She plays in a violin and piano duo with Ludovico Tramma, with whom she has won many prizes in national and international competitions. In 2007 they recorded a CD for Afinaudio (Portugal), with the sonata in d minor by Schumann and the sonata op.47 "A Kreutzer" by Beethoven. Diplomatasi in Pianoforte presso il Conservatorio "G. Rossini" di Pesaro, ha frequentato numerosi e prestigiosi corsi di perfezionamento alla Chigiana, al "Mozarteum", a Budapest, a Parigi. Ha studiato, inoltre al Conservatorio di Ginevra e presso il Conservatorio di Neuchatel, dove ha conseguito l'importante "Diplome de Virtuosité" in Pianoforte sotto la guida del pianista argentino EDUARDO VERCELLI (1935-1993, 1° Premio Concorso di Monaco). Ha studiato inoltre, per un anno, con il TRIO DI TRIESTE a Fiesole (FI) e presso la Scuola APM di Saluzzo (CN), superando l'esame finale con il massimo dei voti. Ha vinto Premi in Concorsi Nazionali ed Internazionali di interpretazione (come solista ed in formazioni cameristiche). Ha effettuato concerti e tournée anche all'estero, come solista, in formazioni cameristiche e con Orchestre da camera (sia come pianista che come clavicembalista): Svizzera, Francia, Ungheria, Norvegia, Svezia, U.S.A e Canada dove, in Duo con il violinista Ludovico Tramma, ha preso parte al Festival di Banff e con il quale si è classificata al II° posto al Concorso Nazionale "S. Fuga" di Torino ed al V° posto al Concorso Internazionale di Trapani (Federazione dei Concorsi Internazionali di Ginevra). Nell'anno sc. 96/97 è stata docente della Cattedra di Pianoforte Principale presso il Conservatorio "G. P. da Palestrina" di Cagliari e, successivamente, há tenuto supplenze al Conservatorio "N. Piccinii" di Bari. Nel 1998, ha conseguito il Diploma di Clavicembalo, con il massimo dei voti, presso il Conservatorio "A. Casella" de L'Aquila con la Prof. Ssa M.C. Sieni ed è stata per tre anni Direttore della Scuola Comunale di Musica di Sora (FR). Nel corso dell'ultima edizione del Concorso biennale per violino Vittorio Veneto, ha eseguito la Sonata di Hintemith (1939), esecuzione per la quale e' stato conferito il Premio Speciale dalla Fondazione Hindemith di Blonay (Svizzera). Sempre in Duo con Tramma ha vinto il III° Premio al Concorso Internazionale "Riviera del Conero" (Ancona), il III° Premio al Concorso Nazionale "Lucus" di Potenza ed una borsa di studio per seguire le Master Classes dell'IMS Prussia Cove in Cornovaglia (Inghilterra) con Ferenc Rados, Lorand Fenyves e Gábor Takács-Nagy. Nel 2005 si è Diplomata in musica da camera, con il massimo dei voti, e la lode presso il Conservatorio "S. Cecilia di Roma".Attualmente e' Professoressa di Pianoforte e Accompagnamento presso la Scuola Professionale di Musica di Espinho, (Portogallo) e presso l'Università' la Cattolica di Porto. *********************************************************** LUDOVICO TRAMMA violinist-violist Ludovico Tramma has graduated in violin, viola and post graduated in chamber music with 110/110 at the Conservatory 'S. Cecilia ' in Roma with maestros A. Salvatore, B. Antonioni, M. Lenzi and then with G. Prencipe and G. Franzetti. He was effective member of EUYO (European Union Youth Orchestra) and has made part, as a concertmaster, in the Italian Youth Orchestra. In three years 1993/95 he has followed the course of String Quartet with the M° Farulli at the School of Music in Fiesole and at the Chigiana Academy in Siena, achieving the prestigious 'diploma of honour'. He won the I° Prize at the National Competition of Chamber Music 'Vittorio Veneto, the II° Prize (without awarding the first prize) at the International Competition of Chamber Music in Caltanissetta and the II° Prize at the International Competition Rotary in Cremona, always with String Quartet. He has attended constantly the courses of Chamber Music at the Chigiana with M° R. Brengola and in 1997 has gained a scholarship to participate to the International Festival of Okinawa in Japan. In 1996/97 he has followed the course of Violin at the Rowan University in New Jersey (U.S.A.) with Mrs. Ciulei-Atanasiu, with another scholarship awarded from the same university. A further scholarship has allowed him to participate at the Banff Festival in Canada with the Italian pianist Fiammetta Facchini and, as Duo, he has awarded the II° Prize and the Special Prize for the best Violin and Piano's Duo at the National Competition of Chamber Music 'S. Fuga" in Torino and the V° Prize at the "Trapani International Competition". He has won, moreover, the competition for Violin sections and concertmaster of second violin section at the Teatro Lirico in Cagliari. In 2001 he has awarded the Special Prize for the best execution of Sonata of Hindemith at the "Vittorio Veneto" National Competition and the III° Prize at the International Competition 'Coast of the Conero' in Ancona. In November 2001, he has won the competition for violin section at the Teatro dell'Opera in Roma and in 2002 he has gained the III° Prize at the "Lucus" Chamber Music competition in Potenza. He has kept tounées in France, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Canada, U.S.A., Australia and Japan either as a soloist or as a member of a chamber music ensemble. At the end, he has recorded for Dynamic, Decca and Dygital. Diplomato in violino, viola e Laureato in Musica da Camera con 110/110, ha studiato presso il Conservatorio "S. Cecilia" di Roma con il M°A. Salvatore, la S.ra B. Antonioni, il M° M. Lenzi e successivamente con il M° G. Principe e il M° G. Franzetti. E' stato membro effettivo Dell'Orchestra della Comunità Europea e ha fatto parte, come 1° Violino di Spalla, dell'Orchestra Giovanile Italiana. Nel triennio 1993/95 ha seguito il corso di Quartetto con il M° Farulli presso la Scuola di Musica di Fiesole e presso l'Accademia Chigiana di Siena, conseguendo il prestigioso "diploma d'onore". In formazione di Quartetto ha vinto il I° Premio al Concorso Nazionale di Musica da Camera "Vittorio Veneto, il II° Premio (I° non assegnato) al Concorso Internazionale di Musica da Camera di Caltanissetta e il II° Premio al Concorso Internazionale Rotary di Cremona. Sempre alla Chigiana ha frequentato anche il corso di Musica da Camera con il M° R. Brengola e nel 1997 ha vinto una borsa di studio per partecipare al Festival Internazionale di Okinawa in Giappone. Nell'anno 1996/97 ha seguito il corso di Violino presso la Rowan University of New Jersey negli USA con la S.ra Ciulei-Atanasiu, grazie ad una borsa di studio messa a disposizione dalla stessa Università. In Duo con Fiammetta Facchini ha vinto il II° Premio- Shop: odax
- Price: 16.64 EUR excl. shipping