73 Results for : barbaro
Andrea Palladio: Die Villa Barbaro
Andrea Palladio: Die Villa Barbaro - 1. Auflage: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Letters from the Palazzo Barbaro
Letters from the Palazzo Barbaro: ab 9.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
Travels to Tana and Persia by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini
Travels to Tana and Persia by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini: ab 38.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 38.49 EUR excl. shipping
Pare Que Llego El Barbaro+Asi Es Beny
2 der besten Alben von Moré, die beide im Jahr 1958 aufgenommen wurden: Pare que llegó el bárbaro und Así es Beny. Als Bonus einer seiner größten Hits, "Qué Bueno baila usted". Digital remastered, 3-seitiges Digipack, auf 500 Exemplare limitiert!- Shop: odax
- Price: 13.90 EUR excl. shipping
Mikrokosmos Buch 5/14 Bagatellen/Allegro barbaro/+
This second album in Cédric Tiberghien's highly praised survey reveals the radicalism of Bartók's piano-writing to be just as evident in the early Bagatelles as it is in the lexicon of style and technique which is the fifth book of Mikrokosmos.- Shop: odax
- Price: 15.21 EUR excl. shipping
Allegro Barbaro
Sipos Mihaly - violin Porteleki Laszlo - violin, tamboura, lute Hamar Daniel - double-bass, hit cello, drum Eri Peter - viola, long shepherd's flute, kaval Jando Jenö - piano Petras Maria - voice Tracklisting: 01 Kalotaszegi jajnali, cs'rd's és szapora/Couple dances of Kalotaszeg 02 Bék'si t'ncdallamok/Dances of Bekas region 03 Dun'ntúli dallamok/Melodies from Transdanubia Bartók: H'rom magyar népdal 1./Three Hungarian Folktunes 1. Somogyi dallamok hosszúfuruly'n/Melodies on long shepherd's flut- Shop: odax
- Price: 21.70 EUR excl. shipping
Love & War: Barbara Nissman
Prokofiev started writing all three of his 'War' Sonatas (Nos. 6, 7, 8) in 1939 after he had returned to the Soviet Union - the year 1939 was responsible for their nickname. These three masterpieces don't necessarily depict war but they certainly suggest conflict and this can be heard in Prokofiev's mammoth Sixth Sonata. It's a symphony written for the piano, and Prokofiev takes us on an arduous journey that runs the gamut of emotions. I call this Sonata- Prokofiev's answer to Beethoven's 'Hammerklavier.' It shows Prokofiev the classicist, coexisting with Prokofiev, the 'modernist. He gives us four movements in perfect classical form with the fourth movement finale linked to the opening theme and the conflict finally resolved on the last page of the coda. The second -movement is pure 'slapstick' (Charlie Chaplin style) done with a straight face. The nostalgic third-movement Waltz is what I call Prokofiev's reply to George Gershwin's 'The man I love' (they met many years before in Paris.) The finale is a pianistic tour-de force and explains why Prokofiev is called 'the Russian Liszt.' This is one of the great works of the entire piano literature. Chopin's Andante Spianiato and Grande Polonaise is the 'love' component in this Love & War saga. Beautiful lyrical pianism followed by a triumphant, majestic Polonaise processional. (Chopin also wrote this piece for piano and orchestra but the solo pianist can easily fill in all the orchestral parts.) Liszt provides us with love, joy and passion with his three Concert Studies- virtuoso pianism but with emotional content as well. Then the American composer, Benjamin Lees takes us on a Odyssey of his own that starts with a sense of foreboding- he explores various places but returns to just where he began the journey, and nothing has changed. Conflict returns fortissimo with Bartók's Allegro Barbaro- a direct reaction to a remark by a French critic who accused him of being 'just another one of those young, Hungarian barbarians.' How this piece, written in 1911, has influenced so many other composers of the twentieth century!! The recital ends with the popular Liebestraum of Liszt- we are back to love again but it is love mixed with regret. Quite a journey! "Prokofiev's longest piano sonata receives an immensely fulfilling performance from the lively Nissman who always was, and still is, one of the world's top Prokofiev pianists. The standout for me is her brilliantly thought-out interpretation of the Prokofiev Sonata which shows such passion and humaneness in her playing." "Magisterial performances of a fine selection of this great pianist's recital favourites. Collectively, Nissman's discography will be collectors' items for many a long year, with her links to the romantic pianism of the past, but recorded to best standards of the 2000's.' 'A tremendous achievement, one which should be far better known and celebrated wherever the 19th-20th piano repertoire is enjoyed."- Shop: odax
- Price: 28.05 EUR excl. shipping