123 Results for : doze
33FJ12GP201-IP - dsPIC-Mikrocontroller, 16-Bit, 3,0-3,6 V, 12 KB, 40 MHz, DIP-18
Leistungsstarke 16-Bit-Digitalsignal-ControllerdsPIC33FJ12GP201/202Leistungsstarke DSC-CPU:• Modifizierte Harvard-Architektur• C-Compiler optimierter Befehlssatz• 16 Bit breiter Datenpfad• 24 Bit breite Anweisungen• Linearer Programmspeicher mit Adressierung bis zu 4M Befehlswörter• Linearer Datenspeicher, der bis zu 64 KByte adressiert• 83 Basisanweisungen, meist ein Wort/einen Zyklus• Sechzehn 16-Bit-Allzweckregister• Zwei 40-Bit-Akkumulatoren mit Rundung und Sättigungsoptionen• Flexible und leistungsfähige Adressierungsmodi:- Indirekt- Modulo- Bit-umgekehrt• Software-Stapel• 16 x 16 gebrochene/ganzzahlige Multiplikationsoperationen• 32/16 und 16/16 teilen Operationen• Einzelzyklus multiplizieren und akkumulieren:- Akkumulator-Rückschreiben für DSP-Operationen- Dualer Datenabruf• Bis zu ±16-Bit-Verschiebungen für bis zu 40-Bit-DatenSystemverwaltung:• Flexible Taktoptionen:- Extern, Quarz, Resonator, internes RC- Vollständig integrierter phasengesteuerter Regelkreis (PLL)- Extrem jitterarme PLL• Einschalt-Timer• Oszillator-Startzeitgeber/Stabilisator• Watchdog-Timer mit eigenem RC-Oszillator• Ausfallsicherer Uhrenmonitor• Zurücksetzen durch mehrere QuellenUnterbrechungsregler:• 5-Zyklus-Latenzzeit• Bis zu 21 verfügbare Unterbrechungsquellen• Bis zu drei externe Unterbrechungen• Sieben programmierbare Prioritätsstufen• Vier Prozessor-AusnahmenCMOS-Technologie:• Flash-Technologie mit niedrigem Stromverbrauch und hoher Geschwindigkeit• Vollständig statischer Entwurf• 3,3V (±10%) Betriebsspannung• Industrielle und erweiterte Temperatur• Niedriger Stromverbrauch Digitale E/A:• Peripherie-Pin-Auswahl-Funktionalität• Bis zu 21 programmierbare digitale E/A-Pins• Aufwachen/Unterbrechen beim Wechsel für bis zu 21 Stifte• Ausgangspins können von 3,0V bis 3,6V treiben• Ausgang bis zu 5V mit Open-Drain-Konfigurationen an 5V-toleranten Pins• 4 mA-Senke an allen E/A-PinsEnergiewirtschaft:• On-Chip 2,5V-Spannungsregler• Umschalten zwischen Taktquellen in Echtzeit• Idle-, Schlaf- und Doze-Modus mit schnellem AufwachenOn-Chip-Flash und SRAM:• Flash-Programmspeicher (12 KByte)• Daten-SRAM (1024 Bytes)• Boot- und allgemeine Sicherheit für Programm-FlashTimer/Erfassung/Vergleich:• Timer/Zähler, bis zu drei 16-Bit Timer:- Kann bis zu einem 32-Bit-Timer gekoppelt werden- Ein Zeitgeber läuft als Echtzeituhr mit externem 32,768-kHz-Oszillator- Programmierbarer Vorteiler• Input Capture (bis zu vier Kanäle):- Erfassung an der oberen, unteren oder beiden Kanten- 16-Bit-Capture-Eingangsfunktionen- 4-tiefes FIFO bei jeder Aufnahme• Output-Vergleich (bis zu zwei Kanäle):- Einzel- oder Dual 16-Bit-Vergleichsmodus- Störungsfreier 16-Bit-PWM-ModusKommunikationsmodule:• 4-Draht-SPI:- Framing unterstützt E/A-Schnittstelle zu einfachen Codecs- Unterstützt 8-Bit- und 16-Bit-Daten- Unterstützt alle seriellen Taktformate und Abtastmodi• I2C™:- Volle Unterstützung des Multi-Master-Slave-Modus- 7-Bit- und 10-Bit-Adressierung- Bus-Kollisionserkennung und Arbitrierung- Integrierte Signalaufbereitung- Maskierung der Slave-Adresse• UART:- Interrupt auf Adressbit-Erkennung- Interrupt bei UART-Fehler- Aufwachen bei Start-Bit aus Schlafmodus- 4-Zeichen-TX- und -RX-FIFO-Puffer- LIN-Bus-Unterstützung- IrDA®-Kodierung und -Dekodierung in Hardware- Hochgeschwindigkeits-Baud-Modus- Hardware-Flusskontrolle mit CTS und RTSAnalog-Digital-Wandler (ADCs):• 10-Bit, 1,1 Msps oder 12-Bit, 500 Ksps Wandlung:- Zwei und vier gleichzeitige Abtastwerte (10-Bit-ADCs)- Bis zu 10 Eingangskanäle mit automatischer Abtastung- Der Start der Konvertierung kann manuell erfolgen oder synchronisiert mit einer von vier Triggerquellen- Konvertierung im Ruhemodus möglich- ±2 LSb max integrale Nichtlinearität- ±1 LSb max differentielle Nichtlinearität- Shop: reichelt elektronik
- Price: 4.90 EUR excl. shipping
24F32KA301-ISS - PICmicro Mikrocontroller, 16-Bit, 1,8-3,6 V, 32 KB, SSOP-20
PIC24FV32KA304-FAMILIE20/28/44/48-Pin, Allzweck, 16-Bit Flash-Mikrocontroller mit XLP-TechnologieHochleistungs-CPU• Modifizierte Harvard-Architektur• Bis zu 16 MIPS-Betrieb bei 32 MHz• Interner 8-MHz-Oszillator mit 4-fach-PLL-Option und Mehrfach-Teilungsoptionen• 17-Bit x 17-Bit Einzelzyklus-Hardware-Multiplikator• 32-Bit x 16-Bit Hardware-Teiler, 16-Bit x 16-Bit Arbeitsregister-Array• C-Compiler Optimierte Befehlssatz-ArchitekturSpezielle Mikrocontroller-Merkmale• Großer Betriebsspannungsbereich:- 1,8V bis 3,6V (PIC24F-Bausteine)- 2,0V bis 5,5V (PIC24FV-Bausteine)• Low-Power Wake-up-Quellen und Aufsichtsbehörden:- Ultra Low-Power Wake-up (ULPWU) für Schlafen/Tiefschlaf- Low-Power-Watchdog-Timer (DSWDT) für Tiefschlaf- Extreme Niedrigleistungs-Brow-Out-Rückstellung (DSBOR) für Tiefschlaf, LPBOR für alle anderen Modi• System-Frequenzbereich Deklarationsbits:- Die Deklaration des Frequenzbereichs optimiert die Stromaufnahme.• Standard Watchdog Timer (WDT) mit On-Chip, Low-Power-RC-Oszillator für zuverlässigen Betrieb• Programmierbare Hoch-/Niederspannungserkennung (HLVD)• Standard Brown-out Reset (BOR) mit 3 programmierbaren Auslösepunkten, die im Schlaf deaktiviert werden können• Hochstromsenke/Quelle (18 mA/18 mA) an allen E/A-Pins• Flash-Programmspeicher:- Lösch-/Schreibzyklen: 10.000 min. / 40 Jahre Datenaufbewahrung: min.• Daten-EEPROM:- Lösch-/Schreibzyklen: 100.000 min. / 40 Jahre Datenaufbewahrung mindestens• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM)• Programmierbarer Referenztakt-Ausgang• Selbstprogrammierbar unter Software-Kontrolle• In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) und In-Circuit-Debug (ICD) über 2 PinsEnergiemanagement-Modi• Ausführen - CPU, Flash, SRAM und Peripheriegeräte eingeschaltet• Doze - CPU-Takt läuft langsamer als Peripheriegeräte• Leerlauf - CPU aus, Flash, SRAM und Peripheriegeräte ein• Sleep - CPU, Flash und Peripheriegeräte aus und SRAM ein• Deep Sleep - CPU, Flash, SRAM und die meisten Peripheriegeräte ausgeschaltet; mehrere autonomeWake-up-Quellen• Niedriger Stromverbrauch:- Betriebsmodus-Ströme bis auf 8 heruntergefahren µA, typisch- Ströme im Leerlauf bis auf 2,2 herunter µA, typisch- Ströme im Tiefschlafmodus bis zu 20 nA, typisch- Echtzeit-Uhr/Kalender-Ströme bis hinunter zu 700 nA, 32 kHz, 1,8V- Watchdog-Timer mit 500 nA, typisch 1,8VPeriphere Merkmale• Hardware-Echtzeit-Uhr und -Kalender (RTCC):- Bietet Uhr-, Kalender- und Alarmfunktionen- Kann im Tiefschlaf-Modus ausgeführt werden- Kann 50/60-Hz-Netzeingang als Taktgeber verwenden Quelle• Programmierbare 32-Bit-Zyklische Redundanzprüfung (CRC)• Mehrere serielle Kommunikationsmodule:- Zwei 3/4-Draht-SPI-Module- Zwei I2C-Module mit Multi-Master/Slave-Unterstützung- Zwei UART-Module, die RS-485, RS-232, LIN/J2602, IrDA® unterstützen• Fünf 16-Bit Timer/Zähler mit programmierbarem Vorteiler: Können als 32-Bit-Timer/-Zähler gepaart werden• Drei 16-Bit-Erfassungseingänge mit dedizierten Timern• Drei 16-Bit-Vergleichs-/PWM-Ausgaben mit dedizierten Timern• Konfigurierbare Open-Drain-Ausgänge an digitalen E/A-Pins• Bis zu drei externe UnterbrechungsquellenAnaloge Merkmale• 12-Bit, bis zu 16-Kanal Analog-Digital Konverter:- 100 ksps Konversionsrate- Konvertierung während des Schlafs und im Leerlauf verfügbar- Automatische Abtastung, Timer-basierte Option für Sleep und Leerlauf-Modus- Wake on Autovergleichs-Option• Duale Rail-to-Rail-Analogkomparatoren mit Programmierbare Ein-/Ausgabe-Konfiguration• On-Chip-Spannungsreferenz• Interner Temperatursensor• Einheit zur Messung der Gebührenzeit (CTMU):- Wird für Kapazitätsmessung verwendet, 16 Kanäle- Zeitmessung, bis hinunter zu 200 ps Entschließung- Verzögerung/Impulserzeugung, bis zu 1 ns Entschließung- Shop: reichelt elektronik
- Price: 3.01 EUR excl. shipping
Great Night's Sleep Every Night Hypnosis: Sleep Well Automatically with Hypnosis, Hörbuch, Digital, 39min
You can't just tell yourself to "fall asleep". It's never that easy. Nevertheless, sleep is restorative. It heals the mind and body, rejuvenates the soul, and recharges the batteries. Without it you feel irritable, edgy, and unable to truly focus on the day ahead. But getting to sleep at night can be quick and easy - with help from hypnosis. Switch Off & Drop Off in Minutes! The Great Night's Sleep Every Night hypnosis session will help you shut out the world and enjoy some serious shuteye! As you listen, the potent NLP and hypnosis exercises will work to rewire your subconscious, helping retrain your brain to let you drift off to sleep at will. You'll learn to relax and let sleep come naturally, without worrying about it or getting hung up on your inability to doze off. Simply download the session, slip on your headphones and listen, to discover how to: Sleep soundly every single night! Dissolve your anxieties and slumber peacefully Enjoy extra energy after a restful, refreshing night's sleep Download the Great Night's Sleep Every Night hypnosis session now to enjoy the deepest, most refreshing night's sleep you've had in ages. Language: English. Narrator: Hypnosis Live. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ispr/000170/bk_ispr_000170_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Fluffy Cloud: Dream Voyage with Cubanty: Bedtime Story 1, Hörbuch, Digital, 48min
I am a stuffed animal called Cubanty, and I want to be your friend. By listening to my stories, you can feel wonderfully cozy and sheltered. Together, we will experience magic dream voyages to calm down and fall asleep. For my bedtime stories, I use elements from autogenic training and other enjoyable relaxation techniques. While listening to this adventure at the beach, my magic dream dust will again unfold its marvelously calming effect. At the end of the story, we will doze off lying on a cozy, fluffy cloud which is swinging back and forth. Come along on our journey to the dreamland. Sleeping is so wonderful! Scroll up and click "buy" for a good night for you and your child. Goodnight! Cubanty is cozy and cuddly and always smells a bit of vanilla. Some time ago, he tried and flew around the moon. Ever since, his fur has completely been covered by magic dream dust which always unfolds its effect anew while telling his bedtime stories. You will become more and more tired during our dream voyages and will finally fall asleep feeling very happy. Rejoice: tomorrow will be a new, beautiful day! Language: English. Narrator: Cubanty Cuddly. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/chhe/000002/bk_chhe_000002_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Seus medos estão aqui (eBook, ePUB)
Nove contos que vão trazer o leitor para dentro da história. Bem vindos ao terror. Uma casa que vai te apresentar ao mal, com o sinistro toque do relógio de pêndulo... A máfia italiana vai ver que o terror está onde menos se espera... Dizem que seu maior medo, é a maneira que vai morrer. Se te perguntarem "de que jeito você tem medo de morrer?", Você responderia?...Deixem os mortos irem, eles podem voltar. Mas não virão sozinho... Quando um antigo amor está de volta, tudo pode acontecer em uma noite de lua cheia... Nem sempre em um necrotério todos estão mortos. Uma noite fria pode trazer bem mais que uma nevasca... Uma fogueira as margens de um belo lago, a linda lua de sangue, e um segredo assustador será revelado. Cuidado com as bruxas.. Quem disse que não existe amor eterno? Adriana e Vladimir vão mostrar que o pra sempre existe, ou não... Você com certeza se identificará com algum personagem. Muito suspense, terror e romance. Tudo isso e muito rock and roll. Um livro dedicado aos jovens de doze a noventa anos.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 1.99 EUR excl. shipping
Diário da prisão, Volume 1 - Belmarsh: Inferno
DIA 5: SEGUNDA-FEIRA, 23 DE JULHO DE 2001, 5h53 "O sol está brilhando através das grades da minha janela, no que deve ser um glorioso dia de verão. Estou encarcerado numa cela de cinco passos por três durante doze horas e meia e só poderei sair de novo ao meio-dia. Dezoito horas e meia de confinamento solitário. Na cela abaixo de mim há um garoto de dezessete anos acusado de roubar uma loja: é seu primeiro delito, ainda nem foi condenado. Ele fica trancado por dezoito horas e meia sem poder falar com ninguém. Este é o Reino Unido no século XXI, não é a Turquia, não é a Nigéria, não é o Kosovo, e sim o Reino Unido". Na quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2001, após um julgamento por perjúrio de sete semanas, Jeffrey Archer foi condenado a quatro anos de prisão. Ele deveria passar os primeiros vinte e dois dias e quatorze horas em HMP Belmarsh, uma prisão de alta segurança de Categoria A Dupla no sul de Londres que abriga alguns dos criminosos mais violentos do Reino Unido. Este é o registro diário do período em que o autor ficou confinado nesse local. -- Shop: buecher
- Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping
Deep Sleep Hypnosis: Powerful Guided Meditation to Fall Asleep Instantly, Sleep Better, and Wake Up Happy with Effortless Meditation, Guided Dreaming and Cleansing Relaxation Music , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 90min
By now you know that getting enough sleep is one of the fundamental keys to overall health and well-being. But, achieving optimal shuteye and truly winding down at night are skills that few seem to have mastered.A lack of quality sleep can hinder your alertness and quality of life while awake, as anyone with sleeping issues already knows. Suffering through sleepless nights does not have to be your reality. Instead you can fall asleep fast and get quality sleep tonight and every night.With this self-hypnosis guide, you will be able to:Fall asleep faster (and fall asleep instantly)Get better sleep for hours and hoursSleep anywhere you wantUse hypnosis therapy as a sleep medicationIncrease inner peacePractice mindfulnessIf sleeping problems plague you, it's time to try this all-natural sleep aid and put sleep hypnosis to work for you. Soon sleeplessness will be a distant memory as you doze off, sleep well, and wake up refreshed.This guide can help to reduce tension-related emotional and bodily discomfort, calm the mind and body, regain focus and therefore help you to concentrate more effectively by becoming more mindful, improve energy levels and mood, increase serotonin, and reduce anxiety.Listen to this audiobook on a low volume to ensure uninterrupted sleep once you drift off. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Adam Greco. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/225225/bk_acx0_225225_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Soothing Sleep Subliminal Messages Bundle: Sleep Like a Baby with Subliminal Messages, Hörbuch, Digital, 280min
This bundle includes the following four Subliminal Guru albums: Get a Great Night's Sleep - zone out and doze off at bedtime to give your body and mind the rest and relaxation they need to help you function at your very best . Overcome Insomnia - reestablish your natural sleep cycle to make sure you're taking advantage of the rest and recuperation proper sleep can bring. Remember Your Dreams - let the power of your dreams provide answers to your questions and solutions to your problems by learning to remember them in vivid detail. Stop Nightmares - keep bad dreams from disrupting your sleep routine or interfering with your body's need to heal itself and recharge your batteries. Each album contains seven powerful recordings, each 10 minutes long, containing thousands of embedded subliminal messages designed to help you reach your goal. To use this recording, simply hit "play" and listen. You can also listen on repeat in the background if you desire. For full listening instructions, visit: http://www.subliminalguru.com/listen To learn more about this audio and the messages included with each album, look it up in our catalog at http://subliminalguru.com/catalog To learn how subliminal messages are embedded into this audio, visit http://www.subliminalguru.com/subliminalanatomy.pdf Language: English. Narrator: Subliminal Guru. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ispr/000642/bk_ispr_000642_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Endless Energy Subliminal Messages Bundle: Enjoy an Explosion of Energy with Subliminal Messages, Hörbuch, Digital, 280min
This bundle includes the following four Subliminal Guru titles: Go to Bed Earlier - make early nights a priority. Snatch a few extra hours of sleep to replenish your reserves and recharge your batteries to stay fresh and alert all day long. Wake Up Early - train your body clock to wake you up a bit earlier every day, helping you get a head start and sending your productivity levels through the roof. Wake Up with Energy - bounce out of bed bursting with enthusiasm, ready to start the day with all the eagerness and unfettered optimism you need to make every second count. Take a Power Nap - doze off at any time during the day to give those energy levels a quick and focused boost from the inside out. Each title contains seven powerful recordings, each 10 minutes long, containing thousands of embedded subliminal messages designed to help you reach your goal. To use this recording, simply hit "play" and listen. You can also listen on repeat in the background if you desire. For full listening instructions, visit: http://www.subliminalguru.com/listen To learn more about this audio and the messages included with each album, look it up in our catalog at http://subliminalguru.com/catalog To learn how subliminal messages are embedded into this audio, visit http://www.subliminalguru.com/subliminalanatomy.pdf Language: English. Narrator: Subliminal Guru. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ispr/000621/bk_ispr_000621_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Revés de um parto (eBook, ePUB)
Todos sabemos ser impossível catalogar a dor da perda, mas numa escala imaginária de sofrimento humano a morte de um filho certamente ocuparia o primeiro lugar. Do desespero à raiva, passando pela culpa, pela tristeza e pela aceitação, os sentimentos envolvidos nesse tipo de luto muitas vezes se misturam. Como lidar com eles sem vivenciar um aniquilamento existencial? Neste livro, doze mães trazem relatos contundentes e emocionantes sobre a experiência de perder um filho. Porém, mais do que falar da morte, elas falam da vida, honrando a memória daqueles que se foram tão jovens e mostrando que não se trata de lutar conta a dor, mas de incorporar a falta ao cotidiano, ressignificando-a. Além disso, mostram que é possível preservar a existência de quem amamos por meio da perpetuação de seu legado - seja criando grupos de apoio emocional a famílias enlutadas, seja capitaneando projetos ligados a sonhos e ideais de seus filhos. Obra fundamental para mães e pais que perderam seus filhos, bem como para sua rede de apoio, parentes e amigos. Textos de: Amanda Tinoco, Cristiana Jacó Monteiro Cascaldi, Elaine Prestes, Gláucia Rezende Tavares, Helena Taliberti, Karina Okajima Fukumitsu, Ligiane Righi da Silva, Márcia Noleto, Maria Manso, Paula Fernandes Távora, Rosana De Rosa e Sandra Moreno.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping