68 Results for : reen

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    Durch die Sorge um Dave bekommt Jessica kaum ein Auge zu. In ihren Träumen sieht sie ihn auf unterschiedliche Arten sterben und die tägliche Videokommunikation zwischen den beiden zeigt, welche Angst die Isolation in ihm auslöst. Ihre Genesung und die verlorenen Erinnerungen sind Jessica momentan egal, Daves Rettung hat oberste Priorität. Als sie eine mögliche Problemlösung findet, stößt sie jedoch auf ein neues Hindernis: Sie muss die sichere Grenzwache verlassen und sich erneut den grausamen Träumen der Prinzessin stellen. Bisher erschienene Sequenzen aus der Erfolgsserie von I. Reen Bow: Sequenz 1: Die schlafende Prinzessin Sequenz 2: Die gefangene Prinzessin
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 1.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    The ketogenic diet is a combination of high fat, sufficient protein, and low carbohydrate intake. This diet is designed to force your body into a ketosis state, so that your body burns fat as the main source of energy. Effective weight loss, lower cholesterol, and increased energy are some of the benefits of this popular diet. This book will make it easy for you to understand and adopt the ketogenic diet. By listening to this book, you will learn: The principles of the ketogenic diet Its health benefits and precautions to take What you should and should not eat while on the diet You will also get: Delicious ketogenic diet recipes for breakfast Ketogenic lunch recipes Ketogenic dinner recipes If you want to lose weight, have more energy, and feel great, this book is perfect for you. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Reen Vogel. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/071653/bk_acx0_071653_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In 1848, women can expect a few bumps along the Oregon Trail.Corinne Temple, age 17, has a few ridiculous challenges to face outside the river crossings, snakes, Indians, accidental gunshots, and finding enough privacy to be clean along the grimy trail. When Corinne’s marriage of convenience gets less convenient, she turns to some new friends in the wagon train who help her see the hope for the future. They teach her to take the time to dance and celebrate the small victories, to have faith and determination through the hardest things a person can face.Corinne’s journey takes her from the cobblestone streets of fashionable Boston to the rugged mountains of the West, across rivers and deserts, from sea to shining sea. A faithful heart gets this young woman through the hardest days on the trail; her skills and resolve show her and others how a woman can rise from circumstances and survive. Join her as she discovers her own strength and resilience in...Finding Her Way.Previously released as Seeing the Elephant, revised, rewritten, and professionally edited. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Reen Vogel. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/105806/bk_acx0_105806_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mit dem Start der Bandreihe "Über Siebenbürgen" im Jahre 2015 gelang es dem Buchautor und Verleger des Schiller-Verlages, Anselm Roth, in acht Büchern eine Liebeserklärung an die Kirchenburgenlandschaft seiner siebenbürgischen Heimat zu gestalten, indem er den Leser durch atemberaubende Aufnahmen von Landschaften, Dörfern, Städten und wehrhaften Kirchen reisen lässt, die vom Boden und aus der Luft aus dem besten Winkel eingefangen wurden. Leider verstarb er - viel zu früh - während er am neunten Band der Reihe arbeitete. Mit diesem zehnten Band schließen die Herausgeber im Andenken an den leidenschaftlichen Büchermacher Anselm Roth die Reihe "Über Siebenbürgen" ab. Der vorliegende Band ist den Kirchen und Kirchenburgen des Nösnerlandes und des Reener Ländchens gewidmet. Der Norden Siebenbürgens nimmt unter den im frühen Mittelalter von Siedlern vom Rhein und der Mosel besiedelten Gebieten eine besondere Stellung ein. In Anbetracht der wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung des Bergbaus sorgten die ungarischen Könige frühzeitig dafür, erfahrene Bergleute aus der Mitte und dem Westen Europas anzusiedeln, um an die wertvollen Erzvorkommen und besonders an die Edelmetalle der Ostkarpaten heranzukommen. Daher wurde das Gebiet um Bistritz als eines der ersten besiedelt.Inhalt:Sächsisch-Regen Reghin Szászrégen Reen Obereidisch Ideciu de Sus Felsöidecs UuweräitschBotsch Batos Bátos BiutschWeilau Uila Vajola WeeleTekendorf Teaca Teke TeengdrafDürrbach Dipsa Dipse DiirboochLechnitz Lechinta Szászlekence LauechnzWermesch Vermes Vermes WaarmeschMoritzdorf Morut Szászmóric MauerzMönchsdorf Herina Harina MinzdrofBistritz Bistrita Besztercze BistrizMettersdorf Dumitra Nagydemeter MäterschdrefTschippendorf Cepari Csépány TschipmdrefTreppen Tarpiu Szásztörpény TrapmSenndorf Jelna Kiszsolna SändrefMinarken Monariu Malomarok Minuärk
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 24.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Sisters' Secrets: Reen: A heartfelt magical story of family and love (The Sisters' Secrets Book 2) - ePub edition: ab 2.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Leer my lees (Vlak 3) 1: Tippie loop in die reen: ab 1.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 1.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Reen oor die Serengeti: ab 15.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 15.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Destroy All Anti-Heroes By David Ensminger Although the Anarchitex have roamed the post-punk musical landscape of Houston for nearly three decades, the band's cantankerous barrage of noise remains far under the radar. Hopefully their newest and most chiseled release, Digital Dark Age, will finally crown them alongside other local veterans like The Hates and Mydolls as both survivors and sonic entrepreneurs, albeit with a more caustic underbelly than both. Part of their raw genius sprouts from Anarchitex's messy and motley history. At various times, band members have been involved in projects far and wide, including Naked Amerika, Really Red, the Pain Teens and Happy Fingers Institute. These bands made their marks at venues like the Island and Axiom in the 1980s, Commerce St. Warehouse and Catal Huyuk in the 1990s, and Rudyard's and The Mink these past few years. 'The creativity of the early Houston scene had a profound influence,' emphasizes singer John Reen Davis. 'Hanging around Ronnie Bond's [of Really Red] store Real Records taught me a lot. We started out as a keyboard-driven experimental band. Now, we're a power trio with [a] vocalist. 'Yes, we've changed, but the changes have been the result of artistic restlessness rather than any attempt to 'keep up' with the music world,' vows Davis. 'We've never tried to sound like other bands. We've never even tried to sound like the Anarchitex. We find it best to operate without a plan.' While their brethren have receded into the dustbin of history, the Anarchitex have proven that resilience and fortitude, maintained in the name of rebel art without pause, can keep a band prolific, poetic and pithy. 'We remain steadfast by writing songs with eternal themes, like U.S. imperial hegemony,' intones guitarist and singer Torry Mercer. 'Songs about how shitty the government [is] seem to remain timeless.' Digital Dark Age aims for the jugular of the modern information society, with it's entropy, pratfalls and false freedoms. Attacking at slanted angles with scissory irony, Anarchitex's wit is endless, emboldened by Davis's kitchen-sink realism and Dada style, which mingle in ravaging wordplay. 'Button on a Lapel' is a kind of anti-nostalgia ('I'm too old to skateboard / I'm too old to care') leveled off by urban haiku, seen from the point of view of a bus rider surrounded by blue-haired women and old men with Vaseline eyes. Meanwhile, the buzzing dark thunder of 'Blank Wall' feels like a meld of Midwest noise bands like Tar, the post-hardcore of Monorchid and Circus Lupus, and the rosters of 1980s labels like Rough Trade. The song lacerates religion, martyrdom, war and a future made possible by '99 percent of the people who do little more than take up space.' It is both a warning and a creed. 'CaCa Convention' is a succinct diatribe against political machinations and capitalism - an easy target, perhaps - while Midnight Oil rhythmic rumbles and lyrical sentiments pervade 'Brother Can You Spare a Dime?' The images of trampled working-class heroes and ruined Yankee Doodle innocence invoke the sizzling and sweeping books of Howard Zinn and John Dos Passos. 'Big Grey Boat' aims more internationally, cataloging the invasions of Grenada, Nicaragua and Lebanon. In such accounts, laissez-faire capitalism and war machinery go unchecked. History becomes an atrocity exhibition. Yet, the band packs some humor, even when dealing with heavy-duty topics. 'Growing up in a segregated Southern city where the police chief was head of the state KKK, rendered Nazi scientists started NASA and the space/arms race/Cold War, and oil-company tycoons plotted world domination using the CIA to destroy nascent Third World democracies, actually had no bearing on our sonic disturbances whatsoever,' admits Mercer with a sly smile. 'Falling asleep to the constant whir of window-unit air conditioners, however, was profoundly influential to our sound.' 'I Had a Science Fiction Childhood' is as demented as an early Ramones song: Mutants, electrodes and double-matinee monster movies crowd the narrative. It unveils the paranoid side of bubblegum punk, though the pop-culture detritus is broken, fragmented and chopped up by the stuttered tour de force. Lastly, tunes like 'We Are More Intelligent,' not unlike the mid-paced growl of iconic Big Boys at their early peak (but sans off-kilter funk), offer plenty of attitude and bile, howls and aggression, too. It spits in the face of public good-spiritedness, but with mock vitriol. Such slogans bite hard. The Anarchitex do not indulge in a rock and roll minstrel show, offer a redux sound of 1982, or forge a simple radical-politics looking glass. But they do revisit classic punk subjects with a vengeance. I might be crazy, listeners can hear them say between the lines of songs, but I am an unapologetic product of the world that hegemony makes and maintains. I am a babe in the blackened iHeart of the New World. And why is the Digital Age so dark in their point of view? 'The term 'Digital Dark Age' alludes to the impermanence of everything in a digital format,' says Mercer, 'If there is a future, folks there may never know anything about the times we live in now because some nitwit in the basement forgot to back up the files last night.' Former enfant terrible Johnny Lydon might be no more than a suntanned facsimile of his former self, but these pasty men have not suffered the same mind-numbing fate. Though casual listeners may mistake the album for a series of bitter and demented harangues, or as a breeding ground for helter-skelter explosivity, a taut tunefulness exists in the defoliated landscape of the Anarchitex's songs, where paroxysm and prose go hand in hand. Anger is still their inexhaustible energy. They wield it like a baton against the blunders of the world, with precision. 'It's our revenge on everybody who ever made fun of us,' Davis reveals. 'Like the prom scene in Carrie.' Houston Press Wednesday, Apr 20 2011.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 20.17 EUR excl. shipping

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