75 Results for : smita
Der Zopf (eBook, ePUB)
Der SPIEGEL-Bestseller - Drei Frauen, drei Leben, drei Kontinente - dieselbe Sehnsucht nach Freiheit Die Lebenswege von Smita, Giulia und Sarah könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. In Indien setzt Smita alles daran, damit ihre Tochter lesen und schreiben lernt. In Sizilien entdeckt Giulia nach dem Unfall ihres Vaters, dass das Familienunternehmen, die letzte Perückenfabrik Palermos, ruiniert ist. Und in Montreal soll die erfolgreiche Anwältin Sarah Partnerin der Kanzlei werden, da erfährt sie von ihrer schweren Erkrankung. Ergreifend und kunstvoll flicht Laetitia Colombani aus den drei außergewöhnlichen Geschichten einen prachtvollen Zopf. In ihrem neuen Roman »Das Mädchen mit dem Drachen« (Erscheint am 23.02.2022) erzählt Laetitia Colombani die bewegende Geschichte des Mädchens Lalita und einer Schule am Indischen Ozean - einem hoffnungsvollen Ort, der alles verändert.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
Der Zopf
Der SPIEGEL-Bestseller - Drei Frauen, drei Leben, drei Kontinente - dieselbe Sehnsucht nach FreiheitErgreife Dein Glück - überall auf der Welt kannst Du es finden!Die Lebenswege von Smita, Giulia und Sarah könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. In Indien setzt Smita alles daran, damit ihre Tochter lesen und schreiben lernt. In Sizilien entdeckt Giulia nach dem Unfall ihres Vaters, dass das Familienunternehmen, die letzte Perückenfabrik Palermos, ruiniert ist. Und in Montreal soll die erfolgreiche Anwältin Sarah Partnerin der Kanzlei werden, da erfährt sie von ihrer schweren Erkrankung.Ergreifend und kunstvoll flicht Laetitia Colombani aus den drei außergewöhnlichen Geschichten einen prachtvollen Zopf.In ihrem neuen Roman »Das Mädchen mit dem Drachen« (Erscheint am 23.02.2022) erzählt Laetitia Colombani die bewegende Geschichte des Mädchens Lalita und einer Schule am Indischen Ozean - einem hoffnungsvollen Ort, der alles verändert.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 12.40 EUR excl. shipping
Der Zopf
Drei Frauen, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten... Und dennoch teilen Smita, Giulia und Sarah das gleiche Schicksal: Alle drei kämpfen mutig gegen die Widerstände des Lebens. Smita, die Unberührbare, opfert in Indien ihr Haar dem Gott Vishnu, denn ihrer Tochter soll es einmal besser ergehen. In Palermo rettet Giulia die Perückenfabrik ihres Vaters vor dem Bankrott. Und als in Montreal die erfolgreiche Anwältin und alleinerziehende Mutter Sarah erkrankt, schöpft sie mit ihrer Perücke neuen Lebensmut. In leuchtenden Bildern nehmen uns drei Sprecherinnen mit auf eine Reise rund um den Globus - eine Hymne auf das Leben und den Mut aller Frauen dieser Welt.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 15.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Braid
Three women. Three countries. One unforgettable journey. The Braid is a vibrant and singular reminder of what connects us all - across borders, across languages, across cultures.'A beautifully written novel of determination, bravery, and hope. You will remember Smita, Giulia, and Sarah long after you've read their stories.' - AJ Pearce, author of Dear Mrs Bird In India, Smita is an untouchable. She dreams of giving her young daughter an education and will go to any length to make that happen, including leaving behind all she knows in search of a better future. In Sicily, Giulia works in her father's wig workshop, the last of its kind in Palermo. When her father is the victim of a serious accident, she discovers that her family's livelihood is at stake. In Canada, Sarah is a twice-divorced mother of three children and a successful lawyer whose identity is wrapped up in her work. Just as she expects the promotion she's been working her entire career for, she learns she has breast cancer. 'Laetitia Colombani is master at the art of storytelling.' - Le Monde- Shop: buecher
- Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
Arise, Awake: The Inspiring Stories of 10 Young Entrepreneurs Who Graduated from College into a Business of Their Own , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 272min
Arise, Awake is the story of young entrepreneurs who started a business while studying in college or right after graduation, turning their backs on lucrative placements to pursue dreams of their own. The ability to start a business is not defined by age or education. It takes energy and passion, an idea and an Internet connection. Your first 'office' could be your very own hostel room. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Smita Singh. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/028016/bk_adbl_028016_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Everyone Has a Story , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 190min
Everyone has a story. Meera, a fledgling writer who is in search of a story that can touch millions of lives. Vivaan, assistant branch manager at Citibank, who dreams of travelling the world. Kabir, a café manager who desires something of his own. Nisha, the despondent café customer who keeps secrets of her own. Everyone has their own story, but what happens when these four lives are woven together? Pull up a chair in Kafe Kabir and listen to them explore friendship and love, writing their own pages of life from the cosy café to the ends of the world. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Smita Singh, Shriram Iyer. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/030320/bk_adbl_030320_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
A Silent Promise , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 264min
It is about two individuals being fascinated by each other, two souls understanding each other, and two human beings admiring each other.... Avantika's rose-tinted glasses grow hazy as she steps into college with a broken heart. She is instantly surrounded by a whole lot of drama from people around her. But slowly the DU campus life charms her and makes her forget the suffering from her past, especially by bringing her to her soul mate, Keith - the one who teaches her the true meaning of being alive. Everything seems fine except for the nightmare that comes to haunt her over and over. She wishes it away but cannot. Finally, on the day she experiences some of the most beautiful moments of her life, destiny lays bare a cruel plan. Walk with Avantika as she brings Keith's dreams to reality and fulfils A Silent Promise. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Smita Singh. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/029243/bk_adbl_029243_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Q & A / Slumdog Millionaire
Ein Kellner gewinnt in der indischen Version von "Wer wird Millionär?" eine Milliarde Rupien (15 Millionen Euro). Doch wie kann dies so einem gelingen? Einem, der gar keine Schulbildung hat? Die Polizei verhaftet ihn wegen Betrugs und versucht seine "Masche" aus ihm herauszufoltern. Doch dann taucht Smita auf. Sie erklärt, sie sei seine Anwältin. Er erzählt ihr zu jeder Frage eine Geschichte aus seinem Leben, eine Geschichte, die begründet, warum er jede Frage korrekt beantworten konnte.Die Geschichten stehen zunächst unverbunden nebeneinander, Geschichten aus Indiens Slums, von denen, die nicht am indischen Technologie-Boom teilhaben. Brutale, traurige, aber oft auch witzige Geschichten, voller Leben, von Menschen, die immer wieder auf die Nase fallen und doch wieder aufstehen. Aber am Ende werden diese Geschichten von Swarup auf wunderbare Weise zusammengewebt.Abiturempfehlung zum Themenbereich India- Shop: buecher
- Price: 10.30 EUR excl. shipping
My Life: An Illustrated Autobiography , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 131min
'The story of my life has become intertwined with the story of this country. And somewhere along the way, as I met a million children across this land, I too learnt from a million minds. This book was not written to only tell my story. I want every young reader to think that this book is his or her story too.' A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has been one of the most iconic figures of Independent India. A scientist, leader, thinker, teacher and writer, he achieved remarkable success in various fields. Yet, what endeared him to so many was his dedication to the idea of a developed India, his simple and direct way of interacting with people and his deep love for his fellowmen. In My Life Dr Kalam writes his life story starting from his days growing up at Rameswaram; about working on India's space and missile programmes; his years as the 11th president of India; and about his life thereafter. Full of anecdotes that demonstrate the importance of hard work, commitment,courage and innovative thinking, this autobiography is a wonderful introduction to a remarkable life. Simply written, My Life will inspire listeners of all ages. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Smita Singh. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/028627/bk_adbl_028627_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Life Is What You Make It: A story of love, hope and how determination can overcome even destiny , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 348min
What would you do if destiny twisted the road you took? What if it threw you to a place you did not want to go? Would you fight, would you run or would you accept? Set across two cities in India in the early '80s, Life Is What You Make It is a gripping account of a few significant years of Ankita's life. Ankita Sharma has the world at her feet. She is young, good-looking and smart and has tonnes of friends and boys swooning over her. College life is what every youngster dreams of, and she also manages to get into a premier management school for her MBA. Six months later she is a patient in a mental health hospital. How did Ankita get here? What were the events that led to this? Will she ever get back her life again? Life has cruelly and coldly snatched that which meant the most to her, and she must now fight to get it all back. It is a deeply moving and inspiring account of growing up, the power of faith and how determination and an indomitable spirit can overcome even what destiny throws at you. A tale that is at its core a love story that makes us question our beliefs about ourselves and our concept of sanity and forces us to believe that life is truly what one makes it. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Smita Singh. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/029251/bk_adbl_029251_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping