78 Results for : 000267
Overcome Fear of Flying with Subliminal Affirmations: Aerophobia & Flying Phobia Treatment, Solfeggio Tones, Binaural Beats, Self Help Meditation Hypnosis, Hörbuch, Digital, 79min
Feel relaxed and comfortable when traveling on planes. Be in control of your emotions. Feel safe in airplanes. Overcome your fear of flying and travel without worry. This subliminal hypnosis program works for you on three different levels - positive affirmations will be spoken during your deepest state of open relaxation, low binaural beats that are almost imperceptible to the human ear work with your subconscious mind to anchor the positive affirmations to help you overcome your fear of flying, and ancient Solfeggio tones encourage healing and wholeness with powerful harmonic frequencies. Along with seven different soothing sounds of nature, these three elements combined together are the triad of positive change that will propel you toward a better future. Overcome Fear of Flying Affirmations in this program are: I am completely at peaceI am in control of my surroundings My feet are always firmly on the ground My heart beats steadily Every breath brings in more peace I am safe within myself I give myself permission to stop worrying I can handle anything I am enough Instructions:There are no relaxation suggestions in this subliminal hypnosis program, so you can listen at any time of the day or night. You may listen to the entire program as a whole or select only specific nature sounds that you enjoy most - the positive affirmations will still be effective for change. Language: English. Narrator: Joel Thielke. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/sp/sdhp/000267/sp_sdhp_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Kill Me Twice: Rosie Gilmour 7 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 557min
A beautiful model's death uncovers an ugly conspiracy stretching all the way to Westminster in Rosie Gilmour's darkest case to date. When Scots supermodel Bella Mason plunges to her death from the roof of a glitzy Madrid hotel, everyone assumes it was suicide. Except that one person saw exactly what happened to Bella that night, and she definitely didn't jump. But Millie Chambers has no one she can tell - an alcoholic and now sectioned by her bullying politician husband, who would believe her? And that's not all Millie knows. Being close to the heart of Westminster power can lead to discovering some awful secrets.... Back in Glasgow, Rosie's research into Bella's life leads to her brother. Dan is now a homeless heroin addict, but what he reveals about Bella's early life is electrifying: organised sexual abuse in care homes across Glasgow. Bella had tracked him down so that they could tell the world their story. And now she's dead. As Rosie's drive to expose the truth leads her closer to Millie and the shameful secrets she has kept for so many years, it becomes clear that what she's about to discover could prove fatal: a web of sexual abuse linking powerful figures across the nation, and the rot at the very heart of the British Establishment.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sarah Barron. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/qpuk/000267/bk_qpuk_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Das Goldene Zeitalter: Perry Rhodan 2569, Hörbuch, Digital, 194min
In der Milchstraße schreibt man das Jahr 1463 Neuer Galaktischer Zeitrechnung - das entspricht dem Jahr 5050 christlicher Zeitrechnung. Eigentlich herrscht seit über hundert Jahren Frieden. Doch seit die Terraner auf die sogenannten Polyport-Höfe gestoßen sind, Zeugnisse einer längst vergangenen Zeit, tobt der Konflikt mit der Frequenz-Monarchie: Sie beansprucht die Macht über jeden Polyport-Hof und greift mit Raumschiffen aus Formenergie oder über die Transportkamine der Polyport-Höfe an. Die Terraner und ihre Verbündeten wehren sich erbittert - der Kampf findet in der Milchstraße und in Andromeda statt. Man entdeckt die Achillesferse der Vatrox, der Herren der Frequenz-Monarchie: Sie verfügen mittels ihrer Hibernationswelten über die Möglichkeit der "Wiedergeburt". Als die Terraner ihnen diese Welten nehmen und die freien Bewusstseine dieses Volkes einfangen, beenden sie die Herrschaft der Frequenz-Monarchie. Allerdings sind damit nicht alle Gefahren beseitigt: Noch immer gibt es Vatrox und mindestens zwei rivalisierende Geisteswesen, die mit dieser fremden Zivilisation zusammenhängen. Das Stardust-System in den geheimnisvollen Fernen Stätten der Superintelligenz ES ist ein wichtiger Schauplatz der Auseinandersetzung: Dort erschien VATROX-VAMU - und konnte von den terranischen Kolonisten dank der Hilfe von ES vorläufig verjagt werden. Damit ist die Gefahr aber nicht gebannt, aber zum Glück gibt es weitere Helfer. Einige sind nicht sofort als solche erkennbar, und andere erinnern sich an DAS GOLDENE ZEITALTER... In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material. deutsch. Andreas Laurenz Maier. https://samples.audible.de/bk/eins/000267/bk_eins_000267_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Power of Your Spirit: A Guide to Joyful Living , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 429min
Losing our connection with Spirit may be the biggest problem we suffer from today. We want to face our challenges and disappointment with grace; be creative and inspired; feel excited by a purpose; and live fearlessly through an intuitive, guiding wisdom. We want to love and feel loved, and realize genuine peace. But as much as we desire a significant spiritual breakthrough and long to know our Divine selves, we’re still not making the commitment that will ensure our success. We want the gifts, but we’re not engaging in the practical work necessary to obtain them, so we remain stuck and more frustrated than ever. We know a lot about the power of Spirit, yet we aren’t actually experiencing it. And we cannot do so through intellectual pursuits alone. In fact, we can only experience it through a deep, intentional daily practice of connecting with Spirit. When you truly make this connection, you’ll realize that it’s the most authentic, lasting power you have in your life. In this enlightening audiobook, spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette will explain that, even though you can’t control the outside world, with the power of your Spirit, you can create a sense of purpose within that brings about profound contentment and personal peace—no matter what is going on around you. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sonia Choquette. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hayh/000267/bk_hayh_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Christmas: A Catholic's Guide to the Birth of Jesus, Hörbuch, Digital, 140min
Join world-renowned liturgical theologian Fr. John Baldovin, SJ, in exploring the richness of one of our most vital liturgical seasons: Christmas. This is a perfect gift for all thoughtful Catholics. Taught by one of our most beloved presenters, this course allows you and your loved ones to experience this and future Christmases more fully. The most popular season of our Christian liturgical year, Christmas celebrates the birth of the Lord Jesus on December 25 as well as a number of feasts associated with his Incarnation. Superficial images of Christmas have saturated our media in countless movies, books, and songs. Now, you are invited to take a closer look at the deeper meaning of Christmas.Through liturgical prayers, scripture readings, and the poetry and music of Christmas, you can grow in appreciation of the meaning of its celebration for our lives and in our world. In this series, you will focus on the “Holy Night” on which our Savior was born and on the origins of Christmas in the city of Rome. You will also explore the other two Masses of Christmas day and the celebrations that follow. Christmas is a truly special and meaningful time of the liturgical year. This course will give you newfound Christmas joy and understanding.This course is part of the Learn25 collection and comes with a free PDF study guide."PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. Language: English. Narrator: John Francis Baldovin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/nykm/000267/bk_nykm_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Power of Chi: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living, Hörbuch, Digital, 359min
In this remarkable program, The Power of Chi: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living, Robert Pino reveals those secrets, explains them, and fine-tunes them for use in the world we live in today. Robert has devoted years to studying the wisdom traditions of the Far East, including many forms of martial arts and the philosophical teachings of Buddhism and Taoism. At the same time, he's built a successful career as an author, corporate consultant, and management coach. Drawing on his unique background in the spiritual underpinnings of success and personal fulfillment, Robert identifies specific principles for connecting with chi and the dramatic transformation it can bring. What's more, he links these principles with specific strategies and tactics for applying them every day. The Wisdom of Chi isn't a history lesson or a philosophy seminar. It's a clear-cut program for getting everything you want and deserve, with the basic energy of the universe as your personal power source! Over the course of these 12 highly informative sessions, you'll learn: What chi really is - and why it has always been understood by great thinkers and achievers. How to recognize your unique mission in life - and how chi can let you turn your mission into a reality. The role of chi in bringing body, mind, and spirit into perfect alignment. What time really is and isn't - and how chi makes time work for you rather than against you. The differences between chance and personal destiny - and the power of chi to bridge that gap. How the energy of chi can carry you beyond self-created boundaries that limit so many people. How to share the energy of chi with other. PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your My Library section along with the audio. Language: English. Narrator: Robert Pino. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ntgl/000267/bk_ntgl_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Sensation, Perception, and the Aging Process, Hörbuch, Digital, 733min
Why is it that we react to the world the way we do, not only in ways similar to other people, but in ways often dramatically different, as well, no matter which of our senses is involved? And how is it that the physically adventurous young person you remember being - whose greatest passion was riding the scariest roller coaster imaginable - somehow grew into an adult whose stomach begins to churn nervously at even the thought of such a ride? The answer, of course, is that each of us - whether a different person or a more recent model of ourselves - isn't reacting to the same world at all. For though the physical world we occupy may be identical, the reality we experience is very different. The truth is, our various sensory systems can be altered over time, their acuity changing in response to aging or injury, life experiences, evolving personalities, and other factors. And in this series of 24 fascinating lectures, an acclaimed teacher and psychologist gives you a bio-psychological perspective on both the way we humans navigate and react to the world around us and an understanding of the ways in which that process is ever-changing. Rich in science, potent examples, and anecdotes, the lectures explore subjects like how we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch; keep our balance, and understand exactly where we are in space. You'll learn about motor memory, the ways in which our bodies process pain, and even why our taste in food changes over time. Whether exploring the complex structures of the brain or inner ear, or using humorous personal stories to illustrate a point, Professor Colavita delivers a course that informs, entertains, and even prepares us for the changes that lie ahead. PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio. Language: English. Narrator: Francis B. Colavita. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/tcco/000267/bk_tcco_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Cancer Schmancer, Hörbuch, Digital, 160min
Dear Friend, All I've got to say is, to hell with cancer! This book's about schmancer! Laughing at the crazy things life offers even when it's biting you on the ass. And diligence that pays off. Here I'll be telling it like it was - and is - so you won't have to go through what I did. Who knew when I was a chubby kid from Queens what a roller coaster my life was going to be! After The Nanny ended, I divorced my husband, started living on my own, and began dating for the first time since high school. I wanted to feel free as a bird, but instead was weighed down by troubling symptoms. And so began my two-year, eleven-doctor odyssey in search of a diagnosis and cure. Don't let what happened to me happen to you. Every doctor I saw held a different view. More than one told me I had a pre-menopausal condition common in middle-aged women ( middle-WHAT?). Finally, after insisting on more tests, I proved that my body was telling the truth - something was terribly wrong. Doctors are fallible, so open your mouth! Thank God I did, because my attitude saved my life. Just as I was getting serious with a man 16 years my junior (What's the matter? He's very mature!) my worst fears were confirmed. I was told I had cancer and would need a radical hysterectomy. Was I going to die? Would I require radiation? How much does a uterus weigh? Maybe I wouldn't need that diet after all... What I learned about myself, the depth of my relationships, and cancer - tests, treatment, recovery, and follow-up - could fill a book. So here it is. All of it: the laughter, the sorrow, the happiness and the horror. Everything that I learned the hard way and then some. So pour yourself a cup of tea, put your feet up, and let's dish... All my love, Fran Language: English. Narrator: Fran Drescher. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/time/000267/bk_time_000267_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping