96 Results for : 000369

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    The psychologist to Microsoft management reveals the methods for developing leadership skills that have helped its employees transform themselves.Microsoft is well-known for being an intense place to work: employees face pressure to innovate and excel and are incredibly devoted to their jobs. In Leadership Therapy, Microsoft consulting psychologist Anna Rowley draws on her 12 years of working with the top levels of Microsoft management, revealing the leadership skills that have helped the company maintain market dominance.Here, she distills the characteristics every leader must have to succeed in a demanding environment: belief, objectivity, insight, connectivity, and ambition. She provides the tools that have helped her clients to continue to attain their potential, while including fascinating case studies of the driven and talented clients she has worked with at Microsoft. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Anna Rowley. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/macm/000369/bk_macm_000369_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Unter dem Deckmantel der Terrorismusbekämpfung führt die US-Regierung einen Krieg, der in keinem Verhältnis mehr zur tatsächlichen Bedrohung durch terroristische Organisationen steht. Es geht um ein Milliardengeschäft und das Interesse einiger Menschen, diesen Krieg am Laufen zu halten - koste es, was es wolle. James Risen zeigt, wer die Akteure sind. Seit 9/11 führt Amerika einen endlosen Krieg gegen den Terror, weltweit und ohne das Versprechen auf Frieden. James Risen, Journalist bei der New York Times und zweifacher Pulitzerpreisträger, offenbart in seinem neuen Buch das unvorstellbare Ausmaß der verborgenen Kosten dieses Krieges, erzählt von Profitgier und verschwendetem Geld, von unerhörtem Machtmissbrauch, von Kriegen gegen Normalität, Anstand und Wahrheit. Unter dem Deckmantel der Terrorismusbekämpfung hat die US-Regierung schändliche Dinge getan - und heute wird alles getan, um diese zu verdecken. Wer profitiert vom Krieg gegen den Terror? Wer verdient konkret daran? James Risen deckt auf. deutsch. Andreas Denk. https://samples.audible.de/bk/xaod/000369/bk_xaod_000369_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    This episode of Bob Hope's classic NBC radio show, broadcast from the University of Southern California, originally aired on November 27, 1945. Bob Hope made his radio debut on NBC in May 1937. He became a top-rated fixture on Tuesday nights with his theme song, "Thanks for the Memories". His legendary broadcasts from military bases around the world helped boost American morale during the dark days of World War II. Over the years, his radio regulars included Jerry Colonna, Brenda and Cobina, Vera Vague, Wendall Niles, and orchestras led by Skinnay Ennis and Les Brown. Featured singers on the show included Judy Garland, Frances Langford, Doris Day, and Gloria Jean. Hope's radio career lasted well into the mid-1950s. By then, he had become a major movie and television star. He died on July 29, 2003, at the age of 100. Language: English. Narrator: Bob Hope, Red Skelton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/rt/radi/000369/rt_radi_000369_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Imagine this: Five eminently stylish and hilariously witty gay men (authoritative experts in food and wine, grooming, decorating, fashion, and culture) invade your life, assess your strengths and weaknesses, and make you better dressed, better groomed, better mannered, and a better cook, living in a better home.This is what Queer Eye for the Straight Guy does each week on one of the hottest TV shows in memory, as the Fab 5, Ted Allen, Kyan Douglas, Thom Filicia, Carson Kressley, and Jai Rodriguez, turn an everyman frog into an every-girl's-dream prince.But Queer Eye doesn't try to make you dress like Carson or dance like Jai; it's about teaching you how to refine your own personal style. It's about helping you realize the best expression of yourself: the real you.Packed with bonus materials, this audiobook brings the Fab 5 up close and personal, with quotes from the show, hip tips, and candid interviews with the guys. Language: English. Narrator: Ted Allen, Kyan Douglas, Thom Filicia, Carson Kressley, Jai Rodriguez. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/sp/rand/000369/sp_rand_000369_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Seit dem dramatischen Verschwinden des Solsystems mit all seinen Bewohnern hat sich die Situation in der Milchstraße grundsätzlich verändert. Die Region um das verschwundene Sonnensystem wurde zum Sektor Null ernannt und von Raumschiffen des Galaktikums abgeriegelt. Fieberhaft versuchen die Verantwortlichen der galaktischen Völker herauszufinden, was geschehen ist. Dass derzeit auch Perry Rhodan mitsamt der BASIS auf bislang unbekannte Weise "entführt" worden ist, verkompliziert die Sachlage zusätzlich. Kein Wunder, dass in der Milchstraße an vielen Stellen große Unruhe herrscht. Mit dem Solsystem ist schließlich ein politischer und wirtschaftlicher Knotenpunkt der Menschheitsgalaxis entfallen - die langfristigen Auswirkungen werden bereits spürbar. Um eine politische Führung zu gewährleisten, wurde auf der Welt Maharani eine provisorische neue Regierung der Liga Freier Terraner gewählt. Perry Rhodan kämpft indessen in der von Kriegen heimgesuchten Doppelgalaxis Chanda gegen QIN SHI. Diese mysteriöse Wesenheit gebietet über zahllose Krieger aus unterschiedlichen Völkern und herrscht nahezu unangefochten in Chanda. Ihre Krieger leben und sterben IM ZEICHEN DER AGGRESSION... In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material. deutsch. Andreas Laurenz Maier. https://samples.audible.de/bk/eins/000369/bk_eins_000369_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The sensational new psychological thriller from the internationally best-selling author of The Girl Before.Claire Wright likes to play other people. A British drama student, in New York without a green card, Claire takes the only job she can get: working for a firm of divorce lawyers, posing as an easy pick-up in hotel bars to entrap straying husbands. When one of her targets becomes the subject of a murder investigation, the police ask Claire to use her acting skills to help lure their suspect into a confession. But right from the start, she has doubts about the part she's being asked to play. Is Patrick Fogler really a killer.... Or the only decent husband she's ever met? And is there more to this set-up than she's being told?And that's when Claire realises she's playing the deadliest role of her life.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Eric Meyers, Lorelei King, John Chancer, Matt Reeves, Sally Scott. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/qpuk/000369/bk_qpuk_000369_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Rahmenhandlung dieses großen Gesellschaftsromans ist das Gerichtsverfahren Jarndyce gegen Jarndyce um eine Erbschaft. Der Roman lebt jedoch von Einzelgeschichten, die ineinander verwoben sind. Da ist die Erzählung um das "Waisenmädchen" Esther Summerson, das nach dem Tod seiner Tante von John Jarndyce, einem Beteiligten des Erbschaftsstreits und reichen Oberschichtler, in Bleak House aufgenommen wird und dort als Haushälterin und Gesellschafterin arbeitet. Weiterhin erfahren wir von Sir Leicester und seiner Frau Lady Dedlock, die sich als Mutter von Esther entpuppt, was jedoch geheim bleiben soll und schließlich zu deren Tod führt. Schließlich wird das Verfahren Jarndyce gegen Jarndyce wegen Geldmangels eingestellt, Esther heiratet Allan Woodcourt und zieht aufs Land. Aber nicht nur in Bleak House wird die Hohlheit einer Adelsgesellschaft kritisiert, sondern, wie könnte dies bei Dickens fehlen, der Blick auch auf Großstadtnot, Wohnungselend und Vernachlässigung gerichtet, ausführlich geschildert und in dem Gassenjungen Jo zum Leben erweckt. Der hier vorliegende Teil 3 umfasst die Lesung der Kapitel 40 bis zum Ende des Buches. Übersetzung: Richard Zoozmann, Regie: Peterpaul Schulz deutsch. Gert Westphal. https://samples.audible.de/bk/swrm/000369/bk_swrm_000369_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A gripping and original new young adult book set to become a monster hit.In the caged depths of an urban reservoir lives a monstrous creature. Its existence is unknown to anyone except the teenage boy who feeds it. Six years ago it was a vicious little baby, now it has grown enormous, and its rusting pen can't hold it much longer. Stephen has kept the Beast a secret against all the odds. He's got other painful secrets - like why he never sees his mother, or mentions his brother, Selby, and wishes his father was dead.Stephen's life in foster care - always bad - is getting worse, and he's not a boy who plays by the rules. But his extraordinary efforts to free himself of the Beast make him a hero that readers will never forget. This thrilling teenage novel, which presents physical and psychological danger with masterful skill, and human relationships with warmth and wit, launches the career of an outstanding new writer. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jerome Pride. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/000369/bk_boli_000369_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Penguin Classics presents Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters, adapted for audio and available as a digital download as part of the Penguin English Library series. Read by Penelope Wilton. "Eh, miss, but that is a rare young lady! She does have such pretty coaxing ways...." Seventeen-year-old Molly Gibson worships her widowed father. But when he decides to remarry, Molly’s life is thrown off course by the arrival of her vain, shallow, and selfish stepmother. There is some solace in the shape of her new stepsister, Cynthia, who is beautiful, sophisticated and irresistible to every man she meets. Soon the girls become close, and Molly finds herself cajoled into becoming a go-between in Cynthia’s love affairs. But in doing so, Molly risks ruining her reputation in the gossiping village of Hollingford - and jeopardizing everything with the man she is secretly in love with. Part of a series of vintage recordings taken from the Penguin Archives. Affordable, collectable, quality productions - perfect for on-the-go listening. Language: English. Narrator: Penelope Wilton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/pauk/000369/bk_pauk_000369_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Enjoy a Natural Face-Lift - Get a Younger-Looking Complexion with Subliminal Messages. Seven powerful recordings, each 10 minutes long, containing thousands of embedded subliminal messages designed to help you reach your goal. This recording contains the following subliminal affirmations: My face glows with health and vitality I have a clear, even complexion My skin is smooth and free of wrinkles People admire my beautiful skin My skin is toned and tight I love my healthy-looking face I look younger than my years My skin cells quickly rejuvenate themselves I nourish and care for my face A natural face-lift is easy for me to achieve I can feel the wrinkles and crow's feet fade away I love my younger-looking face To use this recording, simply hit "play" and listen. You can also listen on repeat in the background if you desire. For full listening instructions, visit: http://www.subliminalguru.com/listen To learn more about this audio, look it up in our catalog at http://subliminalguru.com/catalog To learn how subliminal messages are embedded into this audio, visit http://www.subliminalguru.com/subliminalanatomy.pdf Language: English. Narrator: Subliminal Guru. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ispr/000369/bk_ispr_000369_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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