448 Results for : 465min
Crash into Me , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 465min
Jamison Matthews has lusted after Ryder Montgomery since she was a preteen. But now that Ryder and her brother's band, Shaken Dirty, has made it huge, she's just one of many pining for the brooding lead singer. Too bad Ryder still sees her as a little sister. Not that it matters. Her brother would never allow it, and the last thing Jamison wants is to be another notch on a rock star's bed post. Even if it's Ryder's. Ryder doesn't deserve happiness. After his fame destroyed his last girlfriend, he swore he'd never fall in love again. So when Jamison, the girl he's been in danger of loving for years, joins the band on the road, he'll do anything to deny the sparks between them - even after one hot night together. But Jamison is determined to show Ryder that he's worthy of love - her love - and that she's all grown up and ready to play. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dara Rosenberg. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/021624/bk_adbl_021624_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Revived by Malm , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 465min
Who has time to miss coffee and chocolate when there's an alien warrior superhero stealing hearts? Clever with a bright future ahead of her, Dr. Phoebe Brown has it all - intelligence, an enviable career as a highly respected doctor, beauty and brains. That is until her life is endangered on a failing maintenance space station. A heroic rescue by a fleet of honorable, if not unbelievably sexy, warrior aliens places a now comatose Phoebe in a new alien world. She wakes to find her entire life as she knew it is gone and she must start over - alone. Malm is the ultimate warrior, committed to fulfilling his duty as second-in-command to his cousin and friend, Tordin. So when he experiences an undeniable pull and extraordinary attraction for the sleeping human female, he wants nothing more than to get her safely to his planet. There she can find a male worthy of her and away from him. Will Phoebe be able to create a new life after Earth - alone - when her heart longs for the attention and touch of the one man who is the least interested - the one with the emerald eyes called Malm? ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Johanna Fairview. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/065339/bk_acx0_065339_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Rainbow Clause , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 465min
Don't like the athletes. Don't sleep with the athletes. Don't fall for the athletes. It had never been particularly difficult to follow the rules, but Nick had a feeling he was about to be tested. Heisman winner. Member of the national championship team. NFL rookie of the year. Quarterback Colin O’Connor knows he’s become the ultimate romance novel cliché: all the success he’s ever dreamed of but nobody with whom to share it. Too bad it’s not as simple as asking out the next girl who intrigues him - because the next girl to intrigue him probably won’t be a girl at all. Unexpectedly, the solution comes in one neat package: Nick Wheeler, lead journalist for a leading sports and pop culture blog. Hired by Colin’s team, Nick comes to Miami to shine a spotlight on the NFL’s most private quarterback.The heat in Miami rises when Nick discovers Colin is nothing like the hollow personality he pretends to be in interviews and he’s even hotter in person than on his Sports Illustrated cover. Nick knows this is the story of his career, and it also hits close to home. What he needs is to help Colin share his story while keeping their growing relationship from boiling over in the press, but what he wants is to tell the world.Note: This book has been re-edited and rereleased on June 24, 2017. Content is the same, errors are fixed. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Wyatt Baker. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/126939/bk_acx0_126939_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Painter of Silence , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 465min
It is the early 1950s. A nameless man is found on the steps of the hospital in Iasi, Romania. He is deaf and mute, but a young nurse named Safta recognizes him from the past and brings him paper and pencils so that he might draw. Gradually, memories appear on the page: The man is Augustin, the cook's son at the manor house at Poiana, where Safta was the privileged daughter. Born six months apart, they had a connection that bypassed words, but while Augustin's world stayed the same size, Safta's expanded to embrace languages, society, and a fleeting love one long, hot summer. But then came war, and in its wake a brutal Stalinist regime, and nothing would remain the same. Georgina Harding's kaleidoscopic new novel will appeal to readers of Anne Michaels, Michael Ondaatje, and Sandor Marai. It is as intense and submerging as rain, as steeped in the horrors of our recent history as it is in the intimate passions of the human heart. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sian Thomas. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/020988/bk_adbl_020988_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Memoiren aus meinem Liebesleben, Hörbuch, Digital, 465min
Der stets unverheiratete Giacomo Casanova erwarb bereits im zarten Alter von siebzehn Jahren einen Doktortitel in Jura. Seine darauf folgende kirchliche Laufbahn endete jäh, als er betrunken von der Kanzel fiel. Im Laufe seines Lebens musste er aus mehreren Ländern flüchten, arbeite als Theaterdirektor und Geheimagent der venezianischen Staatsinquisition. Die heute in zwanzig Sprachen übersetzten Memoiren, verfasste er in seinem späten Alter als Bibliothekar in einer zwölfbändigen Gesamtausgabe. deutsch. Regine Schroeder. https://samples.audible.de/bk/desi/000004/bk_desi_000004_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Alles Glück kommt nie, Hörbuch, Digital, 465min
Charles Balanda ist ein erfolgreicher Architekt, dem es im großen und Ganzen verhältnismäßig gut geht. Bis er einen Brief bekommt, der sein Leben aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt und in dem nur drei Worte stehen: Anouk ist tot. Dramaturgisch geschickt enthüllt Anna Gavalda, wer diese Anouk gewesen ist: eine Nachbarin in der Kindheit, eine alleinerziehende Mutter, bei der er immer Zuflucht nahm, wenn ihm das eigene Haus zu eng wurde, eine zwanzig Jahre ältere Frau, die für ihn so etwas wie die große Liebe wurde. Durch die seltsame Todesanzeige aufgewühlt, begibt sich Charles auf Spurensuche in die Provinz und findet heraus, wie kläglich Anouk gestorben ist. Dabei lernt er Kate kennen, die in ihrem Altruismus und ihrer Menschlichkeit glatt die kleine Schwester von Anouk sein könnte. Mit ihr bekommt Charles, der Anouks Liebe ausgeschlagen und sie schmählich im Stich gelassen hat, eine zweite Chance. deutsch. Nina Petri, Stephan Schad. https://samples.audible.de/bk/hamb/000334/bk_hamb_000334_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Das Gebot der Rache, Hörbuch, Digital, 465min
Donald Miller führt ein Leben, von dem man nur träumen kann. Mit seiner wohlhabenden Frau Sammy und seinem kleinen Sohn Walt bewohnt er ein luxuriöses Anwesen in der kanadischen Provinz. Donald kennt keine Geldsorgen, er liebt seine Familie, er ist umgeben von netten Leuten. Doch mit einem Schlag zerbricht diese heile Welt... Als er seinen abgeschlachteten Hund findet, ahnt Donald, dass etwas in sein Leben getreten ist, das ihn für immer zeichnen wird. Seine bösen Vorahnungen werden schnell zur bitteren Wahrheit. Während eines Schneesturms wird Sammy entführt. Kurz darauf findet man ihren brutal zugerichteten Leichnam. Mit der Präzision eines Uhrwerks zieht sich eine namenlose Bedrohung um Donald zusammen: Er gerät zusammen mit seinem Sohn in die Gewalt eines Feindes, der scheinbar jede Menschlichkeit hinter sich gelassen hat... deutsch. Gerd Köster. https://samples.audible.de/bk/rhde/001927/bk_rhde_001927_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Back to Life , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 465min
Talented author Dakota Bibbs has deemed herself unlucky in love. She only dreams of experiencing a connection with a man similar to the ones she writes about in her novels. After ending a tumultuous five-year relationship, Dakota has decided to focus on herself and her blossoming business for the time being. Love will just have to wait. Other than dealing with her worrisome ex, things are going well for her.Then on cue, Giannis Williams enters her life. A boss in his own right, Giannis possesses just the right amount of hood, a double dose of sexy, and a dash of crazy. He could be her perfect match if she were looking, but allowing her heart time to heal is her priority. Giannis, however, is persistent by nature and doesn't plan to let up until he has Dakota by his side.Breelyn Waiters seems to have found herself in the same boat as her cousin Dakota, and she is attempting to get her life back after weaning herself off her most painful addiction - David Parrish. After being away for an entire year, Breelyn returns to Dallas to reunite with her family. She plans to steer clear of the man she once thought would own her heart forever. It turns out she was wrong about that, because DeMario Taylor is proof positive that David is no longer the only man Breelyn's heart will beat for. Watching over Dakota and Breelyn is Elijah "Rah" Waiters, a complicated man with a demeanor only those close to him can understand. He will tolerate a lot but coming for his family isn't one of them. Entering a new phase in life, Rah senses something is missing. He contemplates letting love in for the first time, but something is holding him back.Join this closeknit group as they block bitter exes, confront fake friends, and tackle fear of the unknown, all while experiencing true love on a whole new level. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ida Belle. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/011801/bk_blak_011801_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Hexenschuss: Tannenbergs Fälle 13, Hörbuch, Digital, 465min
Norbert Basler, Personalvorstand einer Bank, wird in seiner Kaiserslauterer Villa tot aufgefunden. Ein Schuss in den Lendenbereich kostete ihn das Leben. Kurz darauf werden zwei weitere tote Personaler gefunden, beide auf die gleiche Art ermordet. Bei seinen Ermittlungen trifft Kommissar Tannenberg auf eine Mauer des Schweigens. Erst eine Diskussion über die Frauenquote bringt ihn auf eine Idee: Dient die Mordserie an einflussreichen Männern womöglich dem Ziel, auf morbide Weise Frauenförderung zu betreiben? deutsch. Bernd Franzinger. https://samples.audible.de/bk/xaod/000111/bk_xaod_000111_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Eisblaue See, endloser Himmel, Hörbuch, Digital, 465min
Im Fischerdorf The Point wird Hochzeit gefeiert. Die 19-jährige Florine heiratet Bud, ihre große Liebe und den Menschen, der sie kennt wie kein anderer. Bevor die beiden zueinanderfanden, hat Florine jahrelang auf die Rückkehr ihrer verschwundenen Mutter Carlie gehofft - vergeblich. Schon bald nach der Heirat merkt Florine, dass das Happy End erst der Anfang ist: Ihre beiden in kurzem Abstand geborenen Kinder stellen sie vor ganz neue Herausforderungen, während Bud in einer weit entfernten Autowerkstatt arbeitet. Und dann erreichen sie unheimliche, an ihre Mutter gerichtete Briefe und die Antwort auf das Geheimnis um Carlie scheint greifbar nah. deutsch. Luise Helm. https://samples.audible.de/bk/argo/000869/bk_argo_000869_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping