78 Results for : eagerness
Emotional Intelligence: The Ultimate Guide to Build Massive Self-Confidence , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 67min
Unlock your true poetntial. Master self-confidence. Revive the dreams that were once thrown away. Success can be achieved in many ways. But do you know what stops us from achieving our dreams? Our own worst enemy, ourselves. There are times when we want to try something new. And we get excited at the idea of it. But when it’s time to take action, we freeze. We end up overanalyzing. And before you know it, the opportunity passes. Or, maybe you have a great start and have an amazing first experience with a new project you are working on! But as soon as an obstacle comes in your way, you stop. Then, all of a sudden, you lose motivation and momentum. This is when we arrive at this question. How do you grab this momentum and keep it? How can you overcome the obstacles to success without giving up? The answer lies in mastering your self-confidence. If you have fears, your confidence should be built strong enough to move past it. Your want, your desire to achieve major success, should be powerful enough to push fear away, to bring excitement and call forth an eagerness to fight and achieve your goals, despite not seeing immediate results. A confident individual knows he or she is a success internally, before achieving the external results. How? Through practice, among many other things. This book will show you proven ways to boost your self-confidence to achieve and overcome anything. We all need self-confidence to push us toward our goals! This book will show you how to keep a positive mindset, even in the toughest of times! Your dreams are achievable! If you develop the right attitude you can and you will become unstoppable in what you decide to accomplish in this journey of life! When you train your self-confidence, you’ll learn: How to overcome negative thoughts How to take advantage of fear Why a positive mindset is key How to overcome and embrace failure ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Amy Barron Smolinski. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/232266/bk_acx0_232266_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Understanding the Foundations: A First Century Guide to Studying the New Testament , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 562min
How did the first believers in Jesus know that the Gospel was true? Acts 17:11 says, "The Bereans…received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” But which “Scriptures” were they examining? Paul was teaching at a Jewish synagogue, so the scriptures were the Tanakh, which we call the Old Testament. Thus, to be "true", everything Paul said had to agree with the Old Testament! Understanding the Foundations is a 15-part Bible study that examines the New Testament as the first believers in Jesus would have. When we recognize that the Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament, the "confusing passages" become clear and seeming contradictions vanish. We can then see the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation as a single, uninterrupted story of God’s plan for mankind with no contradictions, no changes of plan, and nothing is obsolete. Every chapter is inspired of God and directly relevant to our lives. As Paul said, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” We examine the Sabbath, clean and unclean food, judging others, covenants, the Father Heart of God and why it is difficult for Jewish people to recognize Jesus as their messiah, Yeshua. There are also chapters on the Feasts of The Lord, or Moedim, including Passover, First Fruits, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and Tabernacles. Far from being merely, "interesting Jewish stuff", you will discover that God's entire prophetic plan is revealed in the calendar that He gave His people…both past and future! Like the scriptures, this book may be convicting but never condemning. Our goal is encouragement. In a world that rejects all absolutes and says we must not question or “judge”, God says, “Test everything…ho ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Richard A. Arendt. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/140520/bk_acx0_140520_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Anne with an E - Die komplette 2. Staffel
In der neuen zweiten Staffel schlägt sich die Familie Cuthbert weiter durch und sie versuchen mit den Konsequenzen der neugezogenen Grenzen umzugehen. Anne freundet sich in der Zwischenzeit mit Cole an. Ein Freund und Mitschüler von Anne, der in der Schule gehänselt wird. Inzwischen sammelt Gilbert Erfahrungen außerhalb von Avonlea, indem er auf einem Dampfer anheuert. Zusammen mit dem Trinidadischen Kapitän arbeitet er nun auf See. Die Themen Geschlechterrollen im späten 19. Jahrhundert, der Umgang mit Sexualität, das weitverbreitete Mobbing von Minderheiten und die mangelnde Kommunikation sind für viele Probleme in Avonlea der Zündstoff für das Verhalten der Bewohner von Green Gables.Episodenguide: 8. (201.) Die Jugend ist eine Zeit der Hoffnung (Youth Is The Season Of Hope): Die Untermieter der Cuthberts sorgen mit einer Frage für Aufregung: Könnte es in Avonlea Gold geben? Gilbert schließt auf See eine neue Freundschaft. 9. (202.) Symptome sind kleine messbare Dinge; die Deutung aber ist unbegrenzt (Signs Are Small Measurable Things, But Interpretations Are Illimitable): Der Dampfer legt in Trinidad an, wodurch Bash mit seiner Vergangenheit konfrontiert wird. Die Barrys verfallen dem Goldrausch, doch Matthew und Marilla hegen Zweifel. 10. (203.) Das wahre Sehen geschieht doch mit dem geistigen Auge (The True Seeing Is Within): Bei einem Abenteuer mit den Barrys lernt Anne, ihrem Instinkt zu vertrauen. Marilla vermutet allmählich, dass der Schein bei ihren Untermietern trügt. 11. (204.) Der schmerzlich leidenschaftliche Ausdruck einer Hoffnung, der es an Nahrung fehlt (The Painful Eagerness Of Unfed Hope): Anne spielt Liebesbotin und schreibt Briefe. Diana übt zu Hause das damenhafte Verhalten. Eine lebensverändernde Begegnung bringt Gilbert seinem Schicksal näher. 12.(205.) Jene entscheidenden Akte ihres Lebens (The Determining Acts Of Her Life): Beim Flaschendrehen kommen brisante Fragen über die Liebe und die Schönheit auf. Ihre Differenzen bringen Anne und Cole näher. Gilbert macht sich auf den Weg nach Hause. 13. (206.) Ich protestiere gegen jeden voreiligen Schluss (I Protest Against Any Absolute Conclusion): Anne schockiert ihr Umfeld mit einem neuen Aussehen. Die Stadt bereitet die allhährliche Weihnachtspantomime vor. Gilbert und Bash essen mit den Cuthberts zu Abend. 14. (207.) Unser Gedächtnis hat gerade so viele Launen wie unser Gemüt (Memory Has As Many Moods As The Temper): Cole begleitet die Mädchen zu einer ausgelassenen Party voller Überraschungen bei Tante Josephine. Zu Hause wendet sich Marillas Gesundheitszustand zum Schlechteren. 15. (208.) Sich gegen Tatsachen zu wehren (Struggling Against The Perception Of Facts): Eine Hochzeit steht an. Anne überelgt, welche Art von Braut sie gern wäre. Marilla sucht einen Augenarzt auf und Bash trifft im "Sumpf" auf ein freundliches Gesicht. 16. (209.) What We Have Been Makes Us What We Are (What We Have Been Makes Us What We Are): Eine neue Lehrkraft bringt unkonventionelle Methoden und ein Motorrad mit nach Avonlea. Bash fühlt sich aufgrund von Gilberts Studienplänen verloren. 17. (210.) Das wachsende Gedeihen der Welt (The Growing Good Of The World): Anne will Miss Stacy mithilfe ihrer Freunde nach einem desaströsen Vorfall retten. Bash erhält ein unerwartetes Geschenk und Cole trifft eine überraschende Entscheidung.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
Anne with an E - Die komplette 2. Staffel
In der neuen zweiten Staffel schlägt sich die Familie Cuthbert weiter durch und sie versuchen mit den Konsequenzen der neugezogenen Grenzen umzugehen. Anne freundet sich in der Zwischenzeit mit Cole an. Ein Freund und Mitschüler von Anne, der in der Schule gehänselt wird. Inzwischen sammelt Gilbert Erfahrungen außerhalb von Avonlea, indem er auf einem Dampfer anheuert. Zusammen mit dem Trinidadischen Kapitän arbeitet er nun auf See.Die Themen Geschlechterrollen im späten 19. Jahrhundert, der Umgang mit Sexualität, das weitverbreitete Mobbing von Minderheiten und die mangelnde Kommunikation sind für viele Probleme in Avonlea der Zündstoff für das Verhalten der Bewohner von Green Gables.Episodenguide:DVD 18. (201.) Die Jugend ist eine Zeit der Hoffnung (Youth Is The Season Of Hope)Die Untermieter der Cuthberts sorgen mit einer Frage für Aufregung: Könnte es in Avonlea Gold geben? Gilbert schließt auf See eine neue Freundschaft.9. (202.) Symptome sind kleine messbare Dinge; die Deutung aber ist unbegrenzt (Signs Are Small Measurable Things, But Interpretations Are Illimitable)Der Dampfer legt in Trinidad an, wodurch Bash mit seiner Vergangenheit konfrontiert wird. Die Barrys verfallen dem Goldrausch, doch Matthew und Marilla hegen Zweifel.10. (203.) Das wahre Sehen geschieht doch mit dem geistigen Auge (The True Seeing Is Within)Bei einem Abenteuer mit den Barrys lernt Anne, ihrem Instinkt zu vertrauen. Marilla vermutet allmählich, dass der Schein bei ihren Untermietern trügt.DVD 211. (204.) Der schmerzlich leidenschaftliche Ausdruck einer Hoffnung, der es an Nahrung fehlt (The Painful Eagerness Of Unfed Hope)Anne spielt Liebesbotin und schreibt Briefe. Diana übt zu Hause das damenhafte Verhalten. Eine lebensverändernde Begegnung bringt Gilbert seinem Schicksal näher.12.(205.) Jene entscheidenden Akte ihres Lebens (The Determining Acts Of Her Life)Beim Flaschendrehen kommen brisante Fragen über die Liebe und die Schönhaeit auf. Ihre Differenzen bringen Anne und Cole näher. Gilbert macht sich auf den Weg nach Hause.13. (206.) Ich protestiere gegen jeden voreiligen Schluss (I Protest Against Any Absolute Conclusion)Anne schockiert ihr Umfeld mit einem neuen Aussehen. Die Stadt bereitet die allhährliche Weihnachtspantomime vor. Gilbert und Bash essen mit den Cuthberts zu Abend.DVD 314. (207.) Unser Gedächtnis hat gerade so viele Launen wie unser Gemüt (Memory Has As Many Moods As The Temper)Cole begleitet die Mädchen zu einer ausgelassenen Party voller Überraschungen bei Tante Josephine. Zu Hause wendet sich Marillas Gesundheitszustand zum Schlechteren.15. (208.) Sich gegen Tatsachen zu wehren (Struggling Against The Perception Of Facts)Eine Hochzeit steht an. Anne überelgt, welche Art von Braut sie gern wäre. Marilla sucht einen Augenarzt auf und Bash trifft im Sumpf auf ein freundliches Gesicht.16. (209.) What We Have Been Makes Us What We Are (What We Have Been Makes Us What We Are)Eine neue Lehrkraft bringt unkonventionelle Methoden und ein Motorrad mit nach Avonlea. Bash fühlt sich aufgrund von Gilberts Studienplänen verloren.17. (210.) Das wachsende Gedeihen der Welt (The Growing Good Of The World)Anne will Miss Stacy mithilfe ihrer Freunde nach einem desaströsen Vorfall retten. Bash erhält ein unerwartetes Geschenk und Cole trifft eine überraschende Entscheidung.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 25.99 EUR excl. shipping
David Bowie by Sukita
David Bowie live und privat: Das Chamäleon, das nicht sich selbst, sondern seine Umgebung wandelteSchillernde Outfits, poetische Texte und eine energiegeladene Performance - so begeisterte David Bowie Millionen Fans. Als Ziggy Stardust, Major Tom oder Thin White Duke bewies er nicht nur auf seinen gefeierten Alben Innovationskraft und Experimentierfreude. Bowie zeigte der Welt, dass man sich immer wieder neu erfinden muss, um sich selbst treu zu bleiben. Zum fünften Todestag der Pop-Ikone präsentiert Fotograf Masayoshi Sukita einen außergewöhnlichen Bildband über den gefeierten Musiker, Schauspieler und Produzenten. In ihrer über 40-jährigen Zusammenarbeit fing Sukita ein, was Bowie ausmachte - in ikonischen Schwarz-Weiß-Bildern ebenso wie in schrillen Portraitfotos. Die besten Bilder wurden eigens für dieses Buch ausgewählt und mit aufschlussreichen Texten untermalt. - Spektakulärer Bildband über David Bowiemit einzigartigen Fotografien von Masayoshi Sukita- Einmaliges Portrait einer Künstlerfreundschaft: eindrucksvolle Texte beschreiben die große Nähe zwischen Musiker und Fotograf - Über 200 bekannte und unbekannte Bilder von David Bowie in Schwarz-Weiß und in Farbe, erstmals in einem Buch Der Musiker und sein Fotograf - die etwas andere Bowie-Biografie»Bowie war anders als die anderen Rock'n'Roller, er hatte das gewisse Etwas, von dem ich wusste, dass ich es in Fotos umsetzen wollte.« - So erinnert sich Sukita an seine erste Begegnung mit dem Ausnahmemusiker 1972. Sukitas Werk spiegelt das bewegte Leben des Künstlers ebenso wie eine bewegte Zeit. Durch seine Kameralinse betrachtet er die manipulativen Strategien zur Selbstdarstellung, zur Erschaffung von Kunstfiguren, die in den 70ern in Kunst und Musik ihren Anfang nahmen und in David Bowie ihren Meister fanden. Ein Kaleidoskop aus zeitlosen Portraits, weit entfernt von den üblichen Rockstar-Schnappschüssen!Zweisprachig: Deutsch/EnglischDavid Bowie live and in private: The chameleon that did not change itself but the surroundingsWith shimmering outfits, poetic texts and energetic performances David Bowie delighted millions of fans. As Ziggy Stardust, Major Tom or Thin White Duke he proved his innovative power and eagerness to experiment. Bowie showed the world that, to stay true to oneself, you have to keep on reinventing yourself. On occasion of the 5th anniversary of Bowie's death, photographer Masayoshi Sukita presents an extraordinary illustrated book on the celebrated musician, actor and producer. During their fourty-year cooperation Sukita captured the essence of Bowie - in iconic black-and-white photos and extravagant portrait photos. The best of them were chosen for this book and topped off with informative texts. - Spectacular illustrated book on David Bowie with exquisite photos by Masayoshi Sukita- Unique portrait of an artist's friendship: impressive texts describe the closeness between musician and photographer - Over 200 known and unknown pictures of David Bowie in black-and-white and in colour, for the first time in a book The musician and his photographer - a different Bowie biography»Bowie was not like other rock'n'rollers, he had that certain something, and I knew, I wanted to turn that into pictures.« - This is how Sukita remembers meeting the exceptional musician for the first time in 1972. Sukitas work mirrors the artist's eventful life as well as eventful times. Through his camera he looks at manipulative strategies of self-presentation, of creating fictional characters, that commenced in the 70's art and music and were brought to perfection by David Bowie. A caleidoscope of timeless portraits, far from the usual rockstar snapshots!- Shop: buecher
- Price: 25.60 EUR excl. shipping
The Loud Silence
Der Römer Donato Dozzy (Afterhour-DJ der Panorama Bar, Voices From The Lake) ist inzwischen einer der Superstars in der Nische zwischen Ambient, Dub und Techno.Der Römer ist seit den späten 80ern als DJ aktive seine ersten Maxi-Releases erscheinen erst 2004. In Berlin steigt er zum Afterhour-Resident-DJ in der noch jungen Panorama Bar auf. Drei Jahre bleibt Dozzy in Berlin, verbessert seine Produktionstechniken, vernetzt sich bestens mit den Berghain-Künstlern und kehrt 2007 als in Kennerkreisen gefeierter Techno-DJ nach Italien zurück. Nach Maxi-Releases auf Mental Groove, Curle Recordings und Mule Electronique erschien 2010 mit K sein erstes Album, gefolgt vom Longplayer seines zusammen mit dem Produzenten Neel gestarteten Projekts Voices From The Lake. Bei den Releases von Dozzy klingen trotz aller Abstraktion immer auch seine Psychedelic-Wurzeln, die Vorliebe für The Who, mit an. Seine Tracks lassen sich irgendwo zwischen Ambient, Dub und Techno verorten. Diese Genres bilden die Fixpunkte in den DJ-Sets von Donato Dozzy, die ihre graduellen Veränderungen auszeichnen und die einen ausgeprägt hypnotischen Charakter entfalten. The Loud Silence widmet sich als Konzeptalbum einem Instrument: Der Maultrommel. In April of this year, Donato Dozzy took a set of mouth harps back to his parent's house in the Italian countryside and set about exploring the possibilities of that most basic of instruments. The mouth harp had been calling to Dozzy ever since childhood, when he had discovered the marranzano on a holiday in Sicily with this parents at the tail end of the 1970s. Almost four decades later, Dozzy had begun to see in this peculiar, ancient sound, the roots of the music he'd been making and playing in clubs all these years. It was time to find out how far he could trace it all back. The Loud Silence is the result of those explorations, an accompanied deep-dive into childhood memory, social history and the roots of psychedelia. Recorded indoors and outdoors, half-way up mountains and on the edge of the Mediterranean sea, the record is meditative but also powerful. Dozzy has distilled his ideas into an incredibly intimate sound, one that invites an inverted sort of exploration, pushing you further and further into your own head. Each track maintains an inviolable central pulse, while delicate, fluttering sounds hint at vast spaces that might open up at any minute - they're just waiting for you to connect with them. Field recordings hover below the resonating harps, adding to the mysterious atmosphere. Tracks like 'The Loud Silence' and 'Downhill to the Sea' are wrapped up in simple rhythms, their strict throb drawing you deeper and deeper into the primitive sound. Where so much of today's trance-inducing music is mechanical, born of grids and microchips, The Loud Silence pulses with the presence of the human body. As Dozzy says, The hand gives the tempo, together with the breath. It's all about the mouth, the ears, the hands. The organic physicality of the sound, made in concert with the body itself, generates a primal response in the listener, an undeniably visceral understanding, an empathetic resonance. When you play such an instrument, you'll feel all your bones vibrating to the sound in a sort of chain reaction! says Dozzy. It becomes an emotional and physical clean up. In Italy, one of the ways to call the jew's harp is 'scacciapensieri', which literally means 'It kicks thoughts away'. The sound and its effects also carry with them a sense of history, of community and of social ritual. Trance states, whether shamanic rituals in the Amazon or DJ sets in dark night-clubs, have always relied on a social element, a communal understanding of what is going on, what is expected to happen. The Loud Silence is a personal album that speaks to this communal experience, that wonders implicitly why these ancient ideas of society and community have been so devalued today. In a moment where all individuals seem to act egoistically and not as a tribe, says Dozzy, This music gives me the sense of continuity with the past. Throughout history, states of altered consciousness have been religious, political, poetical or nihilistic, but rarely ever just a means of innocent entertainment. There is something inherently transgressive about removing the shackles of individual will and succumbing to something larger than yourself. Giving up your base desires and ambitions in favour of a sound, to submit yourself to something as simple and fleeting as vibrations in the air, the sound of some metal resonating in another person's mouth, is a way to communicate with the part of you which is in everyone else too. It's a way to reach both in and out at once, to the heart of what it is to be human on this planet. At a time when nations are burning and whole continents are on the edge of breaking apart, recognising the bonds that bring and hold people together, recognising that what we share is what truly defines us, couldn't be more important. The Loud Silence is Dozzy's second solo album, and it sees him return to Further Records, where he released his first solo LP, K, in 2010. On the surface, there might seem to be a world of difference between this record and K, but they share the same sense of dynamic movement within a limited sphere. It's not minimal exactly - it's hard to describe such a rich sound as minimal or reduced in any way - but it is music that gets the most out of a small, well-chosen set of tools. Like on the recent album Sintetizzatrice, a full-length collaboration with singer Anna Caragnano, and a forthcoming Further LP from Aquaplano studio partner Nuel, the ability to make a single element - voice, synthesizer, mouth-harp - the centre of a musical world is enthralling. The Loud Silence is a testament to this eagerness to unearth the historical and social resonances of lone instruments, to see what traditions, what emotions, lie hidden in the most familiar sounds. Anyone who has followed Dozzy's work over the years, whether the celebrated Voices from the Lake collaboration with Neel, the otherworldly mixes he's done for MNML SSGS and electronique.it, or particularly his album of Bee Mask remixes for the Spectrum Spools label, will see that The Loud Silence is a continuation of a life-long fascination with sound and its potential to bring people, times and places together. It's one more stunning chapter in a musical career that has never shirked the task of digging deep into the sounds that move us. This record is the first in a series exploring the depth of one instrument - next up in the series a solo record from Nuel that explores the Ekdahl Polygamist. TRACKS: 1. Personal Rock (5:03) 2. Cross Panorama (4:10) 3. The Loud Silence (4:09) 4. The Net (4:34) 5. For Arnaud (3:58) 6. Downhill to the Sea (6:08) 7. Concert for Sails (3:44) 8. Exit The Acropolis (6:04)- Shop: odax
- Price: 20.53 EUR excl. shipping
Jostle It!#*
Von Robinson & His Own Universe (VR&HOU) truly has created a universe of it's own with a refreshing sense of contagious optimism inherent in the work. Robinson has pegged a sound that has more Beatles, Elvis Costello, & Elliott Smith sensibility than one should dare to shake a stick at, and whooped it into a Elephant 6 Collective modernity. Von writes big, melodic, driving pop-tastic tunes, infused with intelligent and darkly-humorous lyrics. Influenced by his fellow Hoosier, Kurt Vonnegut. Jr., Von's songs resonate respect for the softer qualities of individuals and offer resistance to man-made establishments that distort and devalue those qualities. More accessible than your typical protest songwriter, Von uses pop to connect, jostling the populous with pop. Von began writing music in the 80's. After design school, he had a successful career as an industrial designer, but 21st century world affairs got him writing, again. His new songs drew the attention of several Brooklyn producers, leading to the Jostle It!#¢ sessions and the formation of His Own Universe, a highly talented group of recent jazz school grads. Given the political climate and eagerness of the public to discover the subversive next big thing, Jostle It!#¢ is a much-needed breath of optimism for a vast audience. REVIEWS of Jostle It!#¢ "Von Robinson is best described as a musical force of nature with a mission. 'Satellites and Totem Poles' is not just a great melodic slice of genius, but a scathing political commentary as well... Just think, this is his first EP - I am just drooling in anticipation of a full length album. He is a really accessible artist and I hope you buy his album and encourage him to make more great music!" Powerpopaholic 'On their debut EP, Von Robinson & His Own Universe have crafted a political outcry album like no other in that it's total sugar pop, a la Elvis Costello. The arrangements and vocals are sunny and pleasant and the songs are weighty, but don't press down on you with urgency. For an album that contains lyrics like "The leaders went to rape the planet" and "If you see love as a non-renewable resource/You'll understand greed", it's amazing how POPPY this record is. It almost fools you, it really does. No doubt, though, that this is socially conscious material. It isn't all press hype. Von Robinson has something to say... There's a message here and a brilliant packaging made perfect for singing along to. It's not propaganda, but it's also propaganda at it's best.' Mitch Michaels, 411mania 'It sounds like pop. It reads like poetry. This is such heavy social commentary delivered with a surprisingly subtle hand. This is a smart recording. It is worth understanding the message of the artist.' Neo-zine 'These sleek, harmonious pop rockers bridge the gap (very neatly I must say), between 80's New Wave and current pop punk bands like Bowling for Soup, or The Raconteurs.' Pop Vulture.- Shop: odax
- Price: 15.94 EUR excl. shipping