90 Results for : carlsbad
Aventuras de viaje
Aventuras de viaje - Carlsbad Caverns: Identificacion de patrones aritmeticos (Travel Adventures: Carlsbad Caverns: Identifying Arithmetic Patterns): ab 13.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 13.49 EUR excl. shipping
Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions
Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions - 73rd Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Carlsbad Calif. September 2011.: ab 66.64 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 66.64 EUR excl. shipping
Aventuras de viaje
Aventuras de viaje - Carlsbad Caverns: Identificacion de patrones aritmeticos (Travel Adventures: Carlsbad Caverns: Identifying Arithmetic Patterns) Read-along ebook: ab 26.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 26.99 EUR excl. shipping
Travel Adventures
Travel Adventures - Carlsbad Caverns: Identifying Arithmetic Patterns Read-along ebook: ab 26.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 26.99 EUR excl. shipping
Geologische Excursionen im Thermalgebiet des nordwestlichen Böhmens Teplitz Carlsbad Eger-Franzensbad Marienbad
Geologische Excursionen im Thermalgebiet des nordwestlichen Böhmens Teplitz Carlsbad Eger-Franzensbad Marienbad: ab 109.95 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 109.95 EUR excl. shipping
Switchfoot: interrobang
Die GRAMMY ausgezeichnete Rockband Switchfoot veröffentlicht ihr neues Album interrobang am 20. August 2021 über Fantasy Records. Voll kindlicher Fantasie und futuristischer Denkweise erreichen Switchfoot mit interrobang, dem 12. Album der über 20-jährigen Karriere der mehrfach mit Platin ausgezeichneten Rockband, einen neuen kreativen Höhepunkt. Zusammen mit Produzent Tony Berg (Paul McCartney, Phoebe Bridgers, Andrew Bird) haben Switchfoot - Jon Foreman, Tim Foreman, Chad Butler, Jerome Fontamillas und Drew Shirley - das Album sowohl im Sound City Studio in Van Nuys, CA als auch im bandeigenen Studio in Carlsbad, CA, in einem Ausbruch aufgestauter Kreativität aufgenommen. Mitten in der Pandemie. Furchtlos vereint die Band den Experimentalismus der 60er Jahre und den von Synthesizern getriebenen New-Wave-Swagger, dabei gingen sie weit über ihre eigene Komfortzone hinaus und kreierten einen neuen sound."Mehr denn je wollten wir, dass unsere Musik eine Brücke darstellt, mit Melodie und Texten und ehrlichen Songs für alle.", sagt Switchfoot-Frontmann Jon Foreman. "interrobang ist ein Album, das die Reise feiert, auch wenn die Ankunft unsicher ist. interrobang ist der Klang von Freude und Schmerz, Vertrauen und Zweifel vor dem Hintergrund des seltsamsten und schwierigsten Jahres, das wir je erlebt haben."Interro wird von "interrogation point" abgeleitet, dem englischen, formalen Namen für das Fragezeichen und bang ist der Drucker-Slang für das Ausrufezeichen.- Shop: odax
- Price: 12.89 EUR excl. shipping
The Night the World Exploded
A scientific team built a machine that can predict earthquakes. After predicting one will hit California within the next 24 hours to a skeptical government, the earthquake does happen and causes immense damage. Now with the support and funding necessary the team works on further predictions and comes to the conclusion that a wave of earthquakes are imminent around the southwestern United States where they trace the epicenter to an area beneath the Carlsbad Caverns. Here they discover a strange ore which is highly explosive, and is working it's way from the depths of the Earth. A desperate operation ensues worldwide to blast and trench the ground to prevent the explosive ore from reaching the surface and destroying everything.- Shop: odax
- Price: 16.50 EUR excl. shipping
Composer,pianist,singer,author & occasional actor RECORD LABELS: CKL Music, EDITION WANDELWEISER RECORDS (2010-2011)Substitute Faculty of The CalArts Pre-College Voice Program MFA.,(pending) BFA.,(California Institute of the Arts) CERT.,(S.D County Regional Occupational Program in "Child Development") EMAIL: c.metamorphosis@gmail.com C. Kenneth Lee has been hailed by The Hong Kong Economic Journal ?? as 'a young musical prodigy...he frequently visits the elderly home and entertains them with music and warmth...must thank him for giving them music therapy and hope.' Lee is a 2008 ASCAP Morton Gould Composer Award Finalist, recipient of The 2005 California Institute of Music's 'Creative Student Leadership Award', an honorable mention recipient from 2006 Save Me a Spot in College Visual & Performing Arts Scholarship Contest and a 2009 Cal Arts Capitol Records / EMI Jazz CD project Contest Nominated Asian Classical-Crossover/Film Composer. He is a pianist, actor, former chapter vice-president of Best Buddies International and 2007 Torrey Pines Idol Contest Finalist classically trained singer. C. Lee's 'Piano Solo No.4 (2011)' appeared on EDITION WANDELWEISER RECORDS, a German classical Label that include names like John Cage, Alvin Lucier, Morton Feldman. Etc. Lee was nominated and almost recorded for CAPITOL RECORDS/EMI. Lee is currently a substitute faculty of California Institute of the Arts Pre-College Voice Program. Lee has taught kindergarten at The TPHS Kindergarten from 2005-2006 (certified by The San Dieguito High School Union District), started a music therapy class for the TPHS Special Ed. Department (2005-2007) with school pathologist at The Torrey Pines High School in San Diego and did an internship in Hong Kong at F.O.C.U.S (a well-known non-profit Organization to help children with A.D.H.D, Dyslexia and other learning disabilities). Lee was a nominated candidate for the 2010 election for senator of Walt Disney's CalArts Herb Alpert School of Music that ended in a TIE. Lee has been sponsored to have his own solo concerts in USA such as Beverly Hills Aqua Lounge, Genghis Cohen.etc, Australia such as St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, Hong Kong such as THE HONG KONG GRAND HYATT HOTEL, THE HK MIRA HOTEL, THE HK ROYAL GARDEN HOTEL, The HK Skylark Lounge, HK Backstage Live .etc),and PRINCESS CRUISES. Apart from collaborating with many bands and choirs, and having released 4 solo CDs of his original compositions on iTUNES, AMAZON, NAPSTER, RHAPSODY, and other mp3 venders, Lee sang & acted in several lead and supporting roles that included being a member of The Original US West Coast Opera Cast of Iannis Xenakis' only opera, (2010) ORESTEIA, and a member of The Los Angeles Original Musical Cast with MEREDITH MONK in (2008)SONGS OF ASCENSION that toured at redcat in The Walt Disney Concert Hall. Lee has worked musically with and assisted with artists like LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, David Rosenboom, Carlsbad Music Festival, California EAR Unit, Vicky Fung, Katie Geissinger, and other groups and artists in the U.S and in Hong Kong. Lee has studied piano with an alumni from The Julliard School, an alumni from The Eastman School of Music, and faculties at California Institute of the Arts. Lee studied music composition at Northwestern University's National High School Music Institute, The Walnut Hill School, & received his Bachelors degree in music composition at California Institute of the Arts. Lee has studied composition/worked with Augusta Read Thomas, Morton Subotnick, William Powell (Julliard School Alumni '70), Steve Hoey, David Rosenboom, Wolfgang Von Schweinitz, Matt McBane, Michael Pisaro, Barry Schrader, Rob Wannamaker.etc, and studied voice with Angela Gooch, Alla Markovich, Jimmy Chan.etc. Lee is the founder and the first president of CMTC (The Cal Arts Musical Theater Club). Lee and his music has also been featured in several newspapers (Hong Kong Economic journal, East West Magazine, Del Mar Village Voice. Etc) and on radio broadcasts from the USA (ex: UCLA radio), United Kingdom (ex: Tempo FM 107.4, and Australia (ex: 2 CR Radio Network). Lee's music has been performed by David Rosenboom, Allan Vogel of Los Angeles Chamber orchestra, California EAR Unit, Susan Allen, Matt McBane.etc. ^#^as well as chosen for the 20th Century FOX SPONSORED "The 2009 Independent Asian Pacific Islander Performing Artists and Writers Festival" in Los Angeles. (REVIEWS:) '...I think his music is pretty, cool and catchy. I could see people humming to it. I could see 'Thanksgiving' being in the next Disney's Aladdin Film.' - COLIN BATES (professional actor and one of the original BILLY ELLIOT actors on The London Broadway Musical ) It's a pleasure to hear his great music...' -JEFF MARDER (associate conductor of The Los Angeles Broadway Musical 'WICKED') '...I've heard his stuff, I think it's pretty magical...' -HENRY LEE HOPPER (Academy 'OSCAR' Award Nominated actor Dennis Hopper's Actor Son) '...his music has great diversity of styles from classical to experimental ...' -MATT MCCBANE (composer,conductor,and founder and director of the CARLSBAD MUSIC FESTIVAL,Carlsbad,CA)- Shop: odax
- Price: 35.80 EUR excl. shipping
C. Kenneth Lee Substitute Faculty of The CalArts Pre-College Voice Program B.F.A. California Institute of the Arts c.breakaway2@gmail.com C. Kenneth Lee has been hailed by The Hong Kong Economic Journal as 'a young musical prodigy...he frequently visits the elderly home and entertains them with music and warmth...must thank him for giving them music therapy and hope.' Lee is a 2008 ASCAP Morton Gould Composer Award Finalist, recipient of The 2005 California Institute of Music's 'Creative Student Leadership Award', an honorable mention recipient from 2006 Save Me a Spot in College Visual & Performing Arts Scholarship Contest and a 2009 Cal Arts Capitol Records / EMI Jazz CD project Contest Nominated Asian Classical-Crossover/Film Composer. He is a pianist, actor, and 2007 Torrey Pines Idol Contest Finalist classically trained singer. Lee is currently a substitute faculty of California Institute of the Arts Pre-College Voice Program. Lee has taught kindergarten at The TPHS Kindergarten from 2005-2006 (certified by The San Dieguito High School Union District), started a music therapy class for the TPHS Special Ed. Department (2005-2007) with school pathologist at The Torrey Pines High School in San Diego and was accepted for an internship in Hong Kong at F.O.C.U.S(a well-known non-profit Organization to help children with A.D.H.D, Dyslexia and other learning disabilities). Lee was a nominated candidate for the 2010 election for senator of Walt Disney's CalArts Herb Alpert School of Music that ended in a TIE. Lee has been sponsored to have his own solo concerts in USA such as Beverly Hills Aqua Lounge, Genghis Cohen.etc, Australia such as St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, Hong Kong such as GRAND HYATT HOTEL, MIRA HOTEL, ROYAL GARDEN HOTEL, Skylark Lounge, Backstage Live .etc),and PRINCESS CRUISES. Apart from collaborating with many bands and choirs, and having released 4 solo CDs of his original compositions on iTUNES, AMAZON, NAPSTER, RHAPSODY, and other mp3 venders, Lee has landed on acting and singing roles including being a member of The Original US West Coast Opera Cast of Iannis Xenakis's only Opera, (2010) ORESTEIA, and a singer/actor of The Los Angeles Original Musical Cast with MEREDITH MONK in (2008)SONGS OF ASCENSION at redcat in The Walt Disney Concert Hall. Lee has worked musically with musicians like LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, David Rosenboom, Carlsbad Music Festival, California EAR Unit and other groups and artists in the U.S and in Hong Kong. Lee has studied piano with an alumni from The Julliard School, an alumni from The Eastman School of Music, and faculties at CalArts. Lee studied music composition at Northwestern University's National High School Music Institute, The Walnut Hill School, and received his Bachelors degree in music composition at California Institute of the Arts. Lee has studied composition/worked with Augusta Read Thomas, Morton Subotnick, William Powell (Julliard School Alumni '70), David Rosenboom, Wolfgang Von Schweinitz, Matt McBane, Michael Pisaro, Barry Schrader, Rob Wannamaker etc, and studied voice with Angela Gooch, Alla Markovich, Jimmy Chan. Etc. Lee and his music has also been featured in several newspapers (Hong Kong Economic journal, East West Magazine, Del Mar Village Voice. Etc) and on radio broadcasts from the USA (ex: UCLA radio), United Kingdom (ex: Tempo FM 107.4, and Australia (ex: 2 CR Radio Network). Lee was nominated and almost recorded for Capitol Records/EMI (NOTES FROM THE COMPOSER/ARTIST) As vice-president (2006-2007) of a Best Buddies Chapter (a charity for the mentally disabled), a volunteer music therapy assistant for the mentally disabled), & nephew of a cancer victim/my aunt, Leticia Cheung, a portion of the sales from 'Metamorphosis', 'Breakaway', 'Classical' went to 'Best Buddies International', 'American Cancer Society' and 'UNICEF.' In the case of this 4th album, it is my wish to continue with the spirit of giving by donating a portion of 'Passion' sales to support SAVE THE CHILDREN's 'Children's Emergency Fund' to help children affected by both the 2010 earthquakes in HAITI and CHILE. (MANY THANKS TO:) MY MOTHER AND FATHER FOR THEIR LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR ME AND MY MUSIC. THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ESPECIALLY TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND FANS FROM AROUND THE WORLD FOR STAYING AROUND AND SHOWING YOUR SUPPORT. (CD INFORMATION) Tracks 1,8,9,10,11,13,14 recorded at CKL Studio in Hong Kong. Track 2 recorded at The Cal Arts Dizzy Gillespie Studio. Track 16 recorded at THE HONG KONG GRAND HYATT HOTEL BALLROOM. Track 18 recorded at The Tahitian Princess Cruise's Cabaret Lounge. Tracks 5,17 recorded live at The Cal Arts Roy O' Disney Hall. All mixing, mastering, vocals, background vocals and synthesized instruments performed on songs by C. Kenneth Lee. ALL MUSIC AND LYRICS COMPOSED AND ARRANGED BY C. KENNETH LEE. ?REVIEWS '...I think his music is pretty, cool and catchy...' - Colin Bates (one of the original BILLY ELLIOT actors on The London Broadway Musical ) 'It's a pleasure to hear his great music...' -Jeff Marder (associate conductor of The Los Angeles Broadway Musical 'WICKED') "...his music has great diversity of styles from classical to experimental..." -Matt McBane (composer, conductor and founding director of The Carlsbad Music Festival)- Shop: odax
- Price: 34.18 EUR excl. shipping
Above the Night Sky
From his earliest years, Zem began composing music on the piano. Today he is in the vanguard of a new generation of modern composers, expanded the existing spectrum of sound and musical language to a new and unique level. Zem's greatest wish is that Above the Night Sky offers you another epic adventure in sound as After Hours did. ----------------- A very special thank you to the following people: • Hartley D. Peavey, CEO Peavey Corporation, recognized authority worldwide in the music industry. Thoughts and Appreciation... "Regarding Zem's music CD After Hours, I am playing your CD in my office carousel. It is very good!" • Museum of Making Music, Carlsbad, CA. • Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina. • Betty Patrick and Family and Michael J. Fremont. • My fans who keep playing the After Hours album to achieve a more tranquil state of mind. • Steve Jahrling of the New Mexico based, The Daily Times: "Keyboard scaling reminiscent of Carlos Santana." • Bill Fark of the San Diego North County Times: "He ranges from European classicism to contemporary music... it showcases the composer's mastery of the keyboard." • Nathalle Taylor, award winning entertainment journalist: "The allure of his music is part inspirational and part repose."- Shop: odax
- Price: 18.45 EUR excl. shipping