147 Results for : numpy
Maschinelles Lernen (eBook, PDF)
Maschinelles Lernen ist ein interdisziplinäres Fach, das die Bereiche Informatik, Mathematik und das jeweilige Anwendungsgebiet zusammenführt. In diesem Buch werden alle drei Teilgebiete gleichermaßen berücksichtigt: - Es wird demonstriert, wie man die Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens verwendet und der Hintergrund geliefert, um zu verstehen, wie und warum diese Algorithmen funktionieren. - Ebenfalls enthalten ist ein kompakter Kickstart zur Verwendung von Python 3 und seinem Ökosystem im Umfeld des maschinellen Lernens. - Die Algorithmen werden zum besseren Verständnis und praktischen Einsatz anschaulich mittels NumPy und SciPy umgesetzt. - Für die Support Vector Machines und das Deep Learning wird auf scikit-learn bzw. Keras zurückgegriffen. überwachten, unüberwachten und bestärkenden Lernens besprochen, u.a. Random Forest, DBSCAN und Q-Learning. Vorausgesetzt werden Kenntnisse in objektorientierter Programmierung und Basiswissen der Hochschulmathematik. Die nötige Mathematik wird eingebettet im Buch präsentiert und die Theorie direkt in Python-Code umgesetzt. Das Buch ist ideal für Studierende der Informatik, Mechatronik, Elektrotechnik und der angewandten Statistik/Data Science sowie für Ingenieure und Informatiker in der Praxis.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 29.99 EUR excl. shipping
Python für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler
Ideal für Einsteiger und UmsteigerSie möchten Python als erste Programmiersprache erlernen oder die grundlegenden mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Python-Bibliotheken kennen lernen? Dieses Buch bietet einen Einstieg in die Programmierung und die mathematischen Anwendungen von Python. Es eignet sich besonders für Studierende im Nebenfach Informatik, z.B. Ingenieure oder Naturwissenschaftler, und setzt keine Vorkenntnisse voraus. Auch Personen mit Programmiererfahrung finden in diesem Buch einen Einstieg in die wichtigsten mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Python-Bibliotheken. Schwerpunkte des Buches sind die mathematischen Anwendungen sowie die Arbeit mit Numpy, Matplotlib, Sympy, Scipy, Scikit-Image und VPython. Mit zahlreichen Aufgaben und ausführlich kommentierten Lösungen.Die vierte Auflage des Buches wurde inhaltlich wie auch optisch komplett überarbeitet. Ein neues Kapitel erklärt, wie man mithilfe der Programmbibliothek Scikit-Image Grafiken und Fotographien bearbeiten kann. Folgende Themen werden dabei im Detail erklärt:- Grafiken und Bilder einlesen, darstellen und ausgeben- Farbbilder in Graustufenbilder wandeln und Bilder skalieren- Graustufenbilder durch Programmanweisungen erzeugen- Ecken ermitteln - Corner Detection- Kanten detektieren - Canny Filter- Kreise erkennen - Hough Transformation- Abgleich von Vorlagen - Template MatchingAuf plus.hanser-fachbuch.de finden Sie zu diesem Titel digitales Zusatzmaterial Form von Beispielen sowie ausführlichen Lösungen zu den Aufgaben.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 30.90 EUR excl. shipping
Learn Python Programming: This Book Will Teach You About the Language, Data Analysis, and Algorithms and Will Level up Your Skills in Computer Programming to Become an Expert Pythonista , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 269min
PythonThe truth is: Python, an advanced third-generation programming language come scripting language, has shown an extraordinary growth in terms of popularity and usage in the last five years.But why Python? Why IT industries are choosing python over anything else? Why one must learn Python keeping in mind the current market situation? Obviously, there are several reasons behind it. Let’s explore....Whether you are already a programmer or a newcomer to the programming world, Python offers you to code with the ultimate simple syntaxes and lets you focus on programming logic. A huge relief from the fear of compilation error!With the increasing popularity and usage of Python in every field of IT, huge requirements have been created and recruiters are looking for experienced Python professionals as well as freshers having knowledge on Python. And, of course, yes, Python professionals are one of the highest paid among all.Python provides programmers with a huge extensive "built-in library" which can reduce programming effort drastically - days’ effort can come down to hours. Thus a significant amount of cost-saving has been accounted and as a result, IT industries, as well as freelancers are tending to be inclined more towards Python. Python is being widely used in every sector of IT.DOWNLOAD: Learn Python ProgrammingPython is being widely used in each and every sector of IT.Product development: From companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram to start-ups and service-based MNCs are using Python to develop their software.Software Testing: All the testing tools are being migrated to collaborate with Python from Java, Ruby, and other languages.Data Science: Python provides many libraries and frameworks (e.g PyBrain, NumPy, SymPy, matplotlib, PyMySQL), which can be used effectively in data analysis.Artificial Intell ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Kevin Tromp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/173101/bk_acx0_173101_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Python Coding: 2 Books in 1: Python Programming and Data Analytics , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 388min
Get ready to master the most versatile programming language and learn the coding skills required for a fulfilling career in data science and tech with this definitive bundle to Python programming!Have you ever thought about learning how to code, but became overwhelmed by the number of programming languages out there from HTML and JavaScript to Ruby and PHP and couldn't quite settle on one language?If yes, then here's your answer: Learn Python.Python is the perfect programming language for beginners. It is one of the very few languages that hit the sweet spot between being a fun language to learn and play with but have serious real-world applications and is used by some of the biggest tech companies on earth.In this bundle, Stephen Ward hands you the blueprint you need to get started and excel with Python, helping you develop the necessary skills for the modern tech job market in as little time as possible.This special bundle contains the following books:Python Programming: The Ultimate Crash Course for Beginners to Learn Coding with PythonPython Data Analytics: The Ultimate Guide to Get Started with Data Analytics Using Python, NumPy and PandasIn Python Programming, you're going to discover:Everything you need to know about the Python programming language to hit the ground running from basic to advanced conceptsHow to write your very first or next Python program that adheres to best coding practices and industry standardStep-by-step instructions to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills required to get hired to top tech companiesHow to take the headache away from coding as well as new ways to make coding fun and enjoyableHow to level up your programming skills and become indispensable at your firm...and tons more!Finally, here's what you're going to learn in ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Russell Newton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/185482/bk_acx0_185482_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Python Programming: This Book Includes: Python for Data Analysis and Science with Big Data Analysis, Statistics and Machine Learning , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 420min
If you are looking to master the fundamental concepts of data analysis and data science driven by the Python programming language to develop a solid understanding of all the latest innovative technologies, then this is just that one comprehensive audiobook you have been waiting for.If you are looking to learn how to write effective and efficient codes in Python and master this extremely intuitive and flexible programming language, then this is just the audiobook that you need. Python can be used for a variety of coding projects including machine learning algorithms, web applications, data mining/visualization, and game development. Some of the highlights of this audiobook include:What the Python language is all aboutA look at the data analysis and how we can benefitHow Python is able to work well with the data analysisHow to install and use the NumPy libraryHow to work with the Pandas and IPython extensionsThe practical uses of the data analysisA look at the Matplotlib libraryHow to work with data visualsThe five major stages of the TDSP lifecycleInstallation instructions for PythonPython coding concepts such as data types, classes, and objects variables, numbers, constructor functions, Booleans, and much moreLearn the functioning of various data science libraries like Scikit-LearnDeep dive into the Matplotlib library, which offers visualization tools and science computing modules supported by SciPy and learn how to create various graphs using Matplotlib and Pandas libraryLearn how machine learning allows analysis of large volumes of data and delivers faster and more accurate results. Overview of four different machine-learning algorithmsLearn how companies are able to employ a predictive analytics modelEven if you have never studied Python language before, you can learn it quickly. So what are you ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: D. Wolf. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/198451/bk_acx0_198451_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Python for Data Analysis: A Beginner’s Guide to Learn Data Analysis with Python Programming , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 303min
Data analysis requires a detailed understanding of the operation of the computers, peripherals, and software in question. The objective is to give the you the knowledge necessary to familiarize themselves with the Python language by orienting the problem to focus on the functioning of these objects. This book was written with the desire to be accessible to everyone and the conviction that a "democratization" of the understanding of the computer tool is now essential.This book offers a detailed approach: It begins with an introduction to the Python language and then presents how to use it to retrieve and manipulate the data produced by our computers. The authors thus deal with various themes ranging from the inspection of the process RAM to the internal functioning of mainstream software or the extraction of web browser history.Different tools are studied: from the most basic to the most recent technologies such as machine learning with scikit-learn and its ecosystem resulting from scientific computing compiles (if there is no updated bytecode on disk), and runs on the Python Virtual Machine.With Python for Data Analysis, you'll learn step by step how to implement data analysis and procedures to extract data correctly.In this, you also will learning:What’s data analysisPython for data analysisData aggregationApplication of data analytic todayMathematics for data analysisData wranglingScipy, numpy, pandaWhile most books focus on advanced predictive models, this book begins to explain the basic concepts and how to correctly implement Data Analysis and Data Visualization, with practical examples and simple coding scripts.This guide provides the necessary knowledge practically. You will learn the steps of Data Analysis, how to implement them in Python, and the most important applications in the real world.Would you like to know more ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Peter Prova. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/203164/bk_acx0_203164_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Python for Programmers (eBook, PDF)
The professional programmer's Deitel® guide to Python® with introductory artificial intelligence case studies Written for programmers with a background in another high-level language, Python for Programmers uses hands-on instruction to teach today's most compelling, leading-edge computing technologies and programming in Python-one of the world's most popular and fastest-growing languages. Please read the Table of Contents diagram inside the front cover and the Preface for more details. In the context of 500+, real-world examples ranging from individual snippets to 40 large scripts and full implementation case studies, you'll use the interactive IPython interpreter with code in Jupyter Notebooks to quickly master the latest Python coding idioms. After covering Python Chapters 1-5 and a few key parts of Chapters 6-7, you'll be able to handle significant portions of the hands-on introductory AI case studies in Chapters 11-16, which are loaded with cool, powerful, contemporary examples. These include natural language processing, data mining Twitter® for sentiment analysis, cognitive computing with IBM® Watson(TM), supervised machine learning with classification and regression, unsupervised machine learning with clustering, computer vision through deep learning and convolutional neural networks, deep learning with recurrent neural networks, big data with Hadoop®, Spark(TM) and NoSQL databases, the Internet of Things and more. You'll also work directly or indirectly with cloud-based services, including Twitter, Google Translate(TM), IBM Watson, Microsoft® Azure®, OpenMapQuest, PubNub and more. Features 500+ hands-on, real-world, live-code examples from snippets to case studies IPython + code in Jupyter® Notebooks Library-focused: Uses Python Standard Library and data science libraries to accomplish significant tasks with minimal code Rich Python coverage: Control statements, functions, strings, files, JSON serialization, CSV, exceptions Procedural, functional-style and object-oriented programming Collections: Lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, NumPy arrays, pandas Series & DataFrames Static, dynamic and interactive visualizations Data experiences with real-world datasets and data sources Intro to Data Science sections: AI, basic stats, simulation, animation, random variables, data wrangling, regression AI, big data and cloud data science case studies: NLP, data mining Twitter®, IBM® Watson(TM), machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, Hadoop®, Spark(TM), NoSQL, IoT Open-source libraries: NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Folium, SciPy, NLTK, TextBlob, spaCy, Textatistic, Tweepy, scikit-learn®, Keras and more Register your product for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for more information.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 27.95 EUR excl. shipping
Einführung in Machine Learning mit Python
Machine Learning ist zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil vieler kommerzieller Anwendungen und Forschungsprojekte geworden, von der medizinischen Diagnostik bis hin zur Suche nach Freunden in sozialen Netzwerken. Um Machine- Learning-Anwendungen zu entwickeln, braucht es keine großen Expertenteams: Wenn Sie Python-Grundkenntnisse mitbringen, zeigt Ihnen dieses Praxisbuch, wie Sie Ihre eigenen Machine-Learning-Lösungen erstellen.Mit Python und der scikit-learn-Bibliothek erarbeiten Sie sich alle Schritte, die für eine erfolgreiche Machine-Learning- Anwendung notwendig sind. Die Autoren Andreas Müller und Sarah Guido konzentrieren sich bei der Verwendung von Machine-Learning-Algorithmen auf die praktischen Aspekte statt auf die Mathematik dahinter. Wenn Sie zusätzlich mit den Bibliotheken NumPy und matplotlib vertraut sind, hilft Ihnen dies, noch mehr aus diesem Tutorial herauszuholen.Das Buch zeigt Ihnen:- grundlegende Konzepte und Anwendungen von Machine Learning- Vor- und Nachteile weit verbreiteter maschineller Lernalgorithmen- wie sich die von Machine Learning verarbeiteten Daten repräsentieren lassen und auf welche Aspekte der Daten Sie sich konzentrieren sollten- fortgeschrittene Methoden zur Auswertung von Modellen und zum Optimieren von Parametern- das Konzept von Pipelines, mit denen Modelle verkettet und Arbeitsabläufe gekapselt werden- Arbeitsmethoden für Textdaten, insbesondere textspezifische Verarbeitungstechniken- Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung Ihrer Fähigkeitenin den Bereichen Machine Learning und Data Science- Shop: buecher
- Price: 41.10 EUR excl. shipping
Maschinelles Lernen, inkl. E-Book inside
Maschinelles Lernen ist ein interdisziplinäres Fach, das die Bereiche Informatik, Mathematik und das jeweilige Anwendungsgebiet zusammenführt. In diesem Buch werden alle drei Teilgebiete gleichermaßen berücksichtigt:- Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens verwenden und verstehen, wie und warum sie funktionieren.- Kickstart zur Verwendung von Python 3 und seinem Ökosystem im Umfeld des maschinellen Lernens.- Verschiedene Methoden des überwachten, unüberwachten und bestärkenden Lernens, u.a. Random Forest, DBSCAN und Q-Learning.Die Algorithmen werden zum besseren Verständnis und praktischen Einsatz anschaulich mittels NumPy und SciPy umgesetzt. Für die Support Vector Machines und das Deep Learning wird auf scikit-learn bzw. Keras zurückgegriffen.Die dritte Auflage wurde für die Keras/Tensorflow-Version 2 sowie Python 3.7 überarbeitet, mehrere Kapitel insbesondere zum bestärkten Lernen wurde aktualisiert und folgende Themen wurden unter anderem neu aufgenommen:- Deep Q-Learning- Class Activation Maps und Grad-CAM- Pandas-Integration und -Einführung- OpenAI Gym integriert Das Buch ist ideal für Studierende der Informatik, Mechatronik, Elektrotechnik und der angewandten Statistik/Data Science sowie für Ingenieure und Informatiker in der Praxis. Vorausgesetzt werden Kenntnisse in objektorientierter Programmierung und Basiswissen der Hochschulmathematik. Die nötige Mathematik wird eingebettet im Buch präsentiert und die Theorie direkt in Python-Code umgesetzt.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 41.20 EUR excl. shipping
Python for Data Science: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners. Machine Learning Tools, Concepts and Introduction. Python Programming Crash Course. , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 181min
Are you looking for an ultimate python step-by step guide in an efficient way? Do you want to implement a variety of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms and techniques quickly and accurately?If you cannot wait to explore the fundamental concepts and entire process on python data science, listen to this audiobook!You will start by learning the basics of working with Python and the wide variety of data science packages and extensions. You will be guided on how to setup you work environment before diving into the world of data science. In each section you will learn a great deal of theory backed up by practical examples that contain well-explained Python code. Once you have the fundamentals down, you will get to the core of data science learning algorithms and techniques that are industry-standard in this field.Studying data science and working with supervised and unsupervised algorithms, as well as neural networks, doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds. Explore the world of data science using clear, simple, real-world examples and enjoy the power and versatility of Python and machine learning algorithms!You will explore:How to install Python and setup a scientific distribution.The most popular Python packages and library used in data science and machine learning, such as Scikit-learn, Numpy, Matplotlib, and Pandas.Data munging with pandas and how to import and prepare your dataset for preprocessing and exploration.How to further prepare your data for the data science pipeline by fully understanding concepts such as data exploration, dimensionality reduction, and outlier detection.How to implement supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as regression algorithms, the Naïve Bayes classifier, K-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, decision trees, and K-means clustering.Neural networks and how to work with feedforward and recurrent networ ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Russell Newton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/185209/bk_acx0_185209_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping