105 Results for : 000360

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    Brought to you by Puffin.The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series are now presented in awesome binaural audio. Listen with headphones for the full, glorious, effect! Love is in the air, but what does that mean for Greg Heffley?A Valentine's Day dance at Greg's school has turned his world upside down. As Greg scrambles to find a date, he's worried he'll be left out in the cold on the big night. His best friend, Rowley, doesn't have any prospects either but that's small consolation. Then an unexpected twist gives Greg a partner for the dance and leaves Rowley the odd man out. But a lot can happen in one night, and in the end, you never know who's going to be lucky in love.... Share in the hilarious adventures of everyone's favourite wimpy kid, Greg Heffley, in the highly anticipated seventh book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Winner of Blue Peter's Best Book of the Last 10 Years award. For the best listening experience, make sure to download in high-quality. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dan Russell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/pauk/000360/bk_pauk_000360_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Diese Version des Titels enthält die gesprochenen Fußnoten. ENDGAME. Zwölf Meteoriten. Zwölf Spieler. Nur einer kommt durch. Als zwölf Meteoriten nahezu gleichzeitig an unterschiedlichen Orten der Erde einschlagen, gibt es keinen Zweifel mehr: Die Zeit ist gekommen. ENDGAME hat begonnen! Jeder der Meteoriten überbringt eine Nachricht, die die zwölf Auserwählten entschlüsseln müssen und die sie schließlich an einem geheimnisvollen Ort zusammenführt. Dort stehen sie ihren Gegnern zum ersten Mal gegenüber. Ein Wettkampf auf Leben und Tod beginnt und eine rücksichtslose Jagd um den gesamten Globus. Die Spieler müssen zu allem bereit sein. Wird Arroganz Bescheidenheit schlagen? Klugheit Stärke übertreffen? Wird Gnadenlosigkeit am Ende siegen? Schönheit von Nutzen sein? Muss man ein guter Mensch sein, um zu überleben? ENDGAME wird es zeigen. Aber nur wer die Hinweise richtig deutet und die drei Schlüssel findet, geht als Gewinner hervor. Und nur seine Linie wird überleben, wenn die gesamte Menschheit vernichtet wird. ENDGAME von James Frey ist ein einzigartiges, crossmediales Konzept, das neben Hörbuch, Buch und Krypto-Rätsel ein aufwendiges Handy-Spiel sowie einen Kinofilm umfasst. In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material. deutsch. Uve Teschner. https://samples.audible.de/bk/oeti/000360/bk_oeti_000360_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Deep Relaxation - Totally Unwind Your Body & Mind with Subliminal Messages. Seven powerful recordings, each 10 minutes long, containing thousands of embedded subliminal messages designed to help you reach your goal. This recording contains the following subliminal affirmations: Total relaxation is easy for me I am able to relax deeply whenever I wish I am cool, calm and collected I let stress wash over me Deep relaxation refreshes and energizes me I dissolve all tension and worries when I relax I am in total harmony with my surroundings I am totally relaxed and at peace Every fiber of my being is relaxed Relaxation washes away all my negative emotions Every day it's easier to relax I am perfectly content with my life. To use this recording, simply hit "play" and listen. You can also listen on repeat in the background if you desire. For full listening instructions, visit: http://www.subliminalguru.com/listen To learn more about this audio, look it up in our catalog at http://subliminalguru.com/catalog To learn how subliminal messages are embedded into this audio, visit http://www.subliminalguru.com/subliminalanatomy.pdf Language: English. Narrator: Subliminal Guru. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ispr/000360/bk_ispr_000360_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The best things in life are never free. Cain Moran wanted Jenny Riley more than he had ever wanted anyone or anything before in his life. But loving Jenny Riley was the easy part; it was telling his wife he wanted a divorce that was going to be the killer.... Jenny is not just any girl. She cares nothing for Cain's hard-man reputation - she just wants to be with him. But Cain is not a free man. And he's about to find out that when his wife Caroline said 'til death us do part, she meant it. When Cain is sentenced to life in prison it seems that Caroline might have got her wish. All Cain and Jenny know is that if their love can survive such separation, then one day they will have a chance at the good life together again. But there are greater trials ahead than either can foresee. They're about to learn the hardest lesson of all: live the good life. Pay the price. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Annie Aldington. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/head/000360/bk_head_000360_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Du bist wie ein offenes Buch - wer das von sich sagen hört, muss nicht unbedingt begeistert sein. Jeder mit einem ausreichenden Gespür dafür kann sehen, wie man sich fühlt, spontane Reaktionen sind gut erkennbar, auch wenn sie vielleicht besser unterblieben wären. Wer seine Mimik nicht im Griff hat, sieht sich schonungslos der Umwelt ausgeliefert, macht aber einen ehrlichen und warmherzigen Eindruck. Andere bemühen sich krampfhaft, ihrem Gegenüber keinerlei Anhaltspunkte über ihr bewegtes Gefühlsleben zu liefern, doch können sie mit dieser Absicht auch scheitern. Wer jemanden gut kennt, weiß schon, was derjenige denkt, ohne dass es ausgesprochen werden müsste. Bei Fremden fallen Einschätzungen dieser Art wesentlich schwerer, dennoch gibt es eine ganze Reihe typischer Verhaltensweisen, die keinen Zweifel aufkommen lassen. Zu leicht verrät man sich, auch wenn man das nicht möchte, sofern der Gesprächspartner oder ein unbeteiligter Zuschauer die Signale der Körpersprache zu deuten versteht. Das ist längst nicht so kompliziert, wie man meinen könnte, das Grundwissen ist schnell vermittelt. Dabei lernt man, seine Antennen darauf auszurichten und wichtige Botschaften aufzuschnappen, die einem sonst wohl entgehen würden. Mancher begreift von Natur aus, was Haltungen ausdrücken, andere müssen sich dieses Wissen mühsam aneignen, weil sie selbst unsicher sind. deutsch. Yannick Esters. https://samples.audible.de/bk/kope/000360/bk_kope_000360_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Er ist der Chauffeur der mächtigsten Frau der Welt: Frowin! Er hat den Logenplatz, wenn es um Informationen aus allererster Raute geht. Die NSA zapft Merkels Handy an - Frowin hört einfach mit. Und kennt die Kernfragen: Wer verkauft uns was? Und wie verkauft uns wer was warum? Ob Politik oder Supermarkt, ob Katastrophe oder Familienurlaub: Wir sollen konsumieren. Alternativlos zuschlagen. Und schlucken ohne zu kauen. Selbst die Kanzlerin hat sich von Frowin nachts ins Outlet-Center fahren lassen.Jetzt ist die Mutti also shoppen und Frowin wartet. Und hat Zeit nachzudenken. Zum Beispiel über Sätze auf Kühlschrankmagneten: "Geld macht nicht glücklich." Okay, das weiß jeder. Aber warum glaubt es dann keiner? Ghandi hat gesagt: "Würde jeder seinen Besitz auf das einschränken, was er braucht, wären alle zufrieden." Aber wer sagt uns denn, dass das wenige, was wir schon haben, auch wirklich das wenige ist, was wir haben müssen, um damit zufrieden zu sein? Nein: Um irgendwann glücklich zu sein, können wir gar nicht anders: Wir müssen immer mehr kaufen, um irgendwann zufrieden zu sein mit dem Besitz, der dann aber eingeschränkt ist auf das wenige, was wir brauchen, damit wir zufrieden sind mit dem, was wir haben. Das stimmt zwar, passt aber auf keinen Kühlschrankmagneten! deutsch. Michael Frowin. https://samples.audible.de/bk/fine/000360/bk_fine_000360_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Having saved the Federation one more time in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Capt. James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise have finally gone their separate ways. Spock, McCoy, Sulu and the others are spread out across the galaxy, pursuing their individual destinies - until an interstellar crisis touches all their lives. Bored with retirement and ill-suited to teaching at Starfleet Academy, Kirk jumps at the chance to help his nephews colonize an uninhabited planet in a distant corner of the Alpha Quadrant. He even manages to persuade Scotty and Chekov to come along for the ride. But Kirk soon discovers that the hardy human colonists are not alone on the planet they call Sanctuary. An alien race, of whom little is known, has also established an outpost on Sanctuary for its own mysterious reasons. Suspicious, Kirk investigates, only to discover a terrifying threat that strikes at the security of the entire Federation. Light-years from Starfleet Command, without a ship or a crew to call his own, Kirk thinks he faces the menace alone. Yet the bonds of loyalty transcend even the awesome distances of space, bringing together a legendary crew for one final, fantastic adventure. For more Trek titles, browse our special Star Trek section! Language: English. Narrator: David Kaye. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/000360/bk_sans_000360_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    We all want to make a good impression, whether it's in business, in love, in life. We all - regardless of money, education, looks, or personality - want to be able to meet new people and converse with confidence; be credible and charismatic in social and business situations; make friends and important contacts wherever we go; and command the respect of everyone we meet. How To Impress Anyone shows you how to be one of those lucky few "master communicators" who everyone enjoys speaking with. Let author and motivational expert, Leil Lowndes, arm you with all-new, cutting edge, research-based techniques for communications success. You will smash the invisible glass ceiling that keeps too many people down, both personally and professionally, and reach greater rewards in all of your relationships! Leil Lowndes is an internationally acclaimed communications consultant and speaker whose work has been praised by the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, and Time magazine. She is the author of five books, including the best-selling How to Be a People Magnet, How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You, and How to Talk to Anyone. Lowndes has spoken in every major city in the U.S. and has appeared on hundreds of radio and telelvision shows. Language: English. Narrator: Leil Lowndes. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/live/000360/bk_live_000360_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    For mothers of young children, this audiobook is a lovely offering of hope, truth, freedom, wild grace, friendship, and the knowledge that they are not alone. Many moms have dreamed of life with children, and yet the reality seems far away from their dreams. Their hearts are committed, but their spirits are sagging. This audiobook is a coffee-talk from one woman who is still “figuring-it-out-in-the-mess” (Sarah Mae) and much-needed counsel from one who is older and wiser (Sally Clarkson). The audiobook’s message speaks to the hearts of desperate women who need a friend to come alongside and encourage them, give them hope, and remind them of who they are. Desperate is a tremendous source of compassion and information for any mama of young children who: Feels she’s going under Is isolated and lonely Has lost to the beast of housework Is suffering from depression and a feeling of desperation Each mother will know she has a woman who can relate with her in the daily struggles of mama-hood, and will receive wisdom from an older woman who has gone through the struggles and made it to the other side. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Nan Gurley, Chelsea Thayer. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/tnwd/000360/bk_tnwd_000360_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Fermenting Revolution delivers an empowering message about how individuals can change the world through the simple act of having a beer. It is also the first book to view all of the important trends in human history as fundamentally revolving around beer.Globalization pitches the corporate worldview that is essentially selfish, rewarding the few while demeaning the many and devastating nature, against the sustainability movement that calls for cooperation, the protection and celebration of nature and the nurturing of equitable communities. Beer exemplifies the struggle. This book: Traces the path of brewing from a women-led, home-based craft to corporate industry; Describes how craft breweries and home-brewing are forging stronger communities; Explains how corporate mega-breweries are saving the world by pioneering industrial ecology; Profiles the most inspiring and radical breweries, brewers and beer drinkers that are making the world a better place to live.The return to beer as a way of life is communal, convivial, democratic, healthful, and natural. The American beer renaissance champions ecologically sustainable production, and is helping to create thriving community places. After reading Fermenting Revolution, mere beer drinkers will become "beer activists," ready to fight corporate-rule by simply meeting their neighbors for a pint at the local brewpub -- saving the world one beer at a time. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Daniel Maté. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bigh/000360/bk_bigh_000360_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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