97 Results for : diggs
Set against the backdrop of mid-gentrification Oakland, this darkly funny and timely comedy follows Collin (Daveed Diggs), an African-American ex-con with three days left on his probation. Aside from his friendship with trouble-prone best pal Miles (Rafael Casal) threatening his freedom, Collin witnesses a cop (Ethan Embry) shoot an unarmed black man-an incident he can't report as it occurred while he was out after curfew. With Janina Gavankar, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Tisha Campbell-Martin. 95 min. Widescreen, Soundtracks: English DTS HD 5.1 Master Audio, Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1, Subtitles: English (SDH), Spanish, audio commentary by Diggs, Casal. Two-disc set.- Shop: odax
- Price: 29.08 EUR excl. shipping
Die Fantastische Welt Von Oz
Disneys episches Abenteuer ,Die Fantastische Welt von Oz" vom Regisseur der Spider-Man-Trilogie begleitet Oscar Diggs (James Franco), einen kleinen Zirkusmagier mit zweifelhafter Moral, auf seiner Reise in eine wundersame Welt. Als sich Diggs im lebhaften- Shop: odax
- Price: 11.41 EUR excl. shipping
Le Monde Fantastique D' Oz
L'orsque Oscar Diggs (James Franco), un petit magicien de cirque sans envergure à la moralité douteuse, est emporté à bord de sa montgolfière depuis le Kansas poussiéreux jusqu'à l'extravagant Pays d'Oz, il y voit la chance de sa vie. Tout semble tellemen- Shop: odax
- Price: 9.26 EUR excl. shipping
Il Grande E Potente Oz
Dal magico mondo Disney arriva Il grande e potente Oz, una fantastica avventura firmata dal regista della trilogia Spider-Man (Sam Raimi), che racconta le vicende di Oscar Diggs (James Franco), illusionista dall'etica discutibile di un piccolo circo da qu- Shop: odax
- Price: 14.64 EUR excl. shipping
Cliff Dawson
Cliff Dawson, Sänger von Pleasure House of Detention und Zenith, mit seinem Soloalbum. Incl Duett mit Renee Diggs von Starpoint mit John Morales - Remix als Bonus. Cliff Dawson was the lead singer for a band called Pleasure House of Detention which then went on to change it's name to Zenith. They did one Album for CBS. This album Was Cliffs only solo release, it contains the fantastic duet with Renee Diggs of Starpoint - Never Say Do, The song "I can love you better" that Boardwalk removed to make way for another track "Never Say I Love You" which become Cliff's signature song in Europe, Reissuing this title gave us the chance to correct what we feel was a mistake, we added back in both the duet with Renee diggs and I Can Love you better, we also took it to another level by getting John Morales to do a reedit of I can love you better and added it as a bonus track.- Shop: odax
- Price: 17.01 EUR excl. shipping
River Runs Red
Ultra HD/Blu-ray combo. Judge Charles Coleman (Taye Diggs) had absolute faith in the system he'd sworn to uphold... until his son died in the course of a routine traffic stop. While the official inquiry absolved the cops involved (Luke Hemsworth, Gianni Capaldi) of wrongdoing, the digging of a detective friend (John Cusack) found them linked to similar, papered-over civilian fatalities-and now, partnering with another victimized father (George Lopez), Coleman's looking to make his own justice. RJ Mitte, Briana Evigan co-star. 94 min. Widescreen, Soundtrack: English. Two-disc set.- Shop: odax
- Price: 37.34 EUR excl. shipping
Il Grande e Potente OZ
Dal magico mondo Disney arriva Il grande e potente Oz, una fantastica avventura fi rmata dal regista della trilogia Spider-Man (Sam Raimi), che racconta le vicende di Oscar Diggs (James Franco), illusionista dall'etica discutibile di un piccolo circo da quattro soldi. Quando viene trasportato dal polveroso Kansas nel fantastico Regno di Oz, Oscar pensa di aver vinto alla lotteria: fama e fortuna sono a sua completa disposizione. Questo fi nché non incontra tre streghe, Theodora (Mila Kunis), Eva- Shop: odax
- Price: 18.66 EUR excl. shipping