125 Results for : kaiju

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    A blonde-headed space-warrior, a cold-hearted female assassin from the Wild West and a teenager who can bend and reshape the fabric of reality walk into a brothel. What happens next? In Car Nex: The Mighty and the Merciless, author Joseph Ramshaw ponders that question in a bloody, action-packed tale inspired by '80s monster movies and the old Toho Kaiju films. You've seen The Avengers in action, you've thrilled at the heroics of The Justice League, now prepare to meet...the Face-Punchers, a foul-mouthed collection of the world's most deadly heroes, each with their own unique powers and skills to bring to the party. When an old enemy of the Face-Punchers conjures up a ferocious demon to destroy the world and its so-called heroes, it's up to them to put a stop to it. And there's only one way to stop a demon...with extreme violence! Heroes? Perhaps not. Face-Punchers? Hell yeah! The Car Nex story series presents tales from a variety of horror authors based on Terry M. West's wicked demon, the Car Nex. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bret Kennedy. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/046125/bk_acx0_046125_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    My name is Michael Claymore, former convicted felon and active duty space marine. When the histories are studied by those happy few who inherit the galaxy we have left them with, my hope is that they look favorably, perhaps even with a bit of mirth, upon we poor souls who fought side by side with the mighty dinosaurs of Battle Force Jurassic. The Invaders emerged from somewhere beyond the Milky Way and started conquering everything in sight. They brought with them massive kaiju monsters that made every Godzilla movie pale in comparison. These things would smash through our cities, gobbling up every human being, nuclear plant, or electrical tower they could find. In their wake came legions of alien infantry outfitted with body armor and ray guns, who stalked the ruins looking for survivors. It was all our modern military could to just to hold them back, and even that cost us dearly. Humanity was in the deep dark stank of it, and some desperate scientists came up with a crazy idea. We needed not only a way to fight back effectively, but a symbol of power to rally around. When a Tyrannosaurus Rex joins your team, especially one armed with missile launchers and mini-guns, you know it's business time. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: J. Scott Bennett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/081473/bk_acx0_081473_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Die aktualisierte und erweiterte Neuauflage von Jörg Buttgereits unautorisiertem Japan-Monster-Film-Führer. Erdbeben, Taifune, Atombombenexplosionen und Reaktorkatastrophen: Japan ist und war von jeher Opfer gewaltiger Zerstörungen - seien sie nun von Menschen oder der Natur gemacht. Daher wundert es nur wenig, dass die kulturelle Sublimation dieser Ereignisse - das populäre und langlebige Genre des "Kaiju Eiga" - gerade aus Japan stammt. Doch Godzilla, Gamera und Co. sind viel mehr als nur Metaphern für den Weltuntergang. Sie sind Identifikationsfiguren für Kinder, Objekte leidenschaftlicher Sammlertätigkeit, Stressbewältiger, Symbole der Stärke und ein Barometer politischer Stimmungen. Jörg Buttgereit hat in Japan die Filmstudios besucht, befragte Monsterdarsteller, Regisseure und Spezial-Effekt-Zauberer nach ihrem persönlichen Verhältnis zu den Monstern. Alle in Deutschland veröffentlichten japanischen Monsterfilme und die amerikanischen Reboots werden in diesem Buch ausführlich vorgestellt - zusätzlich die Filme, die nur in Japan zu sehen waren, aber für das Genre wichtig sind. Als Gastautoren/innen beteiligten sich: Ulrich von Berg, Peter Clasen, Harald Häfker, Stefan Höltgen, Christian Keßler, Claus Löser, Daktari Lorenz, Julie Miess, Lothar Mikos, Olaf Möller, Wolfgang Müller, Andreas Rauscher, Franz Rodenkirchen, Hans Schifferle, Simone Spörl, Dr. Marcus Stiglegger, Ingo Strecker, Bodo Traber und Jenni Zylka. Mit Illustrationen von Rainer F. Engel und FuFu Frauenwahl.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 30.90 EUR excl. shipping
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    When most people think of anime, they think of large-eyed adolescents fighting fearsome monsters (kaiju). On the surface, Neon Genesis Evangelion is the same, filled with destructive explosions and gigantic EVA missiles that can only be piloted by super-hot teens. But as every otaku knows, anime as a stylized artform has much more to offer, often pushing the artistic, emotional, and intellectual boundaries of its audiences. At its core, Neon Genesis Evangelion is one such anime: beyond the fearsome monsters and Evangelions, Neon Genesis explores the depths of the psyches of the adolescents when they become the very weapons needed to destroy the onslaught of Angels. The emotional complexities of the show make Neon Genesis Evangelion an emotional and intellectually challenging anime to watch. Fortunately, many of us do not undergo as extreme of experiences facing Shinji, Rei, and Asuka. But many of us do face tragedies that prompt us to ask questions about our own existence, how to live, and how to relate to others. Neon Genesis Evangelion and Philosophy encourages readers to take a moment to explore the wide range of philosophical topics found within the anime, challenging and encouraging you to reflect on who you are and how to live with others.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Euphemia Williams, known to her few friends as Effie, and everyone else as Eff-Bomb, will punch you for looking at her funny, for using her full name or for noticing that she's a genius. But when an elite global entity known as Unity takes note of her intelligence and offers her a chance to escape the hum-drum life of a foster-child, she signs up. At best, she expects her time abroad to be a vacation. At worst, an actual challenge. But what she finds, upon being swept up in a futuristic transport, is far, far worse. En route to a secret location in the Pacific, a meteor punches through the atmosphere triggering an electromagnetic pulse that sends the transport plummeting to the ocean. While fighting to escape the crash and climb onto an island beach, the meteor slams into the sea. A tsunami races across the island, pursuing Effie and her fellow survivors deeper into the volcanic island's lush jungle. Beaten, terrified, and abandoned, the small group discovers that they are not alone on the island. The locals are ruthless and well-trained. With the survivors looking to her for leadership, Effie struggles - and fails - to keep everyone alive as they fight for survival. Along the way, Effie uncovers a series of shocking truths: the parents she never knew were part of the island's strange history, which includes massive robots known as Shugoten, and the meteor that sent them careening into the ocean, wasn't a meteor at all. The daikaiju have arrived - and one of them is headed her way. Jeremy Robinson, creator of the 'Kaiju Thriller' genre, and international best-selling author of the Project Nemesis novel and comic book series, launches this new series combining the behind-enemy-lines themes of Red Dawn with the high-tech monster-fighting robots of Robotech, infusing it with his frenetic pacing and character-driven plots. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Julia Farmer. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/069670/bk_acx0_069670_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der gefräßige Grinder - Ein Kaiju-Thriller: ab 4.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 4.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mayday: A Kaiju Thriller: ab 3.75 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 3.75 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Mammoth Book of Kaiju: ab 3.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 3.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    KAIJU WINTER - Roman: ab 4.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 4.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Spoiled: A Christmas Kaiju Tale: ab 2.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping

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