152 Results for : pips
Knolle und die Unzlinge (4) (MP3-Download)
Große Aufregung in Knolles Lebens. Opa Knolle kennt eine Geschichte, in der zwei Jungs auch für viel Aufregung gesorgt haben. Nach zwanzig Ehejahren endlich Kindersegen für Isaak und Rebekka – und dann gleich zwei Stammhalter! Doch nur einer hat Anspruch auf das väterliche Erbe, und zwar der Erstgeborene! Aber es kommt alles ganz anders ... Diese Hörspielserie erzählt Geschichten direkt aus dem Leben des zwölfjährigen Knolle. Mit einer Menge Geduld und Humor verknüpft Knolles Opa dabei die Ereignisse im Leben seines Enkels immer mit einer biblischen Geschichte, in der Knolle sich mit seinen Problemen wiederfindet. Die Rollen und ihre Sprecher: Knolle: Tobias Unverzagt / Opa: Reinhard Conrads / Timo und Pips: Gino und Patrick Riccitelli / Klein-Jakob: Nils Holthaus / Klein-Esau: Christian Schmalenbach / Jakob: Tilmann Schillinger / Esau: Holger Möller / Isaak: Rainer Domke / Rebecca: Hannelore Quandt / Hogla: Ruth Wagner In weiteren Rollen: Helmut Jost, Uli Pleßmann, Gertrud Schmalenbach, Marko Schmalenbach, Miriam Schöbel-Schmalenbach, Silke Unverzagt Regie: Gertrud Schmalenbach, Musik: Dirk Schmalenbach © & (P) 1993 Gerth Medien GmbH, Asslar- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.49 EUR excl. shipping
Plant Nematode Biopesticides
Plant Nematode Biopesticides presents the most current knowledge on various categories of biopesticides used in the management of nematode pests of crops or those that have significant potential as biological control agents. This book presents an exploratory and investigatory compilation and explanation of the actions and potentials of predatory nematodes, microbial agents, plant and other organic products, nanobiopesticides, and predatory invertebrates as biopesticides of nematode pests of agricultural crops. It is of unique importance and value as the only currently available single-volume resource focusing on plant parasitic nematodes as the pests and biopesticides. In addition, the book addresses common reservations in using biopesticides, either alone or in integrated pest management programs, providing advanced insights on various biopesticidal agents and products. Biopesticides may be microbial (nematodes, bacteria, fungi, virus, herbs etc.), plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs), plant products (citronella oil, neem oil, capsaicin, pyrethrin etc.), synthetic biochemical molecules, pheromones, semio-chemicals, plant extracts, or nanobiopesticides.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 195.99 EUR excl. shipping
Collected Letters Van Leeuwenhoek, Volume 6 (eBook, ePUB)
This 6th volume in a 19-volume series contains 21 letters written by van Leeuwenhoek of the perod 1686-87. The contents of the letters published here, again show the great range of subjects that occupied Van Leeuwenhoek: from sugar candy, the shape and crystal structure of diamonds, the dissolution of silver crystals in aqua fortis to gold dust from Guinea dissolved in aqua regia and the dissolution and separation of gold, silver, and copper. Every volume in the Series contains the texts in the original Dutch and an English translation. The great range of subjects studied by Van Leeuwenhoek is reflected in these letters: instruments to measure water, pulmonary diseases; experiments relating to the solution of gold and silver; salt crystals and grains of sand; botanical work, such as duckweed and germination of orange pips; description on protozoa. blood, spermatozoa and health and hygiene, for example and harmfulness of tea and coffee and the benefits of cleaning teeth.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 280.95 EUR excl. shipping
Collected Letters Van Leeuwenhoek, Volume 6 (eBook, PDF)
This 6th volume in a 19-volume series contains 21 letters written by van Leeuwenhoek of the perod 1686-87. The contents of the letters published here, again show the great range of subjects that occupied Van Leeuwenhoek: from sugar candy, the shape and crystal structure of diamonds, the dissolution of silver crystals in aqua fortis to gold dust from Guinea dissolved in aqua regia and the dissolution and separation of gold, silver, and copper. Every volume in the Series contains the texts in the original Dutch and an English translation. The great range of subjects studied by Van Leeuwenhoek is reflected in these letters: instruments to measure water, pulmonary diseases; experiments relating to the solution of gold and silver; salt crystals and grains of sand; botanical work, such as duckweed and germination of orange pips; description on protozoa. blood, spermatozoa and health and hygiene, for example and harmfulness of tea and coffee and the benefits of cleaning teeth.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 280.95 EUR excl. shipping
Forex Trading: A Beginner Guide to Start Making Immediate Cash with Forex Trading , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 89min
Can you answer the following two questions? Why do currencies move in the manner that they do? How can you make a profit off those movements? It's okay that you may have a partial answer or feel that you may be incorrect in your thoughts. You are a beginner in the forex market. You are trying to find a forex trading guide that will help answer your questions and turn your investment desires into profit. You should download this book if: You have time to study the forex market conditions and learn about currency movements You have the energy to keep up with your chosen investment strategy You are able to turn your emotions off and realize that not all trades are profitable You know there are no magic solutions and one-size-fits-all strategies This book is going to teach you many concepts about forex trading, including three strategies you can employ, as well as the best choice strategy. The topics you will learn include: The definition of forex trading The players and when to trade What to trade What pips are and the pip spread Common mistakes The fundamental strategy The technical strategy The best trading strategy ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ralph L. Rati. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/074750/bk_acx0_074750_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Forex Trading: Basics of Currency Trading , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 63min
Learn how to make big financial gains with the help of Forex tradingForex Trading: Basics of Currency Trading is designed to give you the Jedi mind tricks needed to turn a small initial investment in currency trading into a successful career. This book is designed for the beginner that has never traded on the foreign exchange before, but it contains tips and tricks that any new trader can use. We introduce you to the history of Forex in order to give you a sense of why currency trading can be such a lucrative career but also to get you excited about your education. We will explain everything you need to know about Forex, from brokers and pips to dealing desks and the interbank market. Success in this field is about what you are willing to put into it, and with this book handy you will have everything you need to know to turn that dollar and a dream into a future you and your family can look forward to. Forex Trading: Basics of Currency Trading is not only your first day of school but the first day of the rest of your life. So get ready to go to school. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Don Hoeksema. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/123361/bk_acx0_123361_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Elkes Adventsgeschichten, Hörbuch, Digital, 54min
Elkes Adventsgeschichten, Geschichten und Melodien zur Advents- und Weihnachtszeit mit Texten von Elke Bräunling und Musik von Paul G. Walter, Sprecher ist Paul G. Walter. Kleine Geschichten für Kinder, untermalt mit besinnlichen, weihnachtlichen Melodien. Das Weihnachtstraumland, gibt es das? Mia jedenfalls findet, dass ein richtiger Adventskalender etwas ganz Besonderes sein muss. Was passiert, wenn keiner der vier Adventskerzen brennen will und wenn sich gleich zwei Nikoläuse vor Annas Tür treffen? Diese und viele anderen besinnlichen und fröhlichen, nachdenklich stimmenden und heiteren Geschichten bringen die Vorweihnachtszeit Kindern und Erwachsenen näher und verkürzen die lange Wartezeit bis zum Fest. Frau Holle hingegen ist nicht sehr gut auf die Menschen zu sprechen. Ganz anders das Christkind, das Mia am heiligen Abend im Garten trifft. Doch hört selbst! Geeignet für gemütliche Adventsnachmittage und -abende bei Kerzenlicht ebenso wie im Kindergarten und in der Schule oder als Einschlafgeschichten vor dem Zubettgehen. Inhalt:1. Weihnachtszauber Weihnachtsmelodie 1 2. Im Weihnachtstraumland3. Mia und der richtige Adventskalender4. Der Streit der Adventskerzen5. Der kleine und der große Nikolaus 6. Maximilian sucht die Weihnachtswichtel7. Lichterfunkeln im Advent8. Ein Wunderstern für die kleine Oma 9. Ein Lied geht um: Geschichte mit Musik 10. Der Tag der lachenden Lebkuchen11. Pips, der Weihnachtshase 12. Weihnachtszauber Weihnachtsmelodie 2 deutsch. Elke Bräunling, Paul G. Walter. https://samples.audible.de/bk/xsee/000015/bk_xsee_000015_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Luminary Icon...: The Story of the Beginning and End of Hip Hop's First Female MC , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 238min
It's been years since we won the lawsuit against Sugar Hill Records. I am at a place in my life where I finally feel it is necessary to tell my story. Lord knows I am not getting any younger. Some may not like it, but the truth stands clear when everything else crumbles. My hope is to give you a visual of my group, the Funky 4 + 1 More's journey as young teenagers from the Bronx, New York. Teenagers who were young inner city kids who broke barriers and became the Gladys Knight and the Pips of hip-hop. The Funky 4 + 1 More was instrumental in paving the way for many hip-hop artists of today. I wrote this book so you may know me as the Luminary Icon. The female hip-hop icon who stands as the foundation for all female MCs/rappers. I wrote this story for all of the young men and women around the world to encourage, build, but most importantly...invest in yourselves. This goes out to all of my American and international fans, readers, media, the hip-hop community, and young, aspiring artists who have never heard of MC Sha-Rock. I give to you the true story of hip-hop's first female MC...Luminary Icon. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Trinise Crowder. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/032482/bk_acx0_032482_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Die Abenteuer von Sherlock Holmes: Das Original - 12 Krimis
Das Hörbuch 'Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes' enthält die ersten 12 Geschichten des berühmtesten aller Meisterdetektive. Hören Sie folgende spannende Geschichten: Ein Skandal in Böhmen (A Scandal in Bohemia) - 1891 Die Liga der rothaarigen Männer (The Red-headed League) - 1891 Ein Fall von Identität (A Case of Identity), 1891 Das Rätsel im Boscombe-Valley (The Boscombe Valley Mystery) - 1891 Fünf Apfelsinenkerne (The Five Orange Pips) - 1891 Der Mann mit dem schiefen Mund (The Man with the Twisted Lip) - 1891 Der blaue Karfunkel (The Blue Carbuncle) - 1892 Das gefleckte Band (The Speckled Band) - 1892 Der Daumen des Ingenieurs (The Engineer's Thumb) - 1892 Der adlige Junggeselle (The Noble Bachelor) - 1892 Die Beryll-Krone (The Beryl Coronet) - 1892 Das Haus 'Zu den Blutbuchen' (The Copper Beeches) - 1892- Shop: Audible
- Price: 14.95 EUR excl. shipping
Crab and Snail: The Invisible Whale
Join Crab and Snail in the surf zone, where they think deep thoughts and have unforgettable seaside adventures, in this graphic early reader series debut by New York Times bestselling author Beth Ferry and beloved illustrator Jared Chapman. The never-ending rain is putting a damper on Crab and Snail's plans for a sunny, funny day. So when the BBFs (Best Beach Friends) realize that it's only raining on them, they put their heads together and consult one know-it-all gull (he really does know it all!) to get to the bottom of it. By the time the rain clears, the duo will have made a new friend and learned something new and wonderful about friendship! Crab and Snail are everyone's next favorite characters in the graphic early reader space. Fans of Narwhal & Jelly; Pea, Bee, & Jay; and Arlo & Pips will love these quirky characters and clever stories. "A character-based volume that reads like a cross between SpongeBob SquarePants and The Muppet Show."—Publishers Weekly (starred review)- Shop: buecher
- Price: 13.99 EUR excl. shipping