112 Results for : repositories
Samba 4
- Ein Buch für alle, die Samba 4 in ihrem Netzwerk einsetzen wollen - sei es als Active Directory Domaincontroller, als Fileserver oder als Cluster.- Es begleitet von Anfang bis Ende den Aufbau einer kompletten Samba-4-Umgebung, aber für bestimmte Dienste erhalten Sie auch Informationen in einzelnen Kapiteln.- Das Buch schließt ab mit einem kompletten Szenario für eine Umgebung inklusive den Hinweisen für Dokumentation und zu sichernde Dateien.- Neu in der 2. Auflage: Gruppenrichtlinien für Linux-Clients, Ansible- Ihr exklusiver Vorteil: E-Book inside beim Kauf des gedruckten BuchesDieses Buch gibt Ihnen eine umfangreiche Anleitung für die Einrichtung und den Betrieb einer Samba-4-Umgebung.Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Verwendung von Samba 4 als Active Directory-Domaincontroller. Dabei werden alle Schritte zu deren Verwaltung beschrieben bis hin zur Behebung eines Ausfalls von Domaincontrollern.Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Verwaltung von Fileservern in einer Netzwerkumgebung, sei es als einzelner Server oder als Cluster. Bei der Einrichtung des Clusters wird dabei komplett auf Open-Source-Software gesetzt. Auch die Einbindung von Clients - von Windows, Linux und (neu) macOS - kommt nicht zu kurz. Zudem wird die neue Möglichkeit der GPOs für Linux-Clients erklärt. Die Einrichtung von zwei DHCP-Servern für die ausfallsichere DDNS-Umgebung wird mit allen Schritten und Skripten beschrieben.Gerade als Linux-Administrator ist man es gewohnt, alles möglichst über Skripte auf der Kommandozeile durchführen zu können. Deshalb gibt es zu diesem Bereich ein eigenes Kapitel.Auch die Durchführung der Migration von Samba 3 auf Samba 4 oder von einem Windows Active Directory auf ein Samba 4 Active Directory wird ausführlich erläutert. Das Buch ist somit eine gute Grundlage für Einsteiger und erfahrene Administratoren.AUS DEM INHALT //Installation aus verschiedenen Repositories und Distributionen/Einrichten und Testen von Domaincontrollern/Benutzerverwaltung/Grundlagen zu Gruppenrichtlinien/Einrichtung servergespeicherter Profile und Ordnerumleitung via GPOs/Einrichtung von RODC (Read Only Domain Controller)/Ausfallsichere DDNS-Infrastruktur/Fileserver in der Domäne/Freigaben einrichten und verwalten/Einrichtung des Virusfilters/Clients in der Domäne/Cluster mit CTDB und GlusterFS/Schemaerweiterung/Einrichten von Vertrauensstellungen/Migration/Samba 4 als Printserver/Hilfe zur Fehlersuche/Installation mit Ansible- Shop: buecher
- Price: 51.40 EUR excl. shipping
Cultures of Witnessing (eBook, ePUB)
Like other compilations of medieval urban drama, the plays that were performed in the streets of York on the Feast of Corpus Christi from the late fourteenth century until the third quarter of the sixteenth have most frequently been discussed in the context of the devotional cultures and practices of the later Middle Ages. The pageants' preoccupation with law, and with witnessing in particular, has received much less attention, Emma Lipton observes, yet the cycle of forty-seven plays, which together tell the story of human history from the Creation through the Last Judgment, contains an extended sequence that stages the trials of Christ leading up to the Crucifixion, and legal discourse features prominently elsewhere as well. While the play collections associated with other cities also engage with legal concepts, the York Plays devote an unusual amount of attention to the law, Lipton contends. It is no coincidence that the plays themselves are preserved alongside a wide range of legal records in the York Memorandum Books, repositories of civic documents that were kept in the city's guildhall.Engaging both theater and legal studies, Lipton is concerned in particular with the interfaces in the York Plays between dramatic practice and legal concepts of witnessing. In medieval English courts, witnesses were defined as neighbors; they spoke both to what they had seen and heard and also to common knowledge of events. At the same time, many legal theorists were concerned by how the temporal gap between initial experience and testimony might reshape the record of the past in light of the motives and emotions of individual witnesses and allied groups. With chapters focusing on space, speech, affect, and temporality, Cultures of Witnessing considers how civic performance and the legal theory and practice of witnessing promoted a shared sense of urban citizenship, and how this in turn provides a way to theorize late medieval religious drama, whose players performed on the streets and neighborhoods in which they conducted their daily lives.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 51.95 EUR excl. shipping
Baseless: My Search for Secrets in the Ruins of the Freedom of Information ACT
A major new work, a hybrid of history, journalism, and memoir, about the quagmire that is of the Freedom of Information Act-FOIA-and the horrifying government corruptions and secrets it often conceals, from one of America's most celebrated writers Eight years ago, while investigating the possibility that the United States had used biological weapons in the Korean War, Nicholson Baker requested a series of Air Force documents from the early 1950s under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Years went by, and he got no response. Rather than wait forever, Baker set out to keep a personal journal of what it feels like to try to write about major historical events in a world of pervasive redactions, witheld records, and glacially slow governmental responses. The result is one of the most original and daring works of nonfiction in recent memory, a singular and mesmerizing narrative that tunnels into the history of some of the darkest and most shameful plans and projects of the CIA, the Air Force, and the presidencies of Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Baker assembles what he learns, piece by piece, about Project Baseless, a crash Pentagon program begun in the early fifties that aimed to achieve "an Air Force-wide combat capability in biological and chemical warfare at the earliest possible date." Along the way, he unearths stories of balloons carrying crop disease, leaflet bombs filled with feathers, suicidal scientists, leaky centrifuges, paranoid political-warfare tacticians, insane experiments on animals and humans, weaponized ticks, ferocious propaganda battles with China, and cover and deception plans meant to trick the Kremlin into ramping up its germ-warfare program. At the same time, Baker tells the stories of the heroic journalists and lawyers who have devoted their energies to wresting documentary evidence from goverment repositories, and he shares anecdotes from his daily life in Maine feeding his dogs and watching the morning light. The result is an astonishing and utterly disarming story about waiting, bureaucracy, the horrors of war, and, above all, the cruel secrets that the United States government seems determined to keep forever from its citizens. Story Locale: Maine- Shop: buecher
- Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering Git (eBook, ePUB)
Mastering Git: A Beginner's Guide introduces developers of all ages to the wonderful and useful world of Git. As far as software development is considered, the advent of Git has truly proven to be a milestone. If you are a software developer, you have probably already heard of Git. Its importance and functionality in the world of coding merits very high praise for a variety of reasons. Computers now have become very amenable machines. You can remove a significant section of the text from your work accidentally, but there is no need to panic. Simply use the Undo option and you're good. This, however, was not the case in the early days of development. Back then, developers did not have access to any such technology, and it was only one person who used to own the master copy of a work. This person would divide the code into specific parts, which would subsequently be divided between developers, who would work on their part and make their completed submissions independent of each other. This was followed by a standard check, after which the old version was completely replaced by the new version. This was a very tedious process-unless someone had beenvery proactive with making copies of the code, the previous versions of a file were often effectively lost. Thankfully, a significant breakthrough came in 1972 when developer Marc Rochkind invented the Source Code Control System (SCCS), which was the very first form of Version Control System (VCS). It was limited in terms of its functionality, and could allow only one person to work on it at a time, while concurrent management had to be handled using locks. But we have come a long way since then. Today, Git is the single most-used VCS out there. Its influence on coding and development, in particular, the innovative use of "branches" in order to facilitate collaboration for projects, cannot be over-emphasized. Version Control has become an indispensable part of our lives, and being familiar with the functioning of Git is something employers deem highly important. Mastering Git will prove to be of tremendous help to developers of all spheres in learning Git and Version Control. This book offers information on a wide array of subjects pertaining to Git, and even briefly touches upon its history, advantages, and disadvantages. Mastering Git also offers tips on installation and different elements involved in its functioning, such as Repositories, Remotes, Aliases, Tagging, and Branches. Popular services and hosts for such Git projects as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket are also discussed in detail. This book will prove to be a handy guide for both newbie learners and trained professionals. Learn more about our other Mastering titles at: https://www.routledge.com/Mastering-Computer-Science/book-series/MCS- Shop: buecher
- Price: 37.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering Git (eBook, PDF)
Mastering Git: A Beginner's Guide introduces developers of all ages to the wonderful and useful world of Git. As far as software development is considered, the advent of Git has truly proven to be a milestone. If you are a software developer, you have probably already heard of Git. Its importance and functionality in the world of coding merits very high praise for a variety of reasons. Computers now have become very amenable machines. You can remove a significant section of the text from your work accidentally, but there is no need to panic. Simply use the Undo option and you're good. This, however, was not the case in the early days of development. Back then, developers did not have access to any such technology, and it was only one person who used to own the master copy of a work. This person would divide the code into specific parts, which would subsequently be divided between developers, who would work on their part and make their completed submissions independent of each other. This was followed by a standard check, after which the old version was completely replaced by the new version. This was a very tedious process-unless someone had beenvery proactive with making copies of the code, the previous versions of a file were often effectively lost. Thankfully, a significant breakthrough came in 1972 when developer Marc Rochkind invented the Source Code Control System (SCCS), which was the very first form of Version Control System (VCS). It was limited in terms of its functionality, and could allow only one person to work on it at a time, while concurrent management had to be handled using locks. But we have come a long way since then. Today, Git is the single most-used VCS out there. Its influence on coding and development, in particular, the innovative use of "branches" in order to facilitate collaboration for projects, cannot be over-emphasized. Version Control has become an indispensable part of our lives, and being familiar with the functioning of Git is something employers deem highly important. Mastering Git will prove to be of tremendous help to developers of all spheres in learning Git and Version Control. This book offers information on a wide array of subjects pertaining to Git, and even briefly touches upon its history, advantages, and disadvantages. Mastering Git also offers tips on installation and different elements involved in its functioning, such as Repositories, Remotes, Aliases, Tagging, and Branches. Popular services and hosts for such Git projects as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket are also discussed in detail. This book will prove to be a handy guide for both newbie learners and trained professionals. Learn more about our other Mastering titles at: https://www.routledge.com/Mastering-Computer-Science/book-series/MCS- Shop: buecher
- Price: 37.95 EUR excl. shipping
Repositories for Print
Repositories for Print - Strategies for Access Preservation and Democracy: ab 82.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 82.99 EUR excl. shipping
Preference Mining and Preference Repositories: Design Algorithms and Personalized Applications
Preference Mining and Preference Repositories: Design Algorithms and Personalized Applications - 1 Auflage: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Building Trustworthy Digital Repositories
Building Trustworthy Digital Repositories - Theory and Implementation: ab 72.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 72.49 EUR excl. shipping
Repositories for Print
Repositories for Print - Strategies for Access Preservation and Democracy: ab 82.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 82.99 EUR excl. shipping
Repositories for Print
Repositories for Print - Strategies for Access Preservation and Democracy: ab 82.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 82.99 EUR excl. shipping