99 Results for : synthetics
Kochland (eBook, ePUB)
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF 2019 * WINNER OF THE J ANTHONY LUKAS WORK-IN-PROGRESS AWARD * FINANCIAL TIMES' BEST BOOKS OF 2019 * NPR FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2019 * FINALIST FOR THE FINACIAL TIMES/MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF 2019 * KIRKUS REVIEWS BEST BOOKS OF 2019 * SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL BEST BOOKS OF 2019 "Superb…Among the best books ever written about an American corporation." —Bryan Burrough, The New York Times Book Review Just as Steve Coll told the story of globalization through ExxonMobil and Andrew Ross Sorkin told the story of Wall Street excess through Too Big to Fail, Christopher Leonard's Kochland uses the extraordinary account of how one of the biggest private companies in the world grew to be that big to tell the story of modern corporate America. The annual revenue of Koch Industries is bigger than that of Goldman Sachs, Facebook, and US Steel combined. Koch is everywhere: from the fertilizers that make our food to the chemicals that make our pipes to the synthetics that make our carpets and diapers to the Wall Street trading in all these commodities. But few people know much about Koch Industries and that's because the billionaire Koch brothers have wanted it that way. For five decades, CEO Charles Koch has kept Koch Industries quietly operating in deepest secrecy, with a view toward very, very long-term profits. He's a genius businessman: patient with earnings, able to learn from his mistakes, determined that his employees develop a reverence for free-market ruthlessness, and a master disrupter. These strategies made him and his brother David together richer than Bill Gates. But there's another side to this story. If you want to understand how we killed the unions in this country, how we widened the income divide, stalled progress on climate change, and how our corporations bought the influence industry, all you have to do is read this book. Seven years in the making, Kochland "is a dazzling feat of investigative reporting and epic narrative writing, a tour de force that takes the reader deep inside the rise of a vastly powerful family corporation that has come to influence American workers, markets, elections, and the very ideas debated in our public square. Leonard's work is fair and meticulous, even as it reveals the Kochs as industrial Citizens Kane of our time" (Steve Coll, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Private Empire).- Shop: buecher
- Price: 16.38 EUR excl. shipping
'A landmark book....A massively reported deep dive into the unparalleled corporate industrial giant Koch Industries....This impressively researched and well-rendered book also serves as a biography of Charles Koch, with Leonard providing an evenhanded treatment of the tycoon. Leonard's work is on par with Steve Coll's Private Empire and even Ida Tarbell's enduring classic The History of the Standard Oil Company.' Kirkus Reviews'Leonard's superb investigations and even-handed, clear-eyed reportage stand out....American capitalism at its most successful and domineering is at the center of this sweeping history of a much-vilified company.'Publishers Weekly'Leonard's intricately developed and extensively researched history of the Koch empire is a colossal corporate biography that sheds important light on this closely guarded enterprise while simultaneously scrutinizing the nefarious underpinnings of American economic policies and practices.' Booklist'This page-turning exposé reveals the full extent of the Koch brothers' influence on American capitalism.' Book Riot'If you want a crash course in the evolution of postmodern capitalism over the last five decades read Kochland....Leonard's study is exhaustive and engaging.' New York Journal of BooksThe annual revenue of Koch Industries is bigger than that of Google, Goldman Sachs and Kraft Foods combined. But very few people have ever heard of Koch Industries because the billionaire Koch brothers want it that way. Now, in Kochland, Christopher Leonard has managed what no other journalist has done before: to tell the explosive inside story of how the largest private company in the world became that big. In doing so, Leonard also tells the epic tale of the evolution of corporate America over the last half-century, in all its glory and rapaciousness.Koch is everywhere. It controls the fertilisers at the foundation of our food system. It controls the synthetics that make our diapers and carpets. It controls the chemicals that make our bottles and pipes. It controls the building materials that make our homes and offices. And it controls much of the Wall Street trading in all of these commodities. It makes money at every end of almost every deal.For five decades, CEO Charles Koch has kept Koch Industries quietly operating behind a veil of secrecy, with a view toward very, very long-term profits. When Wall Street came calling twenty years ago, trying to take Koch public, Charles Koch said no. He's a genius businessman: patient with profits, able to learn from his mistakes, determined that his employees develop an almost a worshipful dedication to free-market ruthlessness, and a master disrupter. We think of disruption as something that happens in Silicon Valley, but this book will upend your understanding of what disruption really is.Charles Koch's business acumen has made him and his brother David (Koch Industries' co-owner) together richer than Bill Gates. But there's a dark side to their story. If you want to understand how we killed the unions in this country, how we widened the income divide, how we stalled progress on climate change and how corporate America bought the influence industry, all you have to do is read this book.Seven years in the making, Kochland reads like a true-life thriller, with larger-than-life characters driving the battles on every page. The book tells the ambitious tale of how one private company consolidated power over half a century - and how in doing so, transformed capitalism into something that feels so deeply alienating to many Americans today.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 11.99 EUR excl. shipping
Humans-Die Komplette 3.Staffel DVD-Box
Ein Jahr nach der Verbreitung des Bewusstseins kämpft eine dezimierte und unterdrückte Synth-Bevolkerung um das Überleben in einer Welt, die sie hasst und fürchtet. In einem geteilten Großbritannien bemühen sich die Synths und die Menschen so etwas wie Frieden zu vermitteln, aber als es zu Brüchen in der Synth-Community kommt, ist jede Hoffnung auf Stabilität in Gefahr.Episodenguide1. Eine Heimat im Hass?Die Welt gedenkt am ersten Jahrestag der zahlreichen Opfer von Tag Zero , als durch weltweite Fehlfunktionen der "Synths" eine globale Katastrophe ausgelöst wurde. Während der Gedenkfeiern explodiert in einer Bar, in der sich Menschen und Synths unbehelligt treffen können, eine Bombe, die fünf Tote und Dutzende Verletzte fordert. Laura Hawkins wird daraufhin gebeten, einer Kommission beizutreten, die Regularien für den zukünftigen Umgang mit den Synths ausarbeiten soll.2. Maschine gegen MenschLeo Elster erwacht aus dem Koma und beginnt, sich an frühere Ereignisse langsam wieder zu erinnern. Laura Hawkins bekommt fur die Zeit, in der sie der Dryden-Kommission angehört, einen Orange-Augen-Synth namens Stanley als Leibwächter zugeteilt. Mia und Niska machen sich auf den Weg zur Küste, um nach den vier Gestrandeten zu suchen, deren Notruf sie im Zug-Depot erreicht hat.3. Neues LandMax weigert sich, die von Mia geschickten ausländischen Synths im Lager aufzunehmen und überlässt sie ihrem Schicksal. Laura Hawkins geht mit ihrem Kommissions-Kollegen Neil Sommer essen. Der Abend endet aber zwiespältig. Mia hat mit Lauras Hilfe eine Wohnung gemietet, ist jedoch den heftigen Anfeindungen ihrer neuen Nachbarn ausgesetzt. Mattie Hawkins und Leo Elster haben vorübergehend Quartier bei Laura bezogen. Nach einem nächtlichen Streifzug durch die Vergangenheit kommen sich Mattie und Leo näher.4. Hürden der GemeinschaftAuf Initiative von Laura Hawkins besucht die Dryden-Kommission das ehemalige Zug-Depot, in dem Anatole und seine Gefolgsleute Schutz gefunden haben. Trotz anfänglicher Skepsis endet die Inspektion im Camp mit einem positiven Ergebnis und Laura schöpft neue Hoffnung, was die Rechte der Grün-Augen-Synths betrifft. Mattie erfährt in den Nachrichten, dass die New Yorker Polizei den vermeintlichen Verursacher von Tag Zero festgenommen hat. Vom schlechten Gewissen geplagt, will Mattie sich daraufhin den Behörden stellen.5. PericulumNach der Inspektion bei den Grün-Augen im ehemaligen Zug-Depot beschließt die Dryden-Kommission, ab sofort tätliche Angriffe auf die sogenannten anormalen Synthetics mit einer Strafe von 300 britischen Pfund zu ahnden. Daraufhin beschließt Mia, der diese Schutz-Maßnahme nicht ausreicht, vor der Dryden-Kommission für ihre Belange und die ihrer Leidensgenossen die Stimme zu erheben. Laura Hawkins ist entsetzt, als sie entdeckt, dass ihr Mann Joe mit dem Synth-Kind Sam in ihrem Haus Zuflucht gesucht hat.6. Es geht um allesMia steht vor der Dryden-Kommission und kämpft - mit der Hilfe von Laura - um Verständnis und mehr Rechte fur die Synths. Als sich die Situation zu ihren Gunsten zu wenden scheint, explodiert in der City von London eine weitere Bombe, die zwanzig Todesopfer fordert. Mia wird unter dem Verdacht der Mittäterschaft verhaftet, Laura eilt mit Stanley zu ihrer Familie.7. Feind alias FreundLeo will zurück zu den Synths¡ ins Zug-Depot, weil er glaubt, seine Verbindung mit Mattie würde dieser nur schaden. Allerdings ahnt er nicht, dass Mattie schwanger von ihm ist. Anatole rebelliert offen gegen Max und ernennt sich quasi selbst zum neuen Anführer. Mattie findet ihre Mutter Laura und überzeugt sie davon, dass der Kampf für die Rechte der Synths noch längst nicht verloren ist.8. Momente der FinsternisNiska erreicht endlich die Hütte auf der Bergkuppe. Dort trifft sie auf den "Synth" Odi, der sich allerdings jetzt "V" nennt. Er ist der "Synth, der schläft" und er erklärt Niska den Grund und das Ziel ihrer Reise. Inzwischen ist die Operation Basswood angela- Shop: buecher
- Price: 23.99 EUR excl. shipping
Seismic Strong Motion Synthetics
Seismic Strong Motion Synthetics: ab 54.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 54.99 EUR excl. shipping
Bianca Stücker: Glass Coffin
"70 percent synthetics, 20 percent harpsichord and 10 percent dulcimer - this adds up to cool electronic dulcimered darkpop. Presented by a smart and beautiful gothic lady - what more could I ever ask for?"- Mark Benecke, Germany's resident TV goth pathologist de luxeThis is, in a nutshell, what the first Bianca Stücker album is all about. Or rather, the first solo album the talented musician releases under her own name. She is an artist of many different talents and has also made herself a name as a writer with several published novels and a string of witty magazine columns, while running her own studio for providing artful tattoos and teaching oriental dance and tribal fusion. Since 1999, she has realised her own musical ideas with a number of different projects. Her bands were called The Violet Steam Experience, Ensemble Violetta or The Violet Tribe and often infused their dark pop with medieval or renaissance music elements, owing strongly to the fact that Stücker is a fully-fledged church musician with a PhD in musicology.Apart from her fascination with music from the past, Stücker has also a strong penchant for electronic sounds, an avenue she last explored 2007 with her VaNi project. With The Glass Coffin, synths and beats come to the fore once more. There is still a faint renaissance influence to be felt in some of the harmonies, and acoustic elements such as hammered dulcimer and harpsichord shape the overall atmosphere with their distinctive sound. But the first bars of the opening track, "The Other Me", already show where we are heading this time: throbbing, surging rhythms intertwine with synthetic melodies, thus forming an ideal base for Stücker's enchanting voice, changing from cool and powerful to dreamy and meditative, bringing every line to life in the most hypnotic way.A huge influence on The Glass Coffin was Stücker's fascination with alchemy and tarot, which also shows in the beautiful artwork of the album. Every song has its own tarot motto card, underlining or enhancing the theme of the song with its individual symbolism. For instance, the heavy instrumental track "Automat" corresponds to "The Tower", symbolising a destructive element but also the strength to break from chains, while the wistful title track is combined with "The Moon".Bianca Stücker played all the instruments herself and also did her own arrangements and recording. To her delight, she became acquainted with renowned producer Winus Rilinger (The Eternal Afflict) while still working on the new album, and he happily agreed to take over the production and mixing, also adding some synth sounds.Stücker herself describes her songs as "a cosmos of kitsch and sweet horrification". And indeed, behind the enchantingly beautiful melodies and shimmering surfaces often looms an abyss. The morbid tango of "La Pascualita" for instance was inspired by the rather gruesome story that is told of a mannequin in a bridal shop in Mexico: the owner's daughter died 75 years go on her wedding day from a spider's bite. A few days later, a new mannequin appeared in the shop, bearing a striking resemblance with the deceased. It still can be seen in the shop today - and only the descendants of the owners are allowed to change its clothes ... Kirsten Borchardt"70% Synthetik, 20% Cembalo und 10% Hackbrett, das ergibt lässigen Elektro-Hackbrett-Finsterpop. Dargeboten wird es von einer klugen und schönen Grufti-Frau ... was will ich mehr?" - Mark BeneckeDamit hat der coolste Doktor aller Zeiten schon perfekt zusammengefasst, was es mit dem ersten Album von Bianca Stücker auf sich hat. Oder vielmehr, dem ersten Soloalbum, das die talentierte Renaissance-Frau unter eigenem Namen veröffentlicht. Denn, nebenbei bemerkt, Stücker macht nicht nur Musik, sondern schreibt schräge Romane und pointierte Kolumnen, tätowiert und lehrt in ihrem eigenen Tanzstudio Orientalischen Tanz und Tribal Fusion. The Glass Coffin folgt auf eine ganze Reihe von Projekten, in denen sie schon seit 1999 ihre musikalischen Visionen realisiert hat. Ihre Bands tragen Namen wie The Violet Steam Experience, Ensemble Violetta oder The Violet Tribe und speisen ihren dunklen Pop gern mehr oder weniger stark aus mittelalterlichen Klängen oder Renaissance-Musik - Stile, zu denen die Sängerin als ausgebildete Kirchenmusikerin und promovierte Musikwissenschaftlerin eine besondere Beziehung hat.Ihre andere musikalische Vorliebe, die sie zuletzt 2007 mit dem Projekt VaNi auslebte, galt schon immer elektronischen Sounds. Und die kommen auf The Glass Coffin wieder einmal verstärkt zum Zug. Zwar sind die Renaissance-Anleihen bei einigen Harmonien noch spürbar, und akustische Elemente wie Cembalo und Hackbrett spielen nach wie vor eine Rolle, aber schon die ersten Takte des Openers "The Other Me" machen klar, wohin die Reise diesmal geht: Pulsierende, tanzbare Rhythmen verbinden sich mit synthetischen Melodien und formen ein ideales Gerüst für Stückers betörend schöne Stimme, die mit Leichtigkeit den Ausdruck wechselt, mal kraftvoll-kühl und mal versponnen klingt und jede Zeile auf hypnotische Weise lebendig werden lässt. Einen großen Einfluss auf The Glass Coffin hatten Alchimie und Tarot, für die Stücker - wie unschwer auch am Artwork des Albums zu erkennen ist - ein großes Faible hat. Jedem Song wurde eine Karte zugeordnet, die durch ihre Symbolik das Thema des Songs aufgreift oder verstärkt. So gehört zu dem harten Instrumental "Automat" die Tarotkarte "Der Turm" mit seiner zerstörerischen Kraft, die jedoch auch Fesseln sprengen kann, während "Der Mond" den eher sehnsuchtsvollen Titeltrack begleitet. Bianca Stücker spielte alle Instrumente selbst ein und schrieb die Arrangements. Sie freute sich sehr, dass sich während der Aufnahmen der Kontakt zu dem renommierten Produzenten Winus Rilinger (The Eternal Afflict) entwickelte, der daraufhin die Produktion begleitete und noch einige Synthisounds beisteuerte. Sie selbst bezeichnet ihre Songs als "Kosmos aus Kitsch und Schauerlichkeit" - und tatsächlich tut sich hinter den oberflächlich oft betörend schönen Melodien und glitzernden Oberflächen oft genug ein Abgrund auf. Wie beispielsweise bei "La Pascualita", dessen morbider Tango von der gruseligen Geschichte inspiriert wurde, die man sich von einer Schaufensterpuppe in einem Brautmodengeschäft in Mexiko erzählt: Die Tochter der Inhaberin starb vor 75 Jahren an ihrem Hochzeitstag an einem Spinnenbiss. Wenig später tauchte eine Puppe im Laden auf, die eine frappierende Ähnlichkeit mit der Verstorbenen hat und dort bis heute steht - und immer nur von den Besitzern neu angezogen wird ...- Shop: odax
- Price: 20.64 EUR excl. shipping
Thumbtack Smoothie -bring a helmet and a microscope- Fury unleashed digits whirling amid chunks of molten synthetics and the power of sound, thunder from the depths and the heights of a code unknown .Through pulsation's of noise removed from the twelve tone system haunting melodies mirroring relentless shadow boxers emerge. For true connoisseurs of experimental electronic music. This artist doesn't easily fit into your standard electronic categories. Group members - one Albums - thumbtack smoothie - electrickitchentableland (2001) thumbtack smoothie - math is hard (2002) thumbtack smoothie - homestyle (2003) thumbtack smoothie - fall back (2006) THUMBTACK SMOOTHIE (a.k.a. Carl Coletti) made the strange transformation from studio session/live drummer (with bands like The Walkers,The Neighborhoods, Ottmar Liebert and Luna Negra, the Jason Newsted-led Godswallop and Pancake Circus) to experimental electronic musician. His new album Fall Back (Quake Trap, 2006) reflects an artist reaching towards the peak of his extremely weird powers. 8 years ago, he was a drummer who stumbled upon the (then) Metallica Bass-player's portable sampler. Today he is easily one of San Francisco's boldest sonic alchemists. Naturally transferring his percussive knowledge to drum programming and sound manipulation Thumbtack Smoothie creates his densely layered tracks by loading his herd of samplers with insanely intricate sonic entities of his design and then plays the sampler pads real time improvising and responding to the overdubbed layers of sound as only a drummer of his caliber can. While tapping the sampler pads his waving hands disturb infrared light D-Beam controllers that change the parameters of the effects on his samples. This level of control shifts Thumbtack Smoothie into the territory of insane puppet master in complete command of his audio assault. This unorthodox style of track creation/performance unhinged from traditional production methods allows Thumbtack Smoothie's tracks to soar to places unexplored in the realm of experimental electronic music. Press - Some of you might be aware of Thumbtack Smoothie's deeply layered experimental electronic blanket's of sampled distortion and rugged beat-work on albums like 'Math is Hard' (Manic Obsessive, 2002) and 'ElectricKitchenTableLand' (Manic Obsessive, 2001). This year Thumbtack Smoothie released 'Homestyle' (Quake Trap, 2004) --also found in KUCI's RPM music library --where decomposed digital sounds interact with organically placed glitches, twitches, distorto beats and odd tweaks. It's an equation of electronics that twists and turns like mechanical insects lost in a frozen landscape in 2010. (Digital:: Nimbus experimental electronic radio KUCI 88.9 FM) Thumbtack Smoothie - Homestyle - CD - Quake Trap Quaketrap Recordings sent me these two highly experimental albums along with a compilation album to listen and immerse myself in their artist's auditory madness. The album Homestyle is the more bizarre of the two.What I found on this release may be music for individuals with a taste for oddly processed experimental electronic music that, according to the CD sleeve, was manipulated with infrared D-beam controllers. It's a 54-minute journey to a world you have never been to. A world that was uniquely created and belonging solely to the mind of the producer. Thumbtack Smoothie has given this world a tangible form in the likeness of a CD for people who desire to explore this realm but do not realize it yet. This is Thumbtack Smoothie's third release and it continues his science of melding drum & bass with eccentric sample material and fleeting appearances of I.D.M. as well as plenty of reverb, filtering, modulation and ring modulation. Notable tracks are: Never At Dusk, June Louder, Moondoggy, Sore Eye Soire, Scrunchie Misplacement Incident and Lil?? Dropper. ( Craig N. - Vital ) Thumbtack Smoothie - Homestyle - Quake Trap Something ruptured, something crude. San Francisco is imploding with a whole new sound. On his third full-length Thumbtack Smoothie's Homestyle has some in common with Amon Tobin, the rabid percussion is just left of center and the beats are ready to pounce at the quick. 'Clyde's Edge' certainly opens the package with an imploding whiff of absinthe. If you have ever played Pong on acid, this may be the sordid soundtrack. Something of a relentless blur. The Smoothie takes an amoeba-like sound, something edgy and organic, and struggles with it's silly putty edges, stretching it to the brink on tracks like 'Dodgeball Mentality' and 'Fragmentation Key' (which sounds like a two-parter, separated by a few tracks in between). He takes low-fi rhythms and hyphenates the backend, stunting the beats, roughing it up a bit. Where things take a synchronous turn is on 'June Louder' where added is a bit of piano, lain aside a big, bad post-rock wall of percussion. Things become much more interesting a few minutes into the track when a revving of game sounds start up a modulated drag race. Part Bi-God 20, the resemblance to early 90s industrial-goth is fragrant, but not exactly the point. ( TJ Norris - Igloo Magazine ) Math is Hard Thumbtack Smoothie (Manic Obsessive recordings) Who was it that said Collage was the art of the future? Some of the most interesting sounds that are being made today cannot be so easily be categorized. Those of you that know me know that I'm smiling right now, as I hate categorization. (If you don't know that by now, after reading this column, consider yourself forewarned.) Thumbtack Smoothie, who hails from San Francisco, does not have a problem mixing hip-hop, trance, electronic, trip-hop, drum n' bass and every other bit of noise that he can muster up, to create a sprawling, blippy psychotic trip through the ventricles that we call life. This CD explodes in your face. There is nothing neutral or relaxing here. It is what it is and there are no apologies for it. That's the beauty of this m?lange of sound that drips, bleeps, screams out of it's nerve endings that convulse sporadically like a nervous twitch in your arm. This is an experimental journey that takes you for a roller-coaster ride full of jolts and heaping mounds. You think you know the road ahead of you, only to end up doing a three sixty in reverse, followed by a screeching stop. This recording is meant to open the pores in your body that need a deep cleansing. Awaken your senses. Wake up people. I really dug the trip hoppy sounds of 'Sea From Grain', with buzz saws going off in the background. One of my favorite cuts is 'Still in a Cloud'. There's this sample that repeats like a floating string section and over the top, you can hear a muffled voice saying,'boring, boring, boring.' This recording is anything but boring. This is experimental music of the highest order. Available through cdbaby.com.(Midwest Ursine 'On The Turntable' May 2002 ) THUMBTACK SMOOTHIE: math is hard 'Thumbtack Smoothie's music looks at me naked and then takes my skin off and wears it - still dripping - traipsing around the kitchen singing in some alien tongue.'(Micro Vard - Club D'elf) THUMBTACK SMOOTHIE: math is hard Frenzied and frantic, the level of intensity on this CD is as abstract, yet exact as that description. For true connoisseurs of experimental electronic music. This one doesn't easily fit into your standard electronic categories. (CD Baby - editors picks May 2002) THUMBTACK SMOOTHIE: Math Is Hard (Manic Obsessive Recordings) Thumbtack Smoothie is a relatively new artist from Northern California who produces delicately crafted yet dark ambient electronics. (digital:: nimbus experimental electronic radio KUCI 88.9 fm) THUMBTACK SMOOTHIE - Math Is Hard (Quake Trap) Thumbtack is one of those vigilante types playing by his own set of rules.originally the drummer for Pancake Circus, Thumbtack branched out a few years back and began encoding the results of his own sophisticated programming -(of which, Math Is Hard is his second release). The r- Shop: odax
- Price: 22.11 EUR excl. shipping
Springer Pinsel Gussow 2044-2 - Synthetik, flach
Die empfehlenswerten Springer Pinsel für Schule und Hobby überzeugen durch ihre Flexibilität im Einsatz.Unsere Schulmalpinsel sind spitz oder oval aus Naturhaar und in einfachen Ausführungen gearbeitet.Die Borstenpinsel sind aus reinen Chinaborsten, flach hergestellt und verfügen über einen kurzen Naturholzstiel.Unser "Synthetics for Kids" sind nicht nur für Kinder optimal, die hochwertigen Synthetik-Pinsel eigenen sich auch bestens für alle Hobbytechniken.- Shop: odax
- Price: 16.35 EUR excl. shipping
Springer Pinsel Gussow 2044-6 - Synthetik, flach
Die empfehlenswerten Springer Pinsel für Schule und Hobby überzeugen durch ihre Flexibilität im Einsatz.Unsere Schulmalpinsel sind spitz oder oval aus Naturhaar und in einfachen Ausführungen gearbeitet.Die Borstenpinsel sind aus reinen Chinaborsten, flach hergestellt und verfügen über einen kurzen Naturholzstiel.Unser "Synthetics for Kids" sind nicht nur für Kinder optimal, die hochwertigen Synthetik-Pinsel eigenen sich auch bestens für alle Hobbytechniken.- Shop: odax
- Price: 20.24 EUR excl. shipping
Springer Pinsel Gussow 2044-12 - Synthetik, flach
Die empfehlenswerten Springer Pinsel für Schule und Hobby überzeugen durch ihre Flexibilität im Einsatz.Unsere Schulmalpinsel sind spitz oder oval aus Naturhaar und in einfachen Ausführungen gearbeitet.Die Borstenpinsel sind aus reinen Chinaborsten, flach hergestellt und verfügen über einen kurzen Naturholzstiel.Unser "Synthetics for Kids" sind nicht nur für Kinder optimal, die hochwertigen Synthetik-Pinsel eigenen sich auch bestens für alle Hobbytechniken.- Shop: odax
- Price: 20.44 EUR excl. shipping