14 Results for : barrueco
Konzert Friedemann Wuttke
Friedemann Wuttke Unter dem Titel ?Kontrast und Kontrapunkt? entlockte Wuttke seinem Instrument klassische Akkorde von Ferdinando Carulli bis Johan Sebastian Bach. Zum Künstler Friedemann Wuttke: Nach seinem Studium an der Musikhochschule Stuttgart vervollständigte der Konzertgitarrist Friedemann Wuttke seine Musikausbildung unter anderem bei Meisterkursen von Manuel Barrueco, John Williams, David Russell, Angel und Pepe Romero. Bereits während seines Studiums bekleidete er einen Lehrauftrag an der Hochschule Ludwigsburg. Seit 1992 widmet sich der Interpret ausschließlich seiner Konzerttätigkeit und der Produktion von Tonträgern. Entgegen der gängigen Vorstellung, wonach die klassische Gitarre in erster Linie der populären, eher leichten Musik verpflichtet ist, beweist der Konzertgitarrist Friedemann Wuttke das Gegenteil: er bringt sein Instrument mit geschlossenen Konzepten zum Klingen und setzt dabei auf einen starken und intensiven Klang.Friedemann Wuttke...studierte an der Musikhochschule Stuttgart und vervollständigte seine Musikausbildung unter anderem in Meisterkursen international bekannter Solisten sowie mit seinem Freund und Mentor, dem russischen Weltklasse Pianisten Igor Zhukov.Gitarre Hamburg schreibt 2005:?Nicht nur durch seine instrumentalen und musikalischen Qualitäten - die höchsten Ansprüchen genügen - hat sich der sympathische Musiker einen festen Platz in der vordersten Reihe der deutschen Gitarristik erspielt. Insbesondere sein Gespür für interessante Programmgestaltung und die fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit mit anderen namhaften Künstlern sorgen dafür, dass Friedemann Wuttke nicht unterbeschäftigt bleibt. Ein Musiker, der konsequent seinen Weg geht.?Durch die kompromisslose Hinwendung zum klassischen Repertoire und zur ernsthaften Programmgestaltung nimmt Friedemann Wuttke eine Sonderstellung unter den Konzertgitarristen ein. Seine vielseitigen Programme sind immer geprägt von klaren Inhalten und seinem künstlerisch anspruchsvollen Profil.DER GITARRIST wird nicht nur im Inland gerne eingeladen, sondern seine Konzerte führten Friedemann Wuttke in fast alle europäischen Länder, nach Russland, Südostasien, Afrika und Südamerika, wo er auch in großen Konzerthäusern als Solist oder mit Orchester auftrat. Und so stehen nach Corona in 2022 und 2023 auch wieder Auslandstourneen in seinem Kalender.Hinter all dieser Vielseitigkeit zeigt sich ein Musiker, der nicht nur sein Instrument und seine Musik liebt, sondern im Dienste der musikalischen Kommunikation steht und das Publikum teilhaben lässt an der Begeisterung, die seine Musik in ihm immer wieder auslöst. Das Zentrum seiner Konzerte bilden dabei stets anspruchsvolle und zyklisch angelegte Werke. Seine aktuellen Programme ?Bach & Mozart? (mit Johann Sebastian Bachs berühmter Chaconne d-moll), ?Mozart und Rossini?, ?Kontraste?, ?Nächte in spanischen Gärten? können mit Werken von Johann Sebastian Bach oder mit Musik aus Klassik und Romantik ebenso beeindrucken wie ein Klavierabend oder ein klassisches Kammerkonzert. Die spanischen und südamerikanischen Wurzeln eröffnen darüber hinaus noch eine andere, ganz eigene musikalische Gestalt, welche im Impressionismus zu neuen Klangfarben führte.- Shop: Konzertkasse
- Price: 15.50 EUR excl. shipping
NACHT DER GITARREN - Lulu Reinhardt, Thu Le, Luca Stricagnoli, Alexandra Whittingham
1 Nacht, 2 Virtuosen, 2 Virtuosinnen und 1 guitar positivity. Das heißt: 4 Solo-Performances auf den Saiten, die die Welt bedeuten, dazu diverse Stücke im Duo und einige als Quartett. Das alles in einem Raum, der wie gebaut ist für den Klang der Gitarre. Die Nacht der Gitarren in diesem Jahr mit: LUCA STRICAGNOLIItalienisches Wunderkind mit einem kometenhaften Aufstieg seit 2017. Inzwischen über 200 Millionen Views seiner Videos, Performances in mehr als 20 Ländern und Credits von musikalischen Größen völlig anderer Genres wie den Red Hot Chili Peppers und Metallica und Walk Off The Earth. Der Grund für diese Popularität: seine einzigartigen Spieltechniken, er bastelt sich seine Instrumente selber, modifiziert sie und baut sie um und kann als Solist bis zu 5 Gitarren nutzen, um 1 Stück zu spielen. Musikalisch einmalig. ALEXANDRA WHITTINGHAM Hat sieben Jahre lang klassische Gitarre, Jazzgitarre, Klavier und Komposition an der weltberühmten Chetham´s School of Music studiert, anschließend an der Royal Academy of Music in London, Abschluss mit Auszeichnung. Debütalbum im Mai 2021, es geht hoch auf Platz 1 der iTunes Classical Charts, die Klickzahlen ihrer Videos addieren sich auf mehr als 30 Millionen. Entscheidend aber: das Live-Erleben, in wenigen Jahren hat sich Alexandra quer durch Europas gespielt. THU LEInternational preisgekrönte klassische Gitarristin, in Hanoi, Vietnam, geboren, derzeit lebt sie in Bahrain im Nahen Osten. Ihr Repertoire umfasst Barock, Klassik, Romantik, Moderne und lateinamerikanische Stile sowie Kompositionen, die von lokalen Traditionen und Kulturen aus aller Welt inspiriert sind. Mit vier Jahren hat Thu Le die Liebe zur Gitarre entdeckt, mit fünf ihr erster öffentlicher Auftritt, mit sieben bestand sie die Aufnahmeprüfung für das Nationale Musikkonservatorium in Hanoi. Es folgten Meisterkurse bei weltbekannten Gitarristen wie Manuel Barrueco, Nikita Koshkin, Hubert Kaeppel und Pavel Steidle sowie Solokonzerte auf mehreren Kontinenten.LULU REINHARDT Begründer des Latin Swing Style, Gastgeber in der Nacht der Gitarren. Lulu hat das Vermächtnis seines Großonkels Django Reinhardt übernommen, seine mit Latin gewürzten Rhythmen und Melodien spielt er mit sagenhafter Virtuosität. 1961 in Koblenz geboren, entdeckt in der Plattensammlung seiner berühmten Familie den brasilianischen Gitarristen Baden Powell, wird durch seinen Vater unterrichtet und gründet mit ihm und seinem Cousin Bavo Dége die Band I Gitanos. Konzerte mit den Stars der 90er, mit TOTO, Marla Glenn, Andreas Vollenweider, dazu drei CD´s in Romnes, der Sprache der Roma. 2002 die eigene Band, 2008 wird aus ihr das ´Lulo Reinhardt Latin Swing Project´. Im Dezember 2017 geht Lulu Weg zurück, den seine Vorfahren aus der Region Sindh (Indien/Pakistan) gegangen sind: In Kalkutta nimmt er Gypsy meets India mit seinem Freund Debhashish Bhattacharya und seinem langjährigen Wegbegleiter Uli Krämer auf, mit diesem Projekt geht er auf internationale Tour. NACHT DER GITARREN ... ist eine Art Guitarmania. Jeweils vier musikalische Größen ? junge und alte, von hier und von dort, alle mit ihrem eigenen Stil - spielen Solo-Performances, Stücke im Duo, als Trio, als Quartett. In einer entspannten, aber konzentriert achtsamen Atmosphäre: Die Künstler schätzen sich, das lässt sich hören. Es ist diese Stimmung, die sich aufs Publikum überträgt: Die ?guitar positivity? ensteht, sie erfindet sich jedes Jahr an jedem Abend neu.- Shop: Konzertkasse
- Price: 33.30 EUR excl. shipping
Whiskey im Sarg (MP3-Download)
Die Jagd nach dem Schlangengold geht in die erste Runde. Um einen von drei Schlüsseln zu erhalten, infiltriert das Team McLair eine irische Beerdigung. Doch McLair wäre nicht McLair, wenn er nicht einen deutlich größeren Plan verfolgen würde. Barrueco sucht das Gespräch und Isabelle beweist erneut ihre ganz besonderen Künste der Ablenkung, während zugleich alte Feinde in Dublin ankommen, um McLair zu jagen ...- Shop: buecher
- Price: 4.99 EUR excl. shipping
Giulianimoreno-Torroba Sasseville-Quoquochi
«He has much of taste and the true meaning of music. » Irène Brisson (Infopéra, déc.2009) «Within a few seconds of the Rossiniane getting of the ground, it became abundantly clear that whoever chose the term energic wasn't kidding... no doubt that we're in presence of a guitarist who can send out lot of notes within an impressively narrow timescale...» Paul Fowles (Classical Guitar Magazine, April 2010) «...sometimes equaling the energy of a rock band - move aside Hetfield! ...Desrosby has exceed my expectations and confirmed that Canada has a new level of upcoming high quality artists.» B.Werner (Classical Guitar Canada, august 2010) «...such a high artistic level, with so much purity in interpretation and such an ability to captivate his audience.» R.Servin-Medrano (Dir. International Guitar Festival of Ixtlahuaca, Mexico) «Trought a technique completly mastered, and a sense of musicality full of a surprising depth, he interprets the Totems with intelligence and great virtuosity.» P.Sasseville-Quoquochi (Composer) «This CD is superb. It makes it possible to appreciate the blazing and all in nuance playing of the artist in a judicious choice of classical and contemporary works » Raphaël Hovington (Hebdos Québecor, july 2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jean-François Desrosby is a Canadian guitarist who is known for his colourful and energetic style, and his exceptional musicality. His career as a soloist, chamber musician, and teacher, traced the path to perform in Europe, Mexico, the United States, and Canada. As a young artist, he won numerous prizes and scholarships. Graduating with high distinction from the Conservatoire de musique de Montréal, he had the chance to work with great musicians, such as Rémi Boucher, Manuel Barrueco, Pavl Steidl, David Russell, and Aniello Desiderio. The Rossiniana no.1 op.119 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) is a fantasia, which is inspired by operatic themes of Rossini. For example, it contains themes from the operas l'Italiana in Algeri, Otello and Armida. Furthermore, it combines Rossini's melodic lines to Giuliani's instrumental virtuosity. Spanish composer Federico Moreno Torroba's (1891-1982) wrote Sonatina for the legendary Segovia. It recalls both the elegance and beauty of the Alhambra gardens and the Spanish festive spirit. Totems I and II, Pascal Sasseville-Quoquochi (1972) For American Indians, totems represent a way to get in touch with life. They symbolize the belief that the characteristics of a whole are found in all elements of living entities, whether animal, vegetable or mineral. This concept is found in the Totems, where each musical piece represents a specific totem. For example, the piece Mikisiw (Eagle) was inspired by the physical appearance of the animals, their strengths, their sanctity, and the spiritual symbol that is represented in the Atikamekw culture. These compositions give the opportunity to the listener to travel through different landscapes, shaping his mind.- Shop: odax
- Price: 20.41 EUR excl. shipping
Classical Guitarist Michael Patilla's performances have been hailed as '...introspective and immaculate' (Michael Huebner - The Birmingham News), and '...sensitive and refined, his sound beautiful and phrasing very expressive' (Alain-Michel Riou, composer - Paris, France). Prizewinner in various competitions in the United States and Europe, Michael Patilla is developing into a highly sought after concert artist. Past performances include the Volos Winter Guitar Festival in Greece, the Atelier Concert Series in Paris, the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series in Chicago, the City Stages Festival in Birmingham, the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, and the C.M. Russell Museum of Art in Great Falls, Montana. Concerto appearances include the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, the Eastman Chamber Orchestra, and the Red Mountain Chamber Orchestra. A graduate of the Eastman School of Music, where he received instruction from Nicholas Goluses, Michael Patilla has also studied with Manuel Barrueco, Julian Gray, Bruce Holzman, Paul O'Dette, Christopher Parkening and Raphaella Smits. Michael currently serves on the music faculty of the Mississippi State University and directs the guitar program for the Masterworks Festival in Winona Lake, Indiana. His debut CD entitled Septiembre, featuring works by South American guitar composers, was released in January 2005. Michael Patilla performs on an instrument built by Paul Jacobson (2002) and is on the artist roster of Marylin Gilbert Artists Management (Toronto, Canada)- Shop: odax
- Price: 26.24 EUR excl. shipping
Inquieto 20th Century Masterworks
Antoniy Kakamakov began studying the guitar at the age of ten with Milena Valtcheva, in his native country of Bulgaria. In 1997 he won first prize in the junior division of the International Classical Guitar Festival and Competition in Sinaia, Romania, and in the following year he won two first prizes in the junior divisions in the international guitar competitions in Kraiova, Romania and Assenovgrad, Bulgaria. In 1999, he was awarded full scholarship to study guitar at the Idyllwild Arts Academy, where his teachers were Terry Graves and Michael Kudirka. He received his Bachelor's degree from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music (SFCM) in 2007, under the tutelage of David Tanenbaum, and has continued his studies there as a Master's candidate. In 2007, he received second place in the SFCM Concerto Competition and was a prize-winner in the Portland Guitar Festival and Competition. In April 2008, he won first prize in the inaugural Wesley Day Solo Classical Guitar Recording Competition. In the fall of 2008 he will continue his studies at SFCM with Sergio Assad. He has played in master classes for William Kanengiser, Duo Assad, Nigel North, Manuel Barrueco, Paul Galbraith, Ana Vidovic, Antigoni Goni, Pavel Steidl, Gyan Riley, David Grimes and the Katona Twins. In the beginning of the twentieth century the music written for guitar was largely influenced by Andres Segovia. He commissioned guitarist and non-guitarist composers and then would edit the pieces to better suit the instrument, thus most of this repertoire is very similar in it's overall sound. However, twentieth-century compositions that were not supported by Segovia were, in general, superior in content and considered a liberation from the previous dependence on the works by Torroba, Ponce, Villa-lobos etc. Antonio Jose, Frank Martin, Benjamin Britten and Maurice Ohana's compositions have just recently received the recognition they deserve, partly due to the change of the climate towards deeper understanding and appreciation of intellectual music by audiences. These masterpieces demand a new technical approach and more interpretive imagination than those commissioned by Segovia. The performer immediately recognizes that the way the fingers fit under the fret board is unfamiliar to what they are used to, since the composers did not know the instrument. This program explores the international variety (Spain, Switzerland, England and France) as well as the differences in compositional form and style of the contemporary twentieth century works written for guitar. The existence of Antonio Jose's Sonata was not known until 1989 when Angelo Gilardino was informed of an unpublished manuscript by Jose that had been unplayed since 1933. Similar fate followed Frank Martin's "Quatre Pieces Breves," which were completely rejected by Segovia since the work did not fit his taste. Benjamin Britten's "Nocturnal" was problematic for the audiences at first due to it's intellectual complexity. However, it is now considered to be one of the greatest works produced for the instrument. Britten exploits many guitaristic effects - tremolo, pizzicato, open string pedals, etc. Although these techniques greatly expanded the guitarists' pallet of sound, they were not enough to execute the desired sonorities and textural complexity - as a result, new effects surfaced. All of these pieces put the performer's technique as well as his/hers interpretive imagination and abilities to a test. These masterworks also explore different compositional forms. The Antonio Jose Sonata is a four movement sonata form. Frank Martin's four brief pieces are modeled after baroque movements. Britten's "Nocturnal" is an unusual reverse variation form, where the whole basis of the piece - a John Dowland song "Come Heavy Sleep" - is not heard until the very end. Britten does this in order to resolve the intensity that has been built up throughout previous variations. Ohana's "Tiento" is his only piece for six string guitar. Knowing Yepes, Ohana went wild for the ten string guitar and wrote two large cycles for the instrument. "Si le jour parait"(1963) takes the title from Goya's Caprices "Si Amenece Vamos." The whole work's climax is in the middle movement Avril 20, which is a lament for an unnamed political prisoner, killed in the Spanish Civil War. It refers to ghostly figures under the night sky. Though these works were written within a short time span, they display a variety of styles. Jose was strongly influenced by impressionist composers such as Ravel and Debussy, which is clearly recognizable in his "Sonata para guitarra." The lack of Spanish nationalism in his music tragically had to do with his murder. Frank Martin was experimenting with 12 tone technique when he wrote "Quatre Pieces Breves," identifiable in the outer movements. The numbered sections in Britten's "Nocturnal" are non tonal, but follow the motivic content and structure of Dowland's song. Melancholy and the stages of sleep are the crux of the composition. It also explores the passive and the aggressive in every one of us in the climax - the Passacaglia, followed by the resolution - "Come Heavy Sleep." Ohana's "Tiento" as well as "Avril 20" are microtonal - he uses bending of the strings creating quarter-tone relations. De Falla had an impact on Ohana's works. This is recognizable in "Tiento," which takes and manipulates the habanera rhythm that Falla uses in his "Homehaje." This program connects to my career goals because I want to explore twentieth century and more recent music written for the guitar. These pieces are known by the guitar audience, but for the non-guitarist they may possibly be unfamiliar in sound and content. In my future recital programs I would like to dig into this repertoire and introduce it to the wider audience, thus going beyond their familiarity with the traditional sound of the works commissioned by Segovia.- Shop: odax
- Price: 28.91 EUR excl. shipping
Two Worlds
Pedro Angel was born in Venezuela in 1965. Señor Angel began his music studies at the Juan Jose Landaeta Conservatory in Caracas when he was only eight years old. He started studying guitar at age twelve with Rafael Suarez, graduating with honors from the Miguel Angel Espinel Music Academy in San Cristobal, Venezuela. The famous Master Alirio Diaz was President of the jury. Mr. Angel has taken master classes with Alirio Diaz, Rodrigo Riera, Ruben Riera, Luis Zea and Carlos Bonell in Venezuela and with Leo Brouwer, Manuel Barrueco, and David Russell abroad. He has received many awards including both Second Prize and Prize for the best interpretation of Antonio Lauro's music in the Antonio Lauro Competition held in Valencia, Venezuela in 1987. He received Third Prize in the 1991 International Guitar Competition in Alessandria, Italy. Mr. Angel has had recitals and concerts with many orchestras in Venezuela as well as in other American countries including USA, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Puerto Rico. He has also played throughout Europe, including Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, France and the Netherlands. In December?2006, he debuted of his 6th CD recording: Musica de las Americas (Music of the Americs). Critics Pedro angel plays classical Venezuelan guitar to a level of virtuosity that will leave you wondering if his surname is descriptive. Angel's rich melodic lines possess an otherwordly quality that navigates both the depths of tragedy and the heights of ecstasy with not a word needing to be spoken. EDITOR'S REVIEW DOWLOAD.COM Brilliantly masterful Pedro angel's fingers masterfully caress the guitar to produce an astounding array of sharp expressive tones and warm rich melodies. I was absolutely amazed with his briliant use of the guitar's harmonics and his ability to weave and build such powerful and complex rhythm and melody structures. It leads one to believe this may be what the angel peter (pedro) plays at the pearly gates. Magnýfico! ALBERT DOMINGUEZ MUSICAL WEB MASTER BERLIN Pedro Angel is now one of the young masters of the guitar...Thanks to his natural musicality and to his instinct of virtuoso, Pedro has been able to reach a great dominion of the instrumental technical ability, placed at the service of the highest ideas of the past and present music, for which, I find myself full of the most intense satisfaction. ALIRIO DIAZ INTERNATIONAL GUITAR MASTER.- Shop: odax
- Price: 27.18 EUR excl. shipping
Diane Severson received the degree of Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance (magna cum laude) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She furthered her studies in Germany with a specialization in early music from the Hochschule für Künste/the Academy for Early Music in Bremen. She remained in Europe, living mostly in Germany but also London and (most recently) Paris. Diane has worked as a soloist and member of various ensembles (vocal ensembles as well as with instrumentalists), including the world reknowned ensemble for medieval music Sequentia (CD - O Jerusalem, BMI 1997), her own vocal ensemble Elysium (CD - Auvergne Chants, Decca Records 2000) and Voices Found, Philadelphia (CD - Magdalene and the other Mary, Church Publishing 2006). Her repertoire ranges from medieval music through the baroque era to music composed especially for her. As a teacher of singing, she employs the method of Functional Voice Training based on the theories of Cornelius Reid (New York City). She has worked in conjuction with several voice and speech therapists. Meinhard Gerlach studied music (guitar and piano) at the Musikhochschule in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. After his studies he attended master classes with Manuel Barrueco. Later he studied renaissance and baroque lute with Sigrun Richter aat Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium in Frankfurt. He deepened his understanding of historically informed performance of guitar and lute music in master classes with Toyohiko Satoh, Hopkinson Smith and others. Meinhard Gerlach performs as a soloist and in chamber ensembles with guitar and lutes and is director of the guitar department at the city music school in Aschafenburg, Germany, where he lives with his wife and 2 children.- Shop: odax
- Price: 19.88 EUR excl. shipping
Klassische Gitarre 2
With his 2 CD album 'Klassische Gitarre 2' (2013) the German guitarist Arne Willems presents works from the renaissance up to the 20th century. Disc 1 - classical music for guitar. Works by J. Dowland S. L. Weiss,M. M. Ponce, A. Barrios, and C. Franck This recording is a leading example of the art of guitar playing in the 21st century. Arne Willems´s playing is effortless and always dedicated to the music. His interpretations are based on his studies in music at the prestigious Musikhochschule Cologne and Dusseldorf in Germany. Because of that this recording definitely has a high cultural value. CD1 contains one beautiful duo piece, featuring guitarist Chih-Hsien Tseng from Taiwan. Disc 2: guitar and vocals. The British composer and lutenist John Dowland (1591-1641) wrote the most famouse songs of his time. Three of his songs are a special addition to this fine two CD set. The music by Dowland was not written for the guitar originally. It was necessary to transpose the lute tabulature to the classical guitar. Arne Willems primarily focused on music but also transposed the pieces as close as possible to the original. To maintain a sound that is similar to the lute sound he used strings, that have a higher tension and can bring a brighter sound to the beautiful pieces. Guitar: Antonio Marin - build in 1983, Madrid / Spain. Soprano: Johanna Mühlinghaus from Cologne / Germany. She sings with a wide range of colors and emotions that fit perfectly to the unique kind of sadness in renaissance compositions. About Arne Willems: Arne Willems, born in 1980, recieved his first guitar lessons at the age of seven. 1996 he had won the first price in a popular youth competition. From 2001 to 2005 he studied at Musikhochschule Cologne and graduated with highest marks. 2006 to 2009 he did his Master degree at Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf with the international known guitarist Prof. Alexander Sergei Ramirez. 2008 he won the first price at the Yehudi Menuhin competition in Düsseldorf (Germany). 2010-2011 he studied with the Canadian guitarist Prof. Dale Kavanagh (Canada) Concerts brought him to the USA, Asia and Brasil. Annual he performs in masterclasses around the globe. There he studies the art of interpretation with names like Sergio Assad, Roberto Aussel, Manuel Barrueco, Carlo Domeniconi, Zoran Dukic, Eliot Fisk, Dale Kavanagh, Carlo Marchione, Fabio Zanon, Marcin Dylla, Konrad Ragossnig, Angel & Pepe Romero, Hubert Käppel and David Russell. Arne Willems is highly dedicated to the art of teaching in music schools of North Rhine-Westphalia, where he lives. More CD´s from 'Willems-Music': 2010 'Klassische Gitarre', (1 CD) 2013 'Klassische Gitarre 2' (2 CD-Box)- Shop: odax
- Price: 34.85 EUR excl. shipping
Sketches of Latin America
David Solis Olson, guitar A finalist and semi-finalist in several international guitar competitions, most notably, the 2002 Music Teachers National Association Solo Competition and the 1994 National Solo Competition of the American String Teachers Association in Cincinnati, Ohio, David Solis Olson is considered to be among the finest classical guitarists of his generation. Mr. Olson has appeared as solo and chamber recitalist in concerts and festivals throughout the United States and in Canada, France and Germany. He has performed at Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York City and in Eastman Theater in Rochester, New York. Mr. Olson began guitar study at age twelve and has been the recipient of numerous scholarships and accolades. These include: the Performer's Certificate and the George Eastman Merit Scholarship from the Eastman School of Music, and the John G. Welch Scholarship for demonstration of "unusual talent and self-discipline" and the Chancellor's Award of Excellence from the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem. Mr. Olson has performed in masterclasses for such classical guitar luminaries as Roland Dyens, Angel Romero, Manuel Barrueco and David Russell and his primary teachers include Nicholas Goluses, Ricardo Cobo and James Ryan. As an advocate for innovative and diverse solo and ensemble programming for the classical guitar, Mr. Olson's recitals feature repertoire ranging in style and character from Bach lute works to Argentinean tangos. Past recitals have included Lou Harrison's "Serenade" for guitar and percussion and Mr. Olson's own transcriptions of Chick Corea's, "Children's Songs," for solo piano. Mr. Olson has opened for rock guitarist Steve Vai. In March of 2008, Mr. Olson was awarded the degree Doctor of Musical Arts in Guitar Performance and Literature from the Eastman School of Music where he held a graduate fellowship. Mr. Olson currently resides in the Charlotte, North Carolina area where he is a freelance guitar instructor and performer.- Shop: odax
- Price: 22.95 EUR excl. shipping