9 Results for : sensate

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    Larkspur (Sensate Nine Moon Saga - Book 1) ab 3.49 € als epub eBook: . Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Belletristik, Erzählungen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 3.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ryeth (Sensate Nine Moon Saga - Book 2) ab 3.49 € als epub eBook: . Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Belletristik, Erzählungen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 3.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Come professionista nel campo della gestione delle risorse umane, questo libro sarà utile agli studenti di gestione delle risorse umane e a coloro il cui lavoro è sedentario. Questo libro, dall'inizio alla fine, mira a tagliare la confusione e dare ai lettori informazioni chiare, sensate e affidabili da fonti affidabili. Fondamentalmente, la maggior parte del lavoro svolto al giorno d'oggi negli uffici sono per lo più modelli sedentari, quindi questo libro aiuterebbe i lavoratori sedentari a capire quanto possa essere pericoloso il lavoro sedentario per la salute e come prevenire tali sfide sanitarie. Non è solo per i lavoratori, ma per coloro che hanno uno stile di vita sedentario. I lettori e i ricercatori troverebbero quest'opera un compagno prezioso da cui non stare mai lontani. L'opera è altamente raccomandata ad ogni studente, ricercatore e lavoratore che desideri buona salute e longevità. Gogo Lawson Hayford .
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 34.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mehr als ein Drittel aller Frauen kennt aus eigener Erfahrung Schwierigkeiten mit der sexuellen Erregung oder dem Orgasmus, leidet unter fehlendem sexuellen Verlangen oder hat Schmerzen beim Sex. Der Band liefert eine aktuelle Beschreibung sexueller Funktionsstörungen bei Frauen und stellt die psychotherapeutische Behandlung praxisorientiert dar. Zunächst werden die wesentlichen Störungsbilder beschrieben und Hinweise zur Abgrenzung sexueller Funktionsstörungen von nicht klinischen sexuellen Problemen sowie sexuellen Schwierigkeiten im Rahmen anderer Störungen gegeben. Validierte Verfahren zur Diagnostik sexueller Störungen sowie zur Verlaufskontrolle während der Behandlung werden dargestellt. Weiterhin wird auf Faktoren eingegangen, die häufig mit sexuellen Problemen einhergehen bzw. die Entstehung von Störungen begünstigen. Praxisnah werden therapeutische Interventionen vorgestellt, die - mit entsprechenden Modifikationen - bei allen sexuellen Funktionsstörungen bei Frauen eingesetzt werden können. Neben der Sexual- und Psychoedukation sowie sexualtherapeutischen Partnerübungen (Sensate Focus), werden körperbezogene Selbsterfahrungsübungen, kognitive Interventionen und Achtsamkeitsinterventionen vorgestellt. Zu den störungsspezifischen Interventionen gehören auch expositionsbasierte Ansätze, die sich bei der Behandlung sexueller Schmerzstörungen als wirksam erwiesen haben. Schließlich werden Hinweise für den Umgang mit Schwierigkeiten, die im Behandlungsverlauf auftreten können, gegeben. Ein ausführliches Fallbeispiel stellt den Ablauf des vorgestellten therapeutischen Vorgehens exemplarisch dar.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 20.60 EUR excl. shipping
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    Pacing Dakota is a collection of essays reflecting on the history and culture of the Great Plains of North America. The author, with more than 40 years as a working historian and regional author, transitions from the close confines of historical archives into the prairie landscapes of the northern plains. Pacing Dakota speaks with the mingled voices of scholarly historian, outdoor sportsman, culinary enthusiast, lifelong Lutheran, and prairie farm boy. The author prowls prairie churches, finds forgotten artifacts, and gathers cherished stories from Williston to Wahpeton and points beyond. He situates his encounters along the way into the canon of literary and historical writing on the prairies. In the end, he speaks for a generation committed to making a good life in this place. Awards2019 Independent Publishers Book Award Gold Medal Winner in Midwest - best regional nonfiction. 2019 Independent Press Award Winner in Western nonfiction. Praise for Pacing Dakota: "With these colorful and insightful stories from the northern plains, Thomas D. Isern proves again he deserves consideration with Wallace Stegner, Kathleen Norris, Hamlin Garland, and Willa Cather as one of our foremost celebrators of a sense of place. Having devoted more than four decades to his regional project, he brings together observations on everything from windmills, signs, pit silos, and lutefisk suppers to sod and rammed-earth houses, cast-iron grave markers, roads, and blizzard narratives. Readers will be the richer for it." (John E. Miller, author of numerous books on the Midwest and Great Plains, including, most recently, Democracy and the Informed Citizen: A South Dakota Perspective)"Pacing Dakota is the work of a consummate regional historian and firmly-rooted plainsman. The work is sensate, literate, socially rooted, and thoughtfully situated. It is a book to savor for the tastes an ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Thomas D. Isern. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/170657/bk_acx0_170657_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    What is a man to do after the tragic ending of his loving marriage and a nasty divorce? How does he rediscover the essence that makes him a man after years of being forced to attend ballets, eat vegan food, and participate in intimacy seminars? There is only one way: drink, play, f@#k. In Drink, Play, F@#k, Bob Sullivan*, a jilted husband, sets off to explore the world, experience a meaningful connection with the divine, and rediscover his passion. His travels lead him from his home in New York City, on a drinking bender across Ireland, through the glitz and glamour that is Las Vegas, and to the hedonistic pleasure palaces of Thailand. After a lifetime of playing it safe, Mr. Sullivan finally follows his heart and lives out everyone's deepest fantasies. For who among us hasn't dreamed of standing stark naked, head upturned and mouth agape beneath a cascading torrent of Guinness Stout? What could be more exhilarating than losing every penny you have because Charlie Weiss went for a meaningless last second field goal? And what sensate creature could ever doubt that the greatest pleasure known to man can be found in a leaky bamboo shack filled with glassy-eyed, bruised Asian hookers? Bob Sullivan has a lot to teach us about life. Let's just pray we have the wisdom to put aside our preconceptions and listen. Because what Bob Sullivan finds isn't at all what he expected. Mr. Sullivan's mythic journey is lovingly transcribed by Andrew Gottlieb.* Bob Sullivan is a pseudonym. Drink, Play, F@#k is a work of fiction and is in no way connected to any books currently on numerous best-seller lists. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dick Hill. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/brll/001557/bk_brll_001557_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Have you ever been to a couples' therapy session or ever thought of giving it a try? Do you think that your mental and physical health is affected by the status of your relationship?Couples therapy isn’t just for failing relationships.Even if you trust your partner to be faithful, loving, and committed, you can still benefit from a trust tune-up.Even if you appreciate your partner and they appreciate you, you can still benefit from reconnecting every now and then.Even if you don’t think you need couples therapy, you can benefit from everything it has to teach you, from staying strong when times get tough to savoring the joyful moments together.Relationships need to be nurtured, and couples therapy can help you figure out what your unique relationship needs to thrive.Maybe you’ve thought about therapy for couples in the past, but you didn’t think it would work for you. Maybe you didn’t want to share your troubles with a total stranger.In order to further strengthen your relationship and prevent any divorce or breakup from occurring, there is no "best" behavior that partners can adopt, because each couple likely has their own unique way of bonding. For certain couples, this might involve playing a sport together, enjoying board games, or practicing the guitar. For some, when gazing up at the night sky or lying in bed at night, it could be a long talk that deepens their understanding of one another.Inside this book, you will learn about:What works in couples therapyA look into integrative behavioral and emotionally focused couples therapyExercises to build and enhance intimacy, appreciation, and understandingSex therapy with a sensate focusImago therapyPartner yoga practices that can strengthen the romantic bondMyths about couples therapyMindfulness as a tool to strengthen the relationshipHow to effectively communicate ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Roland Ocon Second. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/238736/bk_acx0_238736_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Larkspur (Sensate Nine Moon Saga - Book 1): ab 3.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 3.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ryeth (Sensate Nine Moon Saga - Book 2): ab 3.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 3.99 EUR excl. shipping

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