78 Results for : backend
ABAP RESTful Programming Model
You've worked with ABAP, SAP Fiori, and OData-now see how these technologies and more come together in the ABAP RESTful programming model! Build on your expertise to create cloud-ready applications for SAP S/4HANA and deploy applications to the SAP Fiori launchpad. Manage applications with Git version control, automated testing, and continuous integration. Make the new model work for you! Based on the best-selling book, ABAP Programming Model for SAP Fiori by Stefan Haas and Bince Mathew.1) ABAP RESTful programming model2) End-to-end development3) SAP S/4HANA4) SAP Fiori Elements5) Business objects6) Deployment7) Core data services (CDS)8) OData services9) Automated testing10) Continuous integration11) SAP Cloud Platforma. ABAP RESTful Programming ModelDevelop web-based SAP HANA-optimized ABAP applications for SAP S/4HANA. Master the new ABAP RESTful programming model, from queries, business objects, and business services, to its relationship to SAP Fiori and SAP Gateway. b. SAP Fiori Elements and Freestyle ApplicationsGet the step-by-step instructions you need to create list reports, overview pages, analytical list pages, and freestyle applications. See how the ABAP RESTful programming model incorporates core data services, business object behaviors, OData, and more.c. Deployment and OperationsOnce your applications are developed, deploy them to the SAP Fiori launchpad. Implement Git version control, automated backend and frontend testing, and continuous integration.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 63.99 EUR excl. shipping
ABAP Development for SAP HANA
This step-by-step developer's guide has everything you need to build SAP HANA-optimized ABAP applications. Explore the environment and tools you'll be using and master development techniques that govern the code-to-data paradigm in SAP HANA. Then jump into backend programming using ABAP Database Connectivity, SQLScript, ABAP managed database procedures, core data services, and more. Once you've coded your apps, maintain them with runtime statistics, traces, and code analysis. Build it your way!a. Getting Started Begin by exploring the SAP HANA architecture, the development environment, and the code-to-data paradigm. Create applications in the database layer and code as efficiently in SAP HANA as possible.b. Creating Database Procedures Create, execute, and manage SAP HANA database procedures using SQLScript, ABAP Managed Database Procedures, and ABAP Database Connectivity. c. ModelingUse calculation views and core data services to model SAP HANA data and add business logic to applications with decision tables and the SAP HANA Rules Framework. d. Optimizing ApplicationsUse runtime statistics, ABAP and SQL traces, ABAP code analysis, and system-wide analysis tools to make sure your ABAP applications are performing efficiently.1) SAP HANA2) ABAP database connectivity (ADBC)3) ABAP managed database procedures (AMDP)4) SQL and SQLScript5) Data modeling6) Decision tables7) Core data services (CDS)8) Open SQL9) Business object processing framework (BOPF)10) ABAP test cockpit11) ABAP on SAP Cloud Platform- Shop: buecher
- Price: 69.99 EUR excl. shipping
Angie der Anfängerengel
Angie der Anfängerengel hat vor Weihnachten besonders viel zu tun. Plätzchen backend wirbelt sie auf ihrer Wolke umher. Gerade freut sie sich, dass sie Schneeflockenplätzchen erfunden hat, als sich eines der Plätzchen in eine echte Schneeflocke verwandelt. Allerdings hat das kleine Flöckchen Flugangst und möchte nicht zur Erde hinunterfliegen. Angie muss sich etwas einfallen lassen. Zum Glück ist sie ein echter Anfängerengel.Unter Angie´s Wolke preist währenddessen Theo seine Leckereien an. Was er nicht weiß ist, dass es sich die spanische Ratte Ramon in einer seiner Obstkisten gemütlich gemacht hat. Ramon ist in Spanien darin eingeschlafen und erst in Deutschland wieder aufgewacht. Dass er nun hier ist, gefällt ihm überhaupt nicht, denn er hasst Schnee und Weihnachten. Ob es Angie gelingt Flöckchen zu helfen zur Erde zu fliegen? Und ob Ramon doch noch den Schnee und Weihnachten lieben lernt? Und was haben eine spanische Ratte und ein Schneeflöckchen wohl gemeinsam? Ein zauberhaftes Hörbuch zum Lauschen und Mitsingen. Mit den bekannten Weihnachtsliedern: Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen,Morgen Kinder wird´s was geben,Leise rieselt der Schnee,O Tannenbaum.Gelesen und gesungen von den Schauspielerinnen Sonia Fontana und Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr (Lindenstrasse) An der Gitarre begleitet von Adrian Horn.In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 2.95 EUR excl. shipping
Blockchain-Technologie für Unternehmensprozesse
Blockchain-Technologie jenseits von Krypto-Währungen: Entdecken Sie die vielfältigen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten für Ihr UnternehmenIn diesem praxisorientierten Fachbuch werden die Grundlagen zum Thema Blockchain-Technologie vorgestellt und der Leser erfährt, wo und wie er diese Technologie sinnvoll in Unternehmensprozessen anwenden kann. Es werden zunächst die allgemeinen Merkmale der Blockchain-Technologie beschrieben; anschließend wird über verschiedene Schritte der eigentliche Use Case entwickelt und vorgestellt. Dazu gehört eine Stakeholderanalyse sowie die Überprüfung des angedachten Falles mittels des sogenannten Blockchain-Decision-Path. Zudem werden die Kernkonzepte sowie die Rollen, die gemäß der Technologie zu besetzen sind, vorgestellt. Aus dem Inhalt Einsatz der Blockchain-Technik und agiles ArbeitenBlockchain-Arten, Protokolle und KonsensmodelleMethoden der Prozessanalyse: Entscheidungspfad und NutzwertanalyseEntwicklung eines individualisierten Blockchain-ModellsZukunftsanalysen zur Blockchain-Technologie Erhalten Sie einen Überblick über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Technik und Status Quo der Blockchain-TechnologieDieses Fachbuch ist sowohl für Manager, Geschäftsführer, Developer, Strategen und Unternehmensberater als auch für Studierende geeignet und bietet viele Übungen und Beispiele.Mit Hilfe dieser Lektüre wird es dem Leser möglich sein, seine eigenen, für ihn notwendigen Schritte zu unternehmen, den geeigneten Unternehmensprozess herauszufiltern sowie die Roadmap für einen ersten Prototyp zu erstellen. Für die Erstellung eines Prototyps wird über User Experience und Frontend-Lösungen genauso nachzudenken sein wie über die Architektur der Backend-Blockchain-Lösung. Die Autorin erläutert dies anhand von Praxisbeispielen, um auch Nicht-Developern den Zugang zu diesen Kenntnissen zu ermöglichen. Für die zweite Auflage wurde das Buch überarbeitet und um neue Abschnitte ergänzt: Aktualisierung der Konsensmodelle, Erweiterung der einzusetzenden Tools um den Morphologischen Kasten und Non-Fungible-Token (NFT).- Shop: buecher
- Price: 51.39 EUR excl. shipping
Build Talking Apps
Voice recognition is here at last. Alexa and other voice assistants have now become widespread and mainstream. Is your app ready for voice interaction? Learn how to develop your own voice applications for Amazon Alexa. Start with techniques for building conversational user interfaces and dialog management. Integrate with existing applications and visual interfaces to complement voice-first applications. The future of human-computer interaction is voice, and we'll help you get ready for it. For decades, voice-enabled computers have only existed in the realm of science fiction. But now the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) lets you develop your own voice-first applications. Leverage ASK to create engaging and natural user interfaces for your applications, enabling them to listen to users and talk back. You'll see how to use voice and sound as first-class components of user-interface design. We'll start with the essentials of building Alexa voice applications, called skills, including useful tools for creating, testing, and deploying your skills. From there, you can define parameters and dialogs that will prompt users for input in a natural, conversational style. Integrate your Alexa skills with Amazon services and other backend services to create a custom user experience. Discover how to tailor Alexa's voice and language to create more engaging responses and speak in the user's own language. Complement the voice-first experience with visual interfaces for users on screen-based devices. Add options for users to buy upgrades or other products from your application. Once all the pieces are in place, learn how to publish your Alexa skill for everyone to use. Create the future of user interfaces using the Alexa Skills Kit today. What You Need: You will need a computer capable of running the latest version of Node.js, a Git client, and internet access.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 38.99 EUR excl. shipping
The TYPO3 Guidebook (eBook, PDF)
Learn how to make the most of TYPO3 - the enterprise CMS - to organize information and digital assets, and communicate globally with powerful multi-site and multilingual support. This book will show you how the TYPO3 CMS backend and frontend work from top to bottom. Content management is a core aspect of every company's communications, whether intranets and internal digital asset repositories or public-facing product pages and online communities. The book starts with four chapters covering how TYPO3 works, giving you a high-level overview of the most important aspects you should know about, including its community and professional ecosystem. If you've never seen TYPO3 before, you'll learn how to make the most of it and what makes TYPO3 different from other content management systems you may have used before. You'll then move on to 10 hands-on guides. These step-by-step tutorials show you how to work with TYPO3 CMS. Each guide is self-contained, introducing a scenario, and showing you how to solve a given problem. The guides include references to documentation, examples, code samples, and everything you need to get the job done. The TYPO3 Guidebook will help you learn how to put your creative ideas online with TYPO3. What You'll Learn Scope, plan, design, and build efficient websites and web applications with TYPO3Determine how TYPO3 can work best for you and how to avoid complicationsImplement a project from idea to launchManage client expectations and complete TYPO3 projects on time and within budgetUnderstand TYPO3 terminology in practical termsCreate TYPO3 projects using best practices and configure them efficientlyBuild integrations and features using TYPO3 Core APIs Who This Book is For Decision makers, project managers, consultants and developers- Shop: buecher
- Price: 30.95 EUR excl. shipping
Moderne Webanwendungen für .NET-Entwickler: Server-Anwendungen, Web APIs, SPAs & HTML-Cross-Platform-Anwendungen mit ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, JavaScript, TypeScript & Angular
Auch in der .NET-Welt werden immer mehr Web- und Cross-Plattformanwendungen mit HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript und SPA-Frameworks clientseitig programmiert, während auf dem Server ASP.NET oder ASP.NET Core zum Einsatz kommt. Das erfahrene www.IT-Visions.de-Expertenteam um Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg zeigt, wie Sie mit diesem Technikmix moderne Single-Page-Webanwendungen und mobile Cross-Platform-Apps realisieren. Es liefert Praxiswissen für Entwickler, die bislang Windows-Desktop-Anwendungen entwickelt haben oder nur mit älteren ASP.NET-Konzepten (Webforms) vertraut sind. Das Buch deckt ein umfassendes Themenspektrum ab:Web-Basiswissen: HTML und CSS, das Framework Bootstrap, das von CSS abstrahiert und von Microsoft in den Projektvorlagen für ASP.NET und ASP.NET Core eingesetzt wird.Webserverprogrammierung mit ASP.NET: das klassische Framework ASP.NET Model-View-Controller (MVC) und das klassische Web API ASP.NET sowie ASP.NET SignalR, die auf dem .NET Framework 4.x und nur auf Windows-Systemen laufen.Webserverprogrammierung mit ASP.NET Core: das neue ASP.NET Core inklusive WebAPI und SignalR Core, das auf dem Windows-basierten .NET »Full« Framework 4.x oder dem plattformneutralen .NET Core läuft. Inklusive einer Fallstudie zu Microservices mit ASP.NET Core Web API und RabbitMQ.Web-Client-Programmierung: Einführungen in die Programmiersprachen JavaScript und TypeScript und die Single-Page-Web-Frameworks Angular und React sowie ASP.NET Blazor, das auf C# aufbauende SPA-Framework.Hosting von ASP.NET und ASP.NET Core: Self-Hosting sowie Hosting in den Internet Information Services (IIS), in Docker-Containern und über den Microsoft-Cloud-Dienst Azure.Das Fallbeispiel MiracleList: komplettes Fallbeispiel einer modernen Webanwendung, bestehend aus einem Backend (C# mit ASP.NET Core), einem Web-Frontend (TypeScript mit Angular) sowie Cross-Platform-Apps für Linux, macOS, Windows, Android und iOS (mithilfe von Electron und Cordova aus dem Web-Frontend erzeugt).Bonuskapitel: Sie erhalten zusätzlich drei Kapitel zu React, Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) / Katana und ASP.NET Sicherheit als kostenloses PDF zum Herunterladen.Codebeispiele: Für jedes Kapitel stehen die relevanten Codebeispiele als kostenloser Download auf der Webseite zum Buch auf oreilly.de oder unter www.IT-Visions.de/MWA bereit.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 51.30 EUR excl. shipping
PostGIS in Action, Third Edition (eBook, ePUB)
PostGIS in Action, Third Edition shows you how to solve real-world geodata problems. You'll go beyond basic mapping, and explore custom functions for your applications. Summary In PostGIS in Action, Third Edition you will learn: An introduction to spatial databases Geometry, geography, raster, and topology spatial types, functions, and queries Applying PostGIS to real-world problems Extending PostGIS to web and desktop applications Querying data from external sources using PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrappers Optimizing queries for maximum speed Simplifying geometries for greater efficiency PostGIS in Action, Third Edition teaches readers of all levels to write spatial queries for PostgreSQL. You'll start by exploring vector-, raster-, and topology-based GIS before quickly progressing to analyzing, viewing, and mapping data. This fully updated third edition covers key changes in PostGIS 3.1 and PostgreSQL 13, including parallelization support, partitioned tables, and new JSON functions that help in creating web mapping applications. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL. It offers the features and firepower you need to take on nearly any geodata task. PostGIS lets you create location-aware queries with a few lines of SQL code, then build the backend for mapping, raster analysis, or routing application with minimal effort. About the book PostGIS in Action, Third Edition shows you how to solve real-world geodata problems. You'll go beyond basic mapping, and explore custom functions for your applications. Inside this fully updated edition, you'll find coverage of new PostGIS features such as PostGIS Window functions, parallelization of queries, and outputting data for applications using JSON and Vector Tile functions. What's inside Fully revised for PostGIS version 3.1 and PostgreSQL 13 Optimize queries for maximum speed Simplify geometries for greater efficiency Extend PostGIS to web and desktop applications About the reader For readers familiar with relational databases and basic SQL. No prior geodata or GIS experience required. About the author Regina Obe and Leo Hsu are database consultants and authors. Regina is a member of the PostGIS core development team and the Project Steering Committee. Table of Contents PART 1 INTRODUCTION TO POSTGIS 1 What is a spatial database? 2 Spatial data types 3 Spatial reference systems 4 Working with real data 5 Using PostGIS on the desktop 6 Geometry and geography functions 7 Raster functions 8 Spatial relationships PART 2 PUTTING POSTGIS TO WORK 9 Proximity analysis 10 PostGIS TIGER geocoder 11 Geometry and geography processing 12 Raster processing 13 Building and using topologies 14 Organizing spatial data 15 Query performance tuning PART 3 USING POSTGIS WITH OTHER TOOLS 16 Extending PostGIS with pgRouting and procedural languages 17 Using PostGIS in web applications- Shop: buecher
- Price: 42.40 EUR excl. shipping
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Complete Study Guide (eBook, PDF)
This OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Complete Study Guide was published before Oracle announced major changes to its OCP certification program and the release of the new Developer 1Z0-819 exam. No matter the changes, rest assured this Study Guide covers everything you need to prepare for and take the exam. NOTE: The OCP Java SE 11 Programmer I Exam 1Z0-815 and Programmer II Exam 1Z0-816 have been retired (as of October 1, 2020), and Oracle has released a new Developer Exam 1Z0-819 to replace the previous exams. The Upgrade Exam 1Z0-817 remains the same. This is the most comprehensive prep guide available for the OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer certification--it covers Exam 1Z0-819 and the Upgrade Exam 1Z0-817 (as well as the retired Programmer I Exam 1Z0-815 and Programmer II Exam 1Z0-816)! Java is widely-used for backend cloud applications, Software as a Service applications (SAAS), and is the principal language used to develop Android applications. This object-oriented programming language is designed to run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Oracle Java Programmer certification is highly valued by employers throughout the technology industry. The OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Complete Study Guide in an indispensable resource for anyone preparing for the certification exam. This fully up-to-date guide covers 100% of exam objectives for Exam 1Z0-819 and Upgrade Exam 1Z0-817 (in addition to the previous Exam 1Z0-815 and Exam 1Z0-816). In-depth chapters present clear, comprehensive coverage of the functional-programming knowledge necessary to succeed. Each chapter clarifies complex material while reinforcing your understanding of vital exam topics. Also included is access to Sybex's superior online interactive learning environment and test bank that includes self-assessment tests, chapter tests, bonus practice exam questions, electronic flashcards, and a searchable glossary of important terms. The ultimate study aid for the challenging OCP exams, this popular guide: * Helps you master the changes in depth, difficultly, and new module topics of the latest OCP exams * Covers all exam objectives such as Java arrays, primitive data types, string APIs, objects and classes, operators and decision constructs, and applying encapsulation * Allows developers to catch up on all of the newest Java material like lambda expressions, streams, concurrency, annotations, generics, and modules * Provides practical methods for building Java applications, handling exceptions, programming through interfaces, secure coding in Java SE, and more * Enables you to gain the information, understanding, and practice you need to pass the OCP exams The OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Complete Study Guide is a must-have book for certification candidates needing to pass these challenging exams, as well as junior- to senior-level developers who use Java as their primary programming language.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 52.99 EUR excl. shipping
How to Increase Profits on the Backend
How to Increase Profits on the Backend: ab 2.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping